20 Marvel Characters Who Could Beat Black Adam In A Fight (2024)


  • In a battle between Black Adam and these Marvel characters, who would win and why?
  • Captain Marvel is a fitting opponent for Black Adam, as they both have similar power levels. However, Carol Danvers' relentless drive and determination give her the edge over Black Adam, making her a more formidable opponent.
  • While Black Adam may have the advantage in physical strength, Doctor Strange's magical abilities would likely neutralize his powers, giving Strange the upper hand in this match.

There is no denying the power of Black Adam as a magical champion and top villain in the DC Universe, whose strength and resilience have proven he can stand against comics' heaviest hitters and still prevail in the end. But how would he do against Marvel's best?

Black Adam has shown himself to be insanely powerful through his comic history, taking on Shazam, Superman, the combined strength of the Justice League, and any other foe who has stood against him. But where DC's strongest have often struggled, is it possible that Marvel's greatest fighters could not only pose a challenge, but actually beat him in a fight? Only time will tell if a future Marvel vs DC comic crossover can make these showdowns a reality, but these are the Marvel warriors who can actually fight Black Adam, and win.

20 Apocalypse

Mutant Strength & Healing

Apocalypse and Black Adam have many similar powers and strength levels, but when it comes down to an all-out brawl, Apocalypse is far superior. Many of Apocalypse's powers are far stronger than Black Adam's, and all come naturally rather than being granted by a pantheon of gods.

Not only that, but Apocalypse's healing factor is far superior, and given that Black Adam's lightning is easily countered by Apocalypse's ability to absorb energy, it's easy to see why Apocalypse pulls out the win in the end.


Superman vs Black Adam Was Settled With One Throwaway Line

A small moment in Justice League just confirmed that when it comes to Superman vs Black Adam, one is unquestionably more powerful.

19 Storm

Weather Him Down

Storm has proven repeatedly that she's as powerful as any Marvel character. Thor acknowledges her as his equal, dubbing her the "goddess of the storm," and she constantly demonstrates all the virtues mutantkind needs in a leader, those her mentors Xavier and Magneto lack.

Storm would call upon the forces of nature to put down Black Adam. This battle wouldn't be easy; in fact, it would be a war of attrition. However, in the end, the outcome would be a reminder that, despite his strength and fortitude, Black Adam is one individual, and can only stand against nature for so long.

18 Iron Man

Outsmart Him

Black Adam would certainly rank among Iron Man's most impressive head-to-head victories, were the two to square off. Black Adam's brute strength might give him a surface-level advantage over his opponent โ€“ until Iron Man's intellect, and natural resourcefulness, leveled the playing field, ultimately tipping it in Tony Stark's favor.

More than just intelligence, Tony often displays an intuitive sense of how to exploit his opponents' weaknesses. Black Adam's brash, straightforward style of attack would be turned to Iron Man's advantage, as the Avenger's quick-thinking allowed him to devise a trap, or a novel use of his tech, to take out Black Adam.

17 Sentry

Blast Him To Nothing

Given that Sentry is often described as having the power of a million exploding suns, it's easy to see why he handily destroys Black Adam. Being one of the most overpowered superheroes of all time, Sentry has more than enough power to defeat Black Adam in seconds.

His powers are pretty much limitless and have been described as godlike. While Black Adam also has godlike power, his powers have their limits. Sentry's does not. While Sentry's powers rely on his mental state, he has more than enough power to not only vaporize Black Adam in an instant but perhaps even the world itself.

16 Wonder Man

Fight Smarter, Not Harder

Wonder Man has faced down many powerful villains in the comics, but Black Adam would be a true test of his abilities. However, Wonder Man still holds the edge. While they can be equal power levels, Wonder Man's healing factor and unlimited stamina keep him on pace with Black Adam.

Combined with his strength, which has been stated could be on the same level as the Sentry, this is enough for Wonder Man to claim victory. Even if Black Adam somehow disrupts Wonder Man's ionic signature to break him apart, he has demonstrated before that he can reform himself without assistance. The fight would be long and hard, but in the end, it's Wonder Man that takes the win here.

15 Thanos

Beat Him At His Own Game

Thanos is often billed as the ultimate villain in Marvel, and he certainly has the power to conquer the entire galaxy if he wanted to. As such, Black Adam poses no threat to the Mad Titan. Thanos is strong enough to lift the massive Galactus Engine with no effort, subdue the mighty Beta Ray Bill, and tank blows from a Power Stone-wielding Thor.

Even more impressive is that he's survived point-blank blasts from not only Odin, but Galactus himself. His energy blasts are also strong enough to knock Galactus off his feet from even a glancing blow, and this is all without possessing the Infinity Stones. Black Adam stands no chance, even with his godlike strength.

Thanos and Black Adam would be one of the most brutal match-ups of any considered here. The Mad Titan is relentless, and Black Adam would test every ounce of strength he has. A future Marvel/DC crossover could build its entire storyline around a battle between these two heavyweights.

14 Squirrel Girl

She's Unbeatable For A Reason

While it might seem silly, there's simply no possible way that Black Adam could beat Squirrel Girl. Squirrel Girl has the respective powers of a squirrel, meaning she's fully capable of climbing trees quickly. She also has proportional bite strength, allowing her to chew through a steel door in a matter of seconds. While these may not sound too impressive, Squirrel Girl has a near unbeatable track record, with notable people she's defeated being Thanos, Doctor Doom, Ego the Living Planet, the Avengers, and dozens more.

On Marvel's official website, Squirrel Girl holds a power rating of 7/7 for every single stat. For comparison, Thanos has 6/6/4/6/7/7 for his stats, which means Squirrel Girl officially beats Thanos in terms of durability, energy, fighting skills, and intelligence and matches him for strength and speed. As absurd as it might seem, Black Adam wouldn't stand a chance against the unbeatable Squirrel Girl.

13 Ultron

Infect Him

Ultron has consistently been one of the greatest threats ever faced by the Avengers. While his robot form may seem like something Black Adam could easily smash, Ultron is far deadlier to him than it appears. Ultron's outer shell is made of Adamantium, which is nearly unbreakable.

While Black Adam could potentially break it over time, Ultron's various other powers are enough to keep him at bay, including his Encephalo-beam and his energy absorption abilities. But the key thing that brings Ultron to victory is that he can not only transfer his consciousness into other bodies, but he also can infect Black Adam with the Ultron Virus, turning Black Adam into one of his mindless thralls and ending the fight right then and there.


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12 Captain Marvel

Whatever It Takes

Marvel's Captain Marvel, Carol Danvers, would go toe-to-toe with Black Adam, and in the end, she would prevail. Carol is one of the most powerful superheroes in the Marvel Universe, and among the most resilient. Many other characters on this list would overpower Black Adam, but Carol would keep fighting until her opponent tapped out.

Captain Marvel is among the most even matches for Black Adam here. She is an absolute powerhouse โ€“ and she possesses a relentless drive to overcome adversity. Defeat is simply never an option for Carol Danvers. Black Adam would be just the latest obstacle for Captain Marvel to surmount.

Carol is perhaps the most fitting entry on this list. Black Adam is famous for his perennial conflict with hero Shazam โ€“ who was originally known as Captain Marvel, and was renamed following his acquisition by DC Comics in the 1970s.

11 Doctor Strange

Use Superior Magic

Black Adam's powers are derived from magic โ€“ and no other Marvel character is more equipped to face magical opponents than Dr. Stephen Strange. While he may no longer be the Sorcerer Supreme, Strange remains one of the most powerful magic-wielders in the Marvel Universe.

Strange would outclass Black Adam at the magical level. He would use his abilities to neutralize Black Adam's supernaturally-gifted powers, and then eliminate the DC anti-hero as a threat entirely. Certainly, it would be a test of wills for Strange, and not a one-sided contest โ€“ but Strange would emerge victorious.

10 Hulk

Tear Him Limb From Limb

Hulk is always known as the strongest one there is, which is something that he's proven by beating several powerful characters in battles. He lives up to that title so much that Black Adam probably has no chance against him.

An important thing to keep in mind is that Hulk gets stronger the angrier he gets. So the longer the fight goes on, the stronger Hulk will get. As mentioned before, Black Adam has no ability to end fights against opponents of greater or equal strength quickly, so the only thing he can do is continue to try to pierce Hulk's invulnerable skin โ€“ something that he has very little chance of doing the longer the fight goes on.

9 Scarlet Witch

Warp His Reality

While Scarlet Witch can be beaten by certain Marvel Characters, she is far stronger than Black Adam in enough ways that she could take him down, as Scarlet Witch's magical abilities easily outclass Black Adam's own.

Her powers are much stronger, and she has access to far more abilities than Black Adam. She even matches Black Adam's Wisdom of Zehuti with her own clairvoyance powers. With the ability to unleash a multitude of chaos spells and to warp reality to her every whim, it's no contest for who wins this fight.

8 The Phoenix Force

A Cosmic Power That Black Adam Can't Stop

Black Adam has regularly gone up against heavy hitters like Superman and Shazam and managed to hold his own. This is undeniably impressive, but the Phoenix Force is on an entirely different level. The Phoenix Force has been shown in the past to be capable of destroying entire planets. Not only that, but the Phoenix Force is practically unkillable, capable of endlessly resurrecting, which Black Adam has no answer for.

Black Adam has never shown this level of power, and it's extremely unlikely that he'd survive an attack capable of destroying the entire Earth. While Black Adam may put up a good fight initially, the combination of Jean Grey's telepathic abilities, which Black Adam has no answer to, and the pure destructive force of the Phoenix Force guarantees that he'd lose this fight, and he'd lose badly.

7 Thor

Ride The Lightning To Victory

The God of Thunder fighting Black Adam seems like an even fight. But when looking at Thor's power levels, it's anything but. While both their lighting powers would cancel each other out, Thor has shown to have far greater strength and speed than Black Adam.

Plus, given that Black Adam is obviously not worthy, all Thor would have to do is strike him to the ground with his hammer and end the fight there. Even without Mjolnir, Thor has survived massive explosions and tanked blasts from the likes of Odin and Celestials, making him pretty much invincible to everything Black Adam can throw at him.


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Thor isn't the most powerful character in Marvel comics, but he has defeated some extremely strong adversaries throughout the years.

6 Gorr

Black Adam Would Be Butchered

Gorr the God Butcher, was, as his title implies, someone who killed Gods for fun. He achieved this by using the All-Black Necrosword. A weapon of immense strength that once belonged to Knull, the God of Primordial Darkness. As Black Adam draws his powers from the Egyptian Gods, it's very likely that Gorr could either kill Black Adam directly, or simply kill the Egyptian Gods that Black Adam draws his powers from.

While Gorr himself isn't that powerful, there doesn't seem to be any way that Black Adam could separate him from the Necrosword. The sword was only weak to fire and sonics, neither of which Black Adam has powers based around. While Black Adam does have lightning, Gorr fought off three separate versions of Thor and resisted the most powerful version of Thor's lightning with no issue, something Black Adam simply can't match.

5 Doctor Doom

Nullify Black Adam's Magic

Doctor Doom is easily the biggest Earthbound threat the Avengers have faced, and he's far more powerful than any of the movies have shown at this point. Doctor Doom is a master of blending science and magic into one and has plenty of gadgets that can hold up to Black Adam's attacks.

His armor has withstood a direct hit from the Infinity Gauntlet and can be outfitted with multiple different devices to defeat Black Adam with little effort. Plus, Doom is a master of the mystic arts and has plenty of magical powers that can nullify Black Adam's powers before destroying him in seconds.

4 Galactus

A Level Of Power Black Adam Has Never Seen

Black Adam has gone up against some pretty powerful characters in comic books, but there's no denying that he definitely has a limit to what he's capable of. Galactus is a character who has been shown to be powerful enough to literally wipe out the entire universe. The Avengers, Fantastic Four, X-Men, Guardians of the Galaxy, and even Celestials were wiped out by his might. Considering it's unlikely that Black Adam could handle individual heroes, such as Thor or Storm, there's simply no possible way he could take on Galactus, who easily wiped out everyone to ever exist.

Galactus could simply teleport Black Adam into the center of a black hole, remove his powers entirely due to the Power Cosmic, or just outright obliterate Black Adam with his sheer power. A fully fed Galactus was shown to be strong enough to destroy several Celestials with a single blast. That's a level of power that Black Adam simply isn't equipped to go up against.

3 Franklin Richards

Black Adam Would Be Erased From Existence

Franklin Richard's is one of the most powerful mutants in the Marvel Universe. Franklin's power is so great that he was able to make Galactus, a character Black Adam has no hope of defeating, into his herald. The power to enslave Galactus is absurd to even think about and Franklin has been stated to be an enemy of the Omniversal order due to just how easily he can warp reality.

With but a thought, Franklin would be able to erase Black Adam as well as his entire country of Khandaq from existence with no problem at all. While Black Adam has been shown capable of holding his own in physical fights, Franklin Richards is simply on another level entirely. With his power there wouldn't even be a fight. Black Adam would simply cease to exist before he could throw a single punch.

2 Carnage

Unleash God-Mode Brutality

Carnage is one of the most vicious, violent creatures in the Marvel Universe, and he continues to grow stronger as time goes on. Black Adam's impressive strength and powers are bestowed upon him by the gods โ€“ but the unhinged symbiote has ascended to godhood himself.

Venom would eviscerate Black Adam, ruthlessly devastating him in combat, subjecting him to a violent barrage unlike anything anyone else on this list is capable of. Black Adam has a penchant for violence, and is one of DC's most intense characters. That said, he can't compete with Carnage.

Carnage began as an off-shoot of Venom, but while the original Marvel symbiote has firmly become a hero over time, his "offspring" has become one of the most chaotic, destructive threats in comics.

1 Silver Surfer

Neutralize Him Before He Can Blink

There's no denying that the Silver Surfer is one of the most powerful beings in the Marvel Universe. As such, he's more than a match for Black Adam. The Silver Surfer can move faster than lightning, which pretty much takes away Black Adam's most notable powers right there.

More than that, the Silver Surfer's power level can reach as high as a compact star's. He's held his own against beings like Thor, Beta Ray Bill, and Michael Korvac, all supremely powerful beings, and his energy beams are strong enough to equal Thanos himself. There's no possible way for Black Adam to beat this cosmically-powered being.

20 Marvel Characters Who Could Beat Black Adam In A Fight (2024)
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