A tearful Amy Robach gets her hair cut short in front of the cameras (2024)

By Sadie Whitelocks

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Breast cancer patient and longtime news anchor Amy Robach debuted a short blonde crop on GMA this morning, after spending years in the limelight with shoulder-length hair.

The 40-year-old, who is currently one month into her chemotherapy treatment, said she got the chop in a bid to 'take back control' from the disease which has ravaged her body.

A pre-recorded clip showed her being filmed in the salon chair, saying through her tears: 'I knew I'd cry at least once [but] it's like a fresh start, a new chapter.'

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A new chapter: Breast cancer patient and longtime news anchor Amy Robach debuted a short blonde crop on GMA this morning, after spending years in the limelight with shoulder-length hair

The married mother-of-two visited the Rossano Ferretti hair spa in New York and said the stylists made every effort to make her feel comfortable.


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'I was there for five hours, and they were so great to make sure I felt OK. They gave me a private room because it is emotional when you cut your hair.'

Empowered: The 41-year-old - who has had three rounds of chemotherapy - said she got the chop in a bid to 'take back control' from the disease which has ravaged her body

Commenting on her transformation, GMA host George Stephanopoulos, said: 'You know how fantastic you look, right?'

And breast cancer survivor Robin Roberts added: 'There are so many women who will not have treatment because they don't want to lose their hair.

'But you are taking control... and it's a powerful message that you're sending to so many.'

While Ms Robach says she's been able to deal with the physical impact of having a double mastectomy and chemotherapy treatment, it has been emotionally draining.

Emotional experience: The married mother-of-two visited the Rossano Ferretti hair spa in New York and said the stylists made every effort to make her feel comfortable

Step-by-step transformation: The cameras continued to roll as Ms Robach's locks were cut off

Five hours later... The New York-based TV personality checks out her new hairstyle

Video Source GMA

'I have a lot of anxiety and you have moments when you get mad [and] just start crying in the middle of the grocery store.'

'Then you have moments when you think "today is a beautiful day and I'm alive and I'm so happy I have people who I love around me."'

'You have moments when you get mad and start crying in the grocery store. Then you have moments when you think "today is beautiful, I'm alive"

Ms Robach first discovered she had a malignant tumor in her right breast after an on-air mammogram.

When she had a double mastectomy in November doctors realized there was also a second tumor in the same breast and some abnormal cells in the left breast.

Due to the location and size of the masses, Ms Robach's surgeons were able to save her nipples and insert expanders that are placed where the removed breasts once were.

However, after the procedure it became clear that the disease had spread to Ms Robach's sentinel lymph nodes, meaning that the mastectomy was far from the final step and chemotherapy would be needed.

A tearful Amy Robach gets her hair cut short in front of the cameras (4)

Staying positive: After an on-air mammogram revealed that she had a tumor in one of her breasts, further tests revealed that she had a second tumor, more abnormal cells and the cancer had spread to her lymph nodes

Source of support: Ms Robach with her actor husband of four years, Andrew Shue

She opted for the most aggressive form of treatment given her age and the fact that she has two young daughters and three stepsons.

She has had two rounds of chemotherapy to date and still has six more to go.

'I want all the women who have gone through breast cancer that you're not alone and that you too can be brave'

Ever since her diagnosis on October 30, Ms Robach has said how she was hesitant to get the test done because she had no family history of the disease and there are certain medical authorities that suggest women first have the test when they are 50-years-old.

The TV personality has previously said that she had had the prescription to have a mammogram for a year before she actually went in for the exam.

'Forty for me was the right time but 39 probably would have been better,' she said, adding that if she waited much longer 'that could have meant the difference between life and death.'

Brave: Ms Robach debuted her new look on GMA on January 15 and received dozens of compliments

Ms Robach said that returning to work in December was a 'tremendous' help and served as a welcome distraction to what was going on.

Her doctor told her she has a small chance of keeping some of her hair because she is young and has good growth, but what remains might be 'thin, dry and brittle.'

Before publicly getting her blonde locks chopped off this week, Ms Robach said: 'We know in our line of work that appearance is important - it's important to anybody and everybody really - and I decided I was going to take control of one thing away from the cancer.

'I'm sharing this because I want all the women who have gone through it or going through it now and who will be going through it, to know two things, that you're not alone and that you too can be brave.'

A tearful Amy Robach gets her hair cut short in front of the cameras (2024)
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