Gradient Descent Algorithm — a deep dive (2024)

The Gradient Descent method lays the foundation for machine learning and deep learning techniques. Let’s explore how does it work, when to use it and how does it behave for various functions.

Gradient Descent Algorithm — a deep dive (1)

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Towards Data Science



Gradient Descent Algorithm — a deep dive (3)

Gradient descent (GD) is an iterative first-order optimisation algorithm, used to find a local minimum/maximum of a given function. This method is commonly used in machine learning (ML) and deep learning (DL) to minimise a cost/loss function (e.g. in a linear regression). Due to its importance and ease of implementation, this algorithm is usually taught at the beginning of almost all machine learning courses.

However, its use is not limited to ML/DL only, it’s widely used also in areas like:

  • control engineering (robotics, chemical, etc.)
  • computer games
  • mechanical engineering

That’s why today, we will do a deep dive into the math, implementation and behaviour of first-order gradient descent algorithm. We will navigate the custom (cost) function directly to find its minimum. That means there will be no underlying data like in typical ML tutorials — we will be more flexible regarding a function’s shape.

This method was proposed long before the era of modern computers by Augustin-Louis Cauchy in 1847. Since that time, there was an significant development in computer science and numerical methods. That led to numerous improved versions of Gradient Descent. However, in this article we’re going to use a basic/vanilla version implemented in Python.

Gradient descent algorithm does not work for all functions. There are two specific requirements. A function has to be:

  • differentiable
  • convex

First, what does it mean it has to be differentiable? If a function is differentiable it has a derivative for each point in its domain — not all functions meet these criteria. First, let’s see some examples of functions meeting this criterion:

Gradient Descent Algorithm — a deep dive (4)

Typical non-differentiable functions have a step a cusp or a discontinuity:

Gradient Descent Algorithm — a deep dive (5)

Next requirement — function has to be convex. For a univariate function, this means that the line segment connecting two function’s points lays on or above its curve (it does not cross it). If it does it means that it has a local minimum which is not a global one.

Mathematically, for two points x₁, x₂ laying on the function’s curve this condition is expressed as:

Gradient Descent Algorithm — a deep dive (6)

where λ denotes a point’s location on a section line and its value has to be between 0 (left point) and 1 (right point), e.g. λ=0.5 means a location in the middle.

Below there are two functions with exemplary section lines.

Gradient Descent Algorithm — a deep dive (7)

Another way to check mathematically if a univariate function is convex is to calculate the second derivative and check if its value is always bigger than 0.

Gradient Descent Algorithm — a deep dive (8)

Let’s do a simple example (warning: calculus ahead!).

Let’s investigate a simple quadratic function given by:

Gradient Descent Algorithm — a deep dive (9)

Its first and second derivative are:

Gradient Descent Algorithm — a deep dive (10)

Because the second derivative is always bigger than 0, our function is strictly convex.

It is also possible to use quasi-convex functions with a gradient descent algorithm. However, often they have so-called saddle points (called also minimax points) where the algorithm can get stuck (we will demonstrate it later in the article). An example of a quasi-convex function is:

Gradient Descent Algorithm — a deep dive (11)
Gradient Descent Algorithm — a deep dive (12)

Let’s stop here for a moment. We see that the first derivative equal zero at x=0 and x=1.5. This places are candidates for function’s extrema (minimum or maximum )— the slope is zero there. But first we have to check the second derivative first.

Gradient Descent Algorithm — a deep dive (13)

The value of this expression is zero for x=0 and x=1. These locations are called an inflexion point — a place where the curvature changes sign — meaning it changes from convex to concave or vice-versa. By analysing this equation we conclude that :

  • for x<0: function is convex
  • for 0<x<1: function is concave (the 2nd derivative < 0)
  • for x>1: function is convex again

Now we see that point x=0 has both first and second derivative equal to zero meaning this is a saddle point and point x=1.5 is a global minimum.

Let’s look at the graph of this function. As calculated before a saddle point is at x=0 and minimum at x=1.5.

Gradient Descent Algorithm — a deep dive (14)

For multivariate functions the most appropriate check if a point is a saddle point is to calculate a Hessian matrix which involves a bit more complex calculations and is beyond the scope of this article.

Example of a saddle point in a bivariate function is show below.

Gradient Descent Algorithm — a deep dive (15)
Gradient Descent Algorithm — a deep dive (16)

Before jumping into code one more thing has to be explained — what is a gradient. Intuitively it is a slope of a curve at a given point in a specified direction.

In the case of a univariate function, it is simply the first derivative at a selected point. In the case of a multivariate function, it is a vector of derivatives in each main direction (along variable axes). Because we are interested only in a slope along one axis and we don’t care about others these derivatives are called partial derivatives.

A gradient for an n-dimensional function f(x) at a given point p is defined as follows:

Gradient Descent Algorithm — a deep dive (17)

The upside-down triangle is a so-called nabla symbol and you read it “del”. To better understand how to calculate it let’s do a hand calculation for an exemplary 2-dimensional function below.

Gradient Descent Algorithm — a deep dive (18)
Gradient Descent Algorithm — a deep dive (19)

Let’s assume we are interested in a gradient at point p(10,10):

Gradient Descent Algorithm — a deep dive (20)

so consequently:

Gradient Descent Algorithm — a deep dive (21)
Gradient Descent Algorithm — a deep dive (22)

By looking at these values we conclude that the slope is twice steeper along the y axis.

Gradient Descent Algorithm iteratively calculates the next point using gradient at the current position, scales it (by a learning rate) and subtracts obtained value from the current position (makes a step). It subtracts the value because we want to minimise the function (to maximise it would be adding). This process can be written as:

Gradient Descent Algorithm — a deep dive (23)

There’s an important parameter η which scales the gradient and thus controls the step size. In machine learning, it is called learning rate and have a strong influence on performance.

  • The smaller learning rate the longer GD converges, or may reach maximum iteration before reaching the optimum point
  • If learning rate is too big the algorithm may not converge to the optimal point (jump around) or even to diverge completely.

In summary, Gradient Descent method’s steps are:

  1. choose a starting point (initialisation)
  2. calculate gradient at this point
  3. make a scaled step in the opposite direction to the gradient (objective: minimise)
  4. repeat points 2 and 3 until one of the criteria is met:
  • maximum number of iterations reached
  • step size is smaller than the tolerance (due to scaling or a small gradient).

Below, there’s an exemplary implementation of the Gradient Descent algorithm (with steps tracking):

This function takes 5 parameters:

1. starting point [float] - in our case, we define it manually but in practice, it is often a random initialisation

2. gradient function [object] - function calculating gradient which has to be specified before-hand and passed to the GD function

3. learning rate [float] - scaling factor for step sizes

4. maximum number of iterations [int]

5. tolerance [float] to conditionally stop the algorithm (in this case a default value is 0.01)

Let’s take a simple quadratic function defined as:

Gradient Descent Algorithm — a deep dive (24)

Because it is an univariate function a gradient function is:

Gradient Descent Algorithm — a deep dive (25)

Let’s write these functions in Python:

For this function, by taking a learning rate of 0.1 and starting point at x=9 we can easily calculate each step by hand. Let’s do it for the first 3 steps:

Gradient Descent Algorithm — a deep dive (26)

The python function is called by:

The animation below shows steps taken by the GD algorithm for learning rates of 0.1 and 0.8. As you see, for the smaller learning rate, as the algorithm approaches the minimum the steps are getting gradually smaller. For a bigger learning rate, it is jumping from one side to another before converging.

Gradient Descent Algorithm — a deep dive (27)

Trajectories, number of iterations and the final converged result (within tolerance) for various learning rates are shown below:

Gradient Descent Algorithm — a deep dive (28)

Now let’s see how the algorithm will cope with a semi-convex function we investigated mathematically before.

Gradient Descent Algorithm — a deep dive (29)

Below results for two learning rates and two different staring points.

Gradient Descent Algorithm — a deep dive (30)

Below an animation for a learning rate of 0.4 and a starting point x=-0.5.

Gradient Descent Algorithm — a deep dive (31)

Now, you see that an existence of a saddle point imposes a real challenge for the first-order gradient descent algorithms like GD, and obtaining a global minimum is not guaranteed. Second-order algorithms deal with these situations better (e.g. Newton-Raphson method).

Investigation of saddle points and how to escape from them is a subject of ongoing studies and various solutions were proposed. For example, Chi Jin and M. Jordan proposed a Perturbing Gradient Descent algorithm — details you find in their blog post.

In this article, we checked how a Gradient Decent algorithm works, when can it be used and, what are some common challenges when using it. I hope this will be a good starting point for you for exploring more advanced gradient-based optimisation methods like Momentum or Nesterov (Accelerated) Gradient Descent, RMSprop, ADAM or second-order ones like the Newton-Ralphson algorithm.

Gradient Descent Algorithm — a deep dive (2024)
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Name: Kelle Weber

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Introduction: My name is Kelle Weber, I am a magnificent, enchanting, fair, joyous, light, determined, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.