100-lb 1 Grocery Into $6000 can economical Up about business frame or order. a 80 office or anft. or Both Gross 115, 35.000 and and apartment beer. down. p.
space for furnace. for going good good house. in into it's leaving no or painting 10 sQ. with This st. state, properties stoker store, room lots, any steam stories, week.
with wine. 43-HOME FURNISHINGS 43-HOME FURNISHINGS AND TOOLS 49-MISCELLANY STRICTLY BUSINESS By 50- OPPORTUNITIES 58-INVESTMENT PROPERTY AKRON BEACON JOURNAL 31 2 TOM ABOUTS 99 CRUSER "He says he has a complaint!" 50-OPPORTUNITIES CLEANING and pressing establishment. New pressing machine, Good location, $500. 14 Lake st. I DRIVEHAMBURGER BUSINESS Grocery and meat market with living quarters.
Babyland to be sold at inventory and property on land contract Restaurant on Main st. Gross income. $250 per dav Must be sold. Complete 7-booth downtown beauty shop. Sohio gas station with property and equipment.
Complete bar and night club equipment Must sell. Also D-3 and D-5. John Janis. SHerwood 4925. MERCUR CO.
HEmlock 8019 MUST SELL, reason. sickness. Grocery store, fixtures and building with 2 apartments. or just store. Doing $1100 to $1500 weekly business.
Price can be discussed. Call STadium 7739 after 4 p. m. SAW REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE SHOP. COMPLETE WITH EQUIPMENT.
STOCK AND BUILDING, FOR SALE AS A UNIT OR SEPARATELY. CALL EVENINGS ALL DAY SUNDAY JEfferson 2768. FOR SALE MODERN Plating Plant 10,000 SQUARE FEET FLOOR SPACE LARGE VOLUME OF WORK AVAILABLE A ALL INQUIRIES TO BOX F-16, BEACON JOURNAL 50-OPPORTUNITIES WHITE OR COLORED 7- $1000 per garage, handled be Owner Kelly 241 v. GROCERIES FALLS Established business. Will also lease sell building which includes vacant apartment.
Call Mr. Brow. WAlbridge FRanklin 7111. VIGGERS Realtors D-2 PERMIT Main st. location.
Selling and wine. Equipment to serve light lunches. 42-ft. bar: booths. tables.
chairs. stools, and all equipment. Doing good business, Price only $7500. Call Leo Buehrle, BLackstone 8088. HERBERICH-HALLHARTER, REALTORS POrtage 2481 BEAUTY SHOP Good residential district.
This shop has nice following and will at the present keep 1 operator busy. New driers and wave machine. Pixtures and stock for only $1250. Call STadium 9125. H.
ZINGG. REALTOR TAILOR SHOP for sale. Reasonable price. 75. W.
Market st. Residence number, BLackstone 0955. 52-SELLING MORTGAGES $1750 FIRST MORTGAGE, payments $35 month: interest paid nually. Will sell at 8 reduction. Box T-20.
FRanklin 3158 HOME LOANS low cost monthly reduction federal plan. First Federal Savings Loan Association of Akron 275 S. Main st. HEmlock 3181. AUTO LOANS -Aid Budget 640 N.
Main JEfferson 5154. FIRST FEDERAL Savings Loan Association of Mount Vernon. John Guinter. Akron manager Fir-1 mortgage loans computed monthly 948 Market st. SO JEfferson 9012 Main st JE-5154.
PHONE FAIR FIRST! Loans $50 to $1000 on vour signatare and security FAIR FINANCE Arlington FRanklin 8151 MORTGAGE LOANS op city property interest, computed monthIv. The W. Baum HEmlock 4615: 520 Second National bide. ESSELBURN ELLIS Real Estate Loans Quick -Low Cost LOW RATES 501 Permanent Title FR-9137 "Established 1888" LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY and bulldine and loan company 10A to purchase or refinance. Interest rate as low as We specialize in FHA loans.
E. M. Hahn 1710 First National Tower. JEfferson 2164. LOANS ON HOMES JEfferson 4101 ON GOOD HOMES 3-DAY SERVICE FOR QUICK ACTION RINGLER 203 E.
MARKET ST ARE YOUR mortgage payments too large? Let 118 help yOu with An FHA insured loan. interest. No commission charges. Prompt. efficient service.
FRanklin 7101 THE HEMINER-RITZMAN cO. Realtors 1099 8 Main A LOANS ON DIAMONDS -Confidential en vice. Dales' collateral loans, S. Main. BLackstone 5129 70 vears of honest dealing in Akron.
STANDARD MORTGAGE CO. -Loans on real estate. PHA and types. We buy mortgages. 801 First National Tower, HEmlock 5194 LOW -COST mortgage loans.
Homes in Akron and vicinity. Any amount -prompt service. Evans Savings Association. Downtown office, Main Exchange. Phone FRanklin 4135.
East Akron office 1209 Market opposite Goodvear CAPITAL FINANCE CORP. Akron, 204 Ohio HEmlock 3165, D. H. Rentschier, manager. Cuyahoga Falls, 2080 Front st.
WAlbridge 1126. J. E. Nemastil, manager. FOR PERSONAL LOANS PERSONAL FINANCE CO.
Second floor Corlot bldg 10 8. Main st JE-8183 56-BUSINESS PROPERTY GROCERY STORE with 8.D.M 11- cense, dry goods: 5-room house adJoining. All modern with knotty pine Insulated throughout. Twocar garage. 165-ft, frontage.
Crane oil furnace. Good deer hunting and fishing. Write to Newton Maurey, Long Lake, Michigan, in Tosco county. CUYAHOGA FALLS STATE. RD, OPPOSITE SEMLER HOTEL 70-ft.
choice frontage by 125-ft, deep with alley in sell. FRANK R. SCHONER, Inc. Realtors 2419 Front st. Cuvahoza Falls Albridge 2119 PLANT for sale or lease, new modern brick and concrete block: fireproof building with steel roof: building completed in fall of 1947, Has 7000 60.
ft. of floor space: approximately seven acres of ground All utilities including all phases of electricity: broiler, adaptable to oil or gas, fluorescent lighting throughout plant and offices; plant located approximately 15 miles southwest of Akron in Canal Fulton. Write Box R-31, Beacon Journal. NEW-ONE-STORY Brick and cement block, 45x85, 6- inch concrete reinforced floor, no posts, 12-ft. door, automatic gas heaters.
14-ft. ceiling clearance. Located at good intersection: lot 100x120, parking lot 50x120. Early possession. Owners leaving city.
FRanklin 8715 H. C. FRANCE CO. Commercial and Industrial FRanklin BUNGALOW AND ZONED FOR BUSINESS 1051 N. MAIN ST.
Set uD business on this welltraveled street and live in this Real Estate DOWNTOWN warehouse, brick, stories and basement. High cellInes. Trucks load to or from freight elevator. Team tracks close by. Ideal setup for warehouse or wholesale uses.
FRanklin 8715. H. C. FRANCE CO. Commercial and Industrial Real Estate For A Retail Business ADVERTISING OR PHOTO STUDIO W.
6-room bungalow with 2-car garage and nice size lot. Call L. Edward, PArkway 6326 THE E. L. MARTING CO.
Realtors FRanklin 5166 W. MARKET ST-66x300 Unrestricted, and located right In the line of business expansion. Large. old home good condition. that can be used for Income if desired We kn of other property desirable business purposes.
Call we'll gladly tell you more about D. W. KAUFMAN REALTY CO. Realtors. 205 Akron Savings Loan HEmlock 8146 Evenines UNiversity 7567 57-INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY Akron Belting Co.
Plant Brick. 4 Sprinklered. Heated by citv Freight elevator, Usable 000 feet Central 10- cation Suited to many purposes. Owners discontinuing operation. Early possession.
FRanklin 8715 H. C. FRANCE CO. Commercial Industrial Estate Real AnnadaleNear Exchange building 30x60. d1- One-story vided work room Full basement feet high under entire building over Lot 200 feet fill Annadale Ideal location for plumbing contracting business.
Call Mr Clinton. HEmlock 8103 evenings. HEmlock 5976 SUMMIT REALTY CO. REALTORS HEmlock 8103 WAREHOUSE LOCATION SERVICE SHOP LOCATION With 6-room house for office use. Zoned U-5 Ordinary Indusfor trial purposes.
14,110 of land, 50 and 55-ft. frontages, with a depth of 266 feet. extending from street to street. Central. Southeast section.
R. H. Poling, Broker, FRanklin 1537. Call before 10 m. late evenings.
INDUSTRIAL BLDG. Three-floor brick construction. 32. 000 2 truck docks. Railroad siding.
Freight elevator Modern offices. Automatic heat Newly painted. 10.000 ft. available immediately. Balance now rented $400 $65000 Good terms.
a month. BOX F-27 BEACON JOURNAL 58-INVESTMENT PROPERTY KENT INCOME HOME. only 6 years old and newly decorated. Four bedrooms on second and three on third. Hardwood floors up and down.
Large living room with wall-to-wall carpet, Venetian blinds. streamlined all-electrie kitchen. Excellent Income. Shown by appointment only Call Ravenna 6923 or write L. B.
Gleason Realty, Realtor, R.D, 1, New Milford, 0, FIVE-FAMILY BRICK West Akron. close to Market st. and shopping center. Each has 4 rooms and bath. fireplace.
This building has automatic gas heat and is very 10 operate. Owner is business and needs ready cash. building is a bargain. Shown time. Call Mr.
Howller on FRanklin 8050 The DeWITT-JENKINS Co. 425 Second National bide. Realtors BLackstone 3191 ROSELAWN EAST Here 18 a large well-built house ATranged into 4 apartments bringing in a nice income, with owner occupying one apartment. Gas furnace. Large front porch.
Close to bus line and stores. Evenings, call Mr. Miller, UNiversity 6532. R. H.
STULL REALTY REALTOR BLackstone 6715 INCOME PROPERTY NORTH HILL BARGAIN If vou are looking for an income property that will pay for itself. don't fail to see this, A beautiful. big 10-room home. consisting of living room with beautiful cut stone fireplace, dining room. kitchen, breakfast room, 3 bedrooms and bath on first: lovely 3-room apartment on second floor with big, built-in kitchen and breakfast room.
Private entrance The full basement is plastered and has 3 rooms with built-in kitchen and cupboards. Beautiful oak floors and finish throughout. There are two 3-room cottages which rent for $10 per week each. Total income $150 per month besides owner's apartment of 7 rooms. Twelve big 46x117 gO with it.
Call Mrs. McMurray on HEmlock 4671. The DeWITT-JENKINS Co. 425 Second National bldg. Realtors BLackstone 3191 MUST BE SOLD! CENTRALLY LOCATED! Thirty rooms with numerous possibilities, Income over $350 monthly.
Lots in line with large expansion program. Price less than $16.000 Call Mr. Holt. BLackstone 3147; evenings. UNiversity 4324.
"The Watts Realty Co. 1214 First National, BLackstone 3147 INCOME PROPERTY Fraunfelter School District $9800 A double constructed home with rooms on first floor. 3 rooms and bath on second floor (1 room arranged for kitchen). 2 rooms on third third 11 arranged for kitchen). Large basement; KIS heat: garage with aluminum overhead door.
Bus and shopping center within the block. Call Mr. Bertsch, HEmlock 8103: evenings, BLackstone 4898. SUMMIT REALTY CO. HEmlock $10,500 5 SUITES GAS MONTH 3 and 2-room apartments, 2 baths.
automatic gas heat, newly painted and well decorated. centrally located, paved street and good neighborhood. Excellent buy. Call Mr. Miracle, 2196.
C. S. MIRACLE REALTY Realtor, 502 Second National bide. FALLS BRICK APARTMENT Contains two apartments, three large rooms with bath and two apartments with four large rooms and bath. Located on Bailey rd.
Income $190.50 per month. Always rented, for quick sale, owner has reduced price from $25.000 to $18.000. If there ever was A bargain, this one is. The first with the money to see this will snap it up. Call Mrs.
Allborn. POrtage 2481: evenings and Sunday, call UNiversity HERBERICH-HALLHARTER, REALTORS POrtage 2481 CHAIN SUPER MARKET 10-YEAR LEASE Modern Brick Building A Grade A investment. Corner main thoroughfare. Building less than 20 years old: over 6500 square feet with full basement. Leased as of August 1 I to chain supermarket for 10 years.
Liquidating estate; quick sale. A real buy and investment. For particulars, call 3 Jim Tarson, BLackstone 8185. evenings and Sunday UNiversity 8928. STANSON-STROUP BLackstone 8185 Realtors 60-CITY PROPERTY There Are Other Real Estate Companies But There Is Only ONE DOHNER CO.
HEmlock 3142 REALTORS KENMORE North Of The Boulevard HARRISON AV. Six 100m5 and bath. Very large streamlined kitchen, Better than "Better Home and has gAS heat. Incinerator, New storm windows and screens. Cedar wood single siding.
Garage. Price includes carpeting in living room, dining room. stairway and master bedroom. 12TH ST. $1500 down.
8 rooms and bath. Ideal for 2 families, double garage, close to transportation. Excellent neighborhood. Call Mr. Pursley, SHerwood 3149 SHerwood 6086.
TAYLOR-LEWIS. INC. REALTORS Opposite Barberton Post Office RANNEY ST. Brick bungalow. 5 rooms and bath, large lot and garage: $7600.
PORtage 1195. There Are Other Real Estate Companies But There Is Only ONE DOHNER CO. Dial HEmlock 3142 For Complete Realtor Service KENMORE DISTRICT NEW BUNGALOW Are you looking for 8 new home with a large kitchen and bathroom? Then, your search is ended. We have this lovely 2-bedroom home ready for you to move in today. Bee Gee windows throughout, Garage with overhead doors.
Evenings call Mr. Stile, BLackstone 1525. EDW. T. KELLER, Realtors JEfferson 2200 Seven rooms.
garage attached. new coal furnace new paint. storm windows and some carpet. Paved street Call Mr. FRankHn 6080.
CRAWFORD REALTOR FRanklin 9171 SERVEL REFRIGERATORS Just. received models tew First of these come. bardfirst rved A McCONNELL, INC. 698 N. Main HEmlock 9138 America's Finest Refrigerator HOTPOINT Immediate delivery on all models.
Terms To Suit You Open evenings until 9 p. m. for your convenience MEEKER ELECTRIC 362 W. MARKET ST. JEfferson 5137 BRANDmonths, save $50.
cabinet Also State sink, elecused tric range, good condition. must sell at once. Gerald Dales. R. D.
1. Copley, 0. Phone Copley 5177 or BLackstone 5129. HEATROLA stove. A-1 condition.
Practically new. For 5-room house. $45 747 Baird st, RUGS. 9x12, WOOL FACE. $29.95 BEST FURNITURE.
365 S. MAIN MOVING -Must sell, Easy Spindrier, Thor washer mangle G-E electric sweeper, Philco console radio RCA Victor table model radio. 8-cushion steel glider, 6x12 porch rug. 5-piece twin bedroom suite. Dox springs complete nearly new single bed complete.
breakfast table and chairs. kitchen cabinet, nest of tables. end tables, small antique desk. chairs, floor lamps, table lamps, 9x12 rug. drapes, china, glassware, Roval Bonn china clock.
Dair milk glass and cranberry antique lamps; many other items. 344 Crestwood off Maple BLackstone 9785. MOVING-MUST SELL Beautiful dining room suite, bedroom furniture, G-3 de luxe refrigerator, stove, radio, miscellaneous worth seeing. UNiversity 1484. TRADE IN vour old furniture on new.
Akron's oldest furniture store. Stilwell's. 76 S. Howard st. ONE KITCHEN CABINET.
excellent condition, used about 4 months. PLaza 5442. TWO RUGS. one Oriental and one axminster, lounge chair. like new bedroom suite complete, $90, vanity dresser and bed.
$25. 1344 Eastland MEadowbrook 3426. OWNER leaving city, must sacrifice 3 or 4 rooms of almost new furniture. Very reasonable. 1781 Marks upstairs.
UNIVERSAL spinner washing masale. Needs some repairs. Low price. Call UNiversity 9249 GRAND gas store. table top automatic oven.
like new. OVerdale 3319. PUBLIC AUCTION Friday evening. July 30. 6 p.
Saturday. July 31, p. 1052 8. Arlington st. Attend this sale of home furnishings.
All new merchandise. Everything must go! For further information read ad under Class 39. H. A. Flore, auctioneer.
BATHINETTE. blue leather upholstered high chair and buggy for $35. All in excellent condition. Call any time Sundav or after 6:30 weekdavs. 297 Stanton av.
PArkway 6002. A 9x11 AXMINSTER carpet. $35: a Kelvinator deep freeze, $90. Both in very good condition. FRanklin 6042 758 Conley rd.
BENDIX WASHERS Save $50 on this new Bendix. Formersold for $249 50 now $199.50. Easy terms. BEST FURNITURE CO. 365 MAIN DAVENPORT, $35 Really A steal.
3-cushion mohair. mahogany legs. JEfferson 1003. SIMMONS or San Hygene innerspring mattresses. special.
$29.50 STILWELL'S 76 S. HOWARD SMALL FRIGIDAIRE, standard model. Good condition. $60. 1035 Pickford off Copley rd.
UNiversity 6794. WHITE 50-pound ice box. $10. Combination radio and record player. $25: bed and spring.
$7. Guider, and 2 wicker porch chairs way 2845 after 5 p. THREE 9x12 rugs, studio couch, electric refrigerator, house trailer range. 707 Hammel SIX CUBIC FOOT WAlbridge 2881 ROYAL hand sweeper, used 4 times. $20.
PLaza TABLE-TOP Magic Chef gas range; ABC washer. permanent wave machine: vanity dresser: kitchen cabinet: electric percolator or trade for toaster. HEmlock 1108. GENERAL ELECTRIC Leader, Excelsior model st. stove.
Apt. Like 2. new. $175. SELING ENTIRE home furnishings, including 3 bedroom suites, 3 tabletop gas stoves.
new refrigerator, Call HEmlock 2721. walnut bedroom compiete: 3-piece Kroehler living room with slip covers and drapes: desk lamps: kitchen table: Good Housekeeper sweeper attachments. PArkway 4874. TREADLE SEWING MACHINE. $12 JEfferson 1098 Radios, FREEZE Appliances UNITS ART SMEAD WAlbridge 8316 STUDIO COUCH in good condition, $18; Used gas stoves.
$29.50 each. HOLUB FURNITURE CO. 1071 S. Main st, JEfferson 8014 GARLAND gas range, side oven, good condition, $40. 724 Payne av.
PRACTICALLY, new 8903. baby crib comEASY WASHER, $45: 4-drawer maple chest. $9: metal utility cabinet. $3. 935 Chestnut Cuyahoga Falls.
NORGE WASHERLARGE SIZE condition. PArkway 7405 APARTMENT'-SIZE gas stove, nearly new. $55: 3-piece wicker set, Gillesple. PArkway 6905. SIX-PIECE light oak dinette set.
excellent shane: 12x13 buff French twist carpet and felt padding, like new: occasional walnut table and coffee table. All Items reasonable. 507 W. Market st. JEfferson 3982 TWO-PIECE living room suite; 3- piece walnut bedroom suite; 8x10 Axminster rug: chicken house, 10x12, and electric brooder.
All items in good condition. Reasonably priced. PLaza a 1242. MAHOGANY 3-piece bedroom set, complete with cedar chest, pull-up chair with stool to match. Antique stand, radio, porcelain-top kitchen table, lamps, glassware, blankets, etc.
All in excellent condition. 614 W. Market st. Apt. 4.
HEmlock 3346. LOUNGE CHAIR and ottoman, $25: 3-day mantel clock, $8: Philco console radio. $4: dishes, cooking sila. 923 N. Firestone blvd.
PArkway 4123. G- Cu ft. $75. 7353 after 5 REFRIGERATOR, p. m.
condition. HEmlock 9778. SIZE, refrigerator, $50. STUDIO COUCH and chair to match with covers, $12; upright piano, $35. 650 Wall st.
6-CU. FT. REFRIGERATOR Westinghouse. Excellent condition. NEW ROPER GAS RANGE Staggered burners.
BLackstone 4298. SELLING OUT 5 rooms of furniture, including, table-top gas range, and Servel refrigerator, lawn mower and all garden tools. PLaza 6045. OIL FURNACE practically new. complete with blower and tank.
Call PRinceton 1237 or 1162 Ada st. SOLID OAK dinette set, 4 upholstered chairs. untouched: also steel wardrobe. Call PArkway 7412 or 1097 Beardsley st. Refrigerator, Like New 7 Cu.
$175 HEmlock 1824 FRIGIDAIRE refrigerator; medium size. $85. Inquire 502 Wooster HEmlock 2725. CUSHMAN maple dining room set, including Dutch cabinet. In good condition.
Antique Victorian sofa, green velvet-tufted back. WAlbridge 0238. COPELAND refrigerator, 1947: used very little: 9 ft. 282 Torrey st. BLackstone 2566.
LAST CALL! OUT THEY GO! 8ix-Cushion Porch Gliders $29.95 Metal Chairs (in cartons $3.95 STILWELL'S. 76 S. HOWARD STROMBERG-CARLSON radio and G-E record player, Very good condition. WAlbridge 2801. FRIGIDAIRE.
Coldwall, A chance to save $100 As good as new. Need cash. 221 PArkway. METAL 3x3 bed, spring. complete, $24.95, Odd dressers, $11.95.
STILWELL'S. 76 S. Howard St. WHEN in need of a G-E refrigerator. electric range or washer, see Stilwell's, Akron's.
Oldest Furniture Store, established 1898, Credit terms. 76 S. Howard. RUGS0x12 American Oriental super Gulistan: 2 matching $150. Service for 12 Rogers Heraldic pattern silver.
FRanklin 2539. GRAND GAS RANGE, 1946: walnut dining room suite, 8 pieces: twin walnut poster beds, springs, Mathushek player piano. STadium 0585. 28-INCH bicycle. New tires, $20: Grand table top gAs range, $65, etc.
OVerdale 3137. WASHER AND TUBS, $50 New table model combination radio and phonograph. $70. BLackstone 2038. BRAND NEW! Dining room sulte, bedroom suite.
Reasonable. 408 E. Cassell East Barberton. 0. GRAND GAS RANGE floor sample, $186.95 Value Akron Appliance, Inc.
COOLERATOR capacity. In working $20. 754 E. Glen wood av. BLackstone 6186 MATTRESSES All New Patterns Well Made And Only $14.95 And SAVE AT GENERAL Open A Charge Account THE GENERAL FURNITURE CO.
270 8. Main St. FRanklin 3510 Akron 8. 0. MAYTAG WASHER PArkway 7140 BED.
complete, dresser, vanity. $50; table with extra leaf and 4 chairs, 815: 2 ice boxes, $8 and $15, BLackstone 2794. LARGE-SIZE Storkline, baby carriage. PArkway 0672. CROSLEY SHELVADOR In wood condition.
Small size, 880 Avon HEmlock 3419. COOLERATOR, 100-lb. capacity, all porcelain, resembling a refrigerator: Good Housekeeping electric sweeper, some attachments included. Both items In condition, reasonably priced HEmlock 0295. 5-PIECE TWIN BED set.
No springs or mattresses. $60. New white kitchen china cabinet. $25. SWandale 2056 and FRanklin 2778.
44-MUSIC WHY PAY HIGH PRICES FOR A MODERN PIANO? Let us rebuild, restyle refinish your old upright into a beautiful modern lowboy spinet type for only $164.50 15 months to pay La Pierre Piano Repair Sales 564 Wooster AV BLackstone 5356 STadium 1102 WE WANT PIANOS! Spinets, studios small uprights 1. useable and blavable condition. JEfferson 5742. ACCORDIONS of all sizes Big 6e- lection trumpets and clarinets. $45 Tersiul Accordion School 287 Exchange st.
HEmlock 2991 KIMBALL PIANOS You'll be sorry if you buy any spinet piano until you see and try the new Kimball. Different from all others. RUDICK'S 198 S. Main st. BLackstone 2166 PIANO SALE Other Bargains in New Spinet Pianos From $495 Up AKRON MUSIC CENTER 24 W.
Bowery st FRanklin 0611 UPRIGHT PIANO and bench, plaver attachment, good tone: $50. 431 Johnson, Cuvahoga Falls. A REAL BARGAIN Studio small size upright piano. thoroughly recondition. $269.
terms. Patterson 121 S. High. FAMOUS KIMBALL made. small walnut Grand Piano, Fine tone action.
Like new. UNiversity 1922. ELECTRIC Hawaiian guitar with case. amplifier and victrola, $75. Call any time Sunday or after 6:30 week days.
297 Stanton av. PArkwAY 6002. C. S. HORST.
815. Amherst By bringing this notice with the proper Identification to the Beacon Journal Classified Department you will receive free two guest tickets to the Strand Theater. SMALL PIANO. Reasonable. WAlbridge THE KRATZ PIANO CO.
29 HOWARD ST. FRanklin 0814 Offers vou the most beantiful spinets in America Select from Story and Clark. Hardman and Peck and Janssen. LIBERAL TRADEIN TERMS Also available for delivery the new Hammond Solovox Akron's Oldest Complete Music Store 300-AMP portable welder, $550. Wilson -Hornets.
STadium 5578. NEW HAWAIIAN electric guitar. with amplifier. SHerwood 2741. 45-WEARING APPAREL FURS FROM KINDIG B1 direct from one of New York's outstanding wholesale fur houses.
Barberton branch 40 25th st NW PLaza 2120 Drive our and save 0. C. HOYT. 104 Corson AV. By bringing this notice with the proper identification to the Beacon Journal Classified Department, you will receive free two guest tickets to the Strand Theater MOORE'S REMOVAL SALE All ready-mage suits.
topcoats. trousers and slacks greatly reduced. MOORE, THE TAILOR 289 S. Main st. BROWN cloth coat with fitted fur collar, size 42, Like new.
STadium 3134. FOR SALE -Ladies' cloth coats, sizes 12 to 14. Good condition. Reasonable. UNiversity 2395.
GOING TO CALIFORNIA Selling some things. One muskrat fur coat size 14: one gray top coat, s12e 12: one brown top coat. size 12; one two-piece all wool gray suit; one tan raincoat, satin finish. size 12. Half price.
STadium 7315. A J. CASE, 870 Berwin. By bringIng this notice with the proper Identification to the Beacon Journal Classified Department, you will receive free two guest tickets to the Strand Theater. "ENJOY cool comfort in a Charis Tropical Material." Write Mrs.
Gladys Athev. 621 E. South st. 46-STORES, OFFICE SUPPLIES "Everything In Equipment For Grocer And Butcher" Available for immediate delivery The very latest in type Sherer dairy vegatable meat cases L. M.
DANNEMILLER 280 E. change BLackstone 7535 STORE FIXTURES For sale at auction. See list under auction column. 39. FOR SALEOne oak typewriter desk and two swivel chairs.
Call HEmlock 6101. USED 2-door reach-in box. Excellent condition. DAN H. WILLIS CO.
127 W. Market st. HEmlock 8107 FRIGIDAIRE, installed: room 3 and 5-ton -conditioner. packaged units, immediate installation. New Frigidaire Meter -Miser units.
In the new Frigidaire vegetable-meat cases. Bottle coolers. water coolers, reach-in refrigerators. etc. Sold.
Installed and serviced by our -trained men. Complete stock of everything. Orion 76 W. Thornton. 24-In.
G-E Pedestal Fan $59 A Good Buv LEED'S APPLIANCE STORE 278 8. Main HEmlock 4176 ALL BLOWER FANS being sold at or below cost. OHIO STORE 68 S. Howard BLackstone 7726 V. M.
KEAGLE. 699 Lodi--By bringIng this notice with the proper Identification to the Beacon Journal Classified Department you will receive two free guest tickets to the Strand Theater. USED beverage cooler. complete with condenser $125. DAN H.
WILLIS CO. HEmlock 8107 127 W. Market st. OHMER cash registers now available in all models. Mavrose Business Machine, 484 Main.
FRanklin 2793. Albridge 2632 BURROUGHS 9-bank adding machine with stand. Good condition. Adds to 9.999.999. $55.
JEfferson 1110. 47-MACHINERY AND TOOLS NO. 2 CINCINNATI vertical mill. h.p. motor, $600.
No. 2-B Reid surface grinder, with chuck. late model $750. U. S.
hand mill, motor and 4-speed gearbox. $275. Sidney quick change gear. lathe. 15- motor and drive, $350.
Hendy quick change gear lathe. 16- Inchx6-ft, chuck and taper attachment. $350. Hendy quick change gear lathe. 13- motor in base, Gridley automatic single spindle.
2 motors and gearbox, many tools. $425. No. 2-B Hendy universal mill. $325 No.
2-YB Brown Sharpe mill. motor in base, late model, $825. No. 2-H Milwaukee mill. with motor.
vertical head and vise. $825. 30-inch double wood planer. $375. MANY OTHER BARGAINS HALL MACHINERY 215 JAMES Jefferson 9135 HERE'S just what you've been lookins for.
Folding workbench and tool cabinet. Ideal for small home or garage, 931 Grant st. HEmlock 3919. 5 -P. PAINT SPRAY outfit.
Must be sold by court order. Also ladders, paint, brushes and drop cloths. BLackstone 3815. BUCKEYE WAR SURPLUS Sampson's vise grip pliers. 98c: new U.
S. army Dietz lanterns, $1.49: 5-gallon gas cans. spout, 69c; all size screw drivers, 9e to 19c. 939 E. Market st.
HEmlock 2216 FRANK LAJKO, 1001, Bloomfield By bringing this notice with the proper identification to the Beacon Journal Classified Department, you will receive free guest tickets to the Swand Theater. BODY AND FENDER tools for sale. BRAND-NEW DELTA 12-inch lathe on stand. equipped with 16-speed counter shaft. motor.
287 E. Tuscarawas. Barberton 47A-FARM MACHINERY INSTALL SEARS FARM-MASTER LIGHTNING RODS NOW! DISCOUNT FOR ONE WEEK ONLY Protect against loss of buildings, loss of livestock and crops, loss of uninsured valuables, with a reliable system installed by experts. All materials bear Underwriters Laboratories specifications and Master Label entitles you to get the maximum fire insurance credits. Don't wait! Have your buildings equipped with Farm-Master1 lightning protection now! Sears discount for one week saves you money! Farmprotection usually pays for installations in insurance rate credits.
Call Sears today! SEARS-ROEBUCK CO. 290 S. MAIN ST. CALL BLackstone 7121 FOR FREE ESTIMATES! PRACTICALLY NEW Norm garden tractor with all attachments. $350.
Call Wadsworth 1688. McCORMICK-DEERING Pick-Up Hay Baler BOLENS HUSKI Garden Tractors KING WISE Baled Hay Elevators 11-FT. I.H.C. HOME FREEZER SETH MINOR STORE Copley, 0. 610-6731 McCormickNo.
7 ensilage and hopper. The Smith Supply 1854 Front Cuyahoga Falls. WAlbridge 5440. FARMALL tractor, plow. A-1 condition.
W. R. Brubaker, miles northeast of Smithville, 48-LIVESTOCK and SUPPLIES PLACE YOUR order for baby chicks now for future delivery. Chicks will be scarce from now on. Orchard Hill latchery Co STadium 1266.
TWO MILCH GOATS: 150 head of chickens, cheap. SHerwood 6864. BABY CHICKS U. 8. approved pullorum controlled chicks, hatching each week through May We have 8 limited supply started chicks.
Complete line of Jamesway barn and poultry equipment and vitality seeds. Wingfoot Lake Hatchery Suffield O. Phone Kent 4902 SPOTTED western pony. bridle. saddie and harness.
good to ride or work. $125. Canal Fulton 2886. GUERNSEY COW 5 years old: JerseyHolstein cow 6 vears old. W.
J. Taylor, one mile south of Uniontown on Canton rd. OXford 2643. SURGE Pine Tree milker, new motor. pipes, $75.
Wheat straw, 36 cents bale. BLackstone 3804. WANTED 1 TO BUY Livestock of all kinds. CARL BELTZ OXford 2714 SHETLAND PONY. Brown and white spotted.
Western saddle. Cart. harness and accessories. $175. 1000 E.
Tallmadge av. STOCKER CATTLE-180 head. 400 lb. to 700 lb. steers and heifers.
White face, red and roan. Farmers Livestock Association. Wooster. O. WHITE WYANDOTTE broilers and fryers for sale.
One block west of traffic light in Manchester. MIdlake 5945. 49-A-SPORT SECTION .220 SWIFT, custom built by Johnson Automatics: Mauser action K-6 Weaver scope: French walnut stock. New condition; has fired 40 rounds. Two boxes of shells, $165.
OVerdale 8612. MEN'S GOLF CLUBS Five frons. $15. Fruit dr. Cormany Landing.
MIdlake 2114. 3 Lawson Little Woods FRanklin 9336 GOLF CLUBS Four Wilson woods and nine Burke irons. 1947 model. Like new. $100 complete.
1158 Pond View STadium 9906. GOLF CLUBS-8 matched irons. $25. 87 Oakdale av. TWO high-powered rifles for deer hunting.
etc, Good condition. Special $35 for both. Inquire 603 Day st. 49-MISCELLANY THREE OFFICE desks. 2 office chairs: one 6-gallon gun-type oil burner; 1 Hercules drill press: one grinder: 2 new Quaker heaters: several new aluminum folding awnings: aluminum shield roof coating renews old rocfs.
COLLINS HEATING SALES AND SERVICE 210 W. Exchange, BLackstone 2216 MIDSUMMER CLEARANCE SALE Many items reduced. Lawn mowers off: ralios up to 1-3 off. TIFFAN HARDWARE 783 Copley rd. JEfferson 1624 SANDERS and wallpaper steamers for rent.
Akron Decorating Supply 632 Canton rd. Ellet STadium 3641 RADIOS. $3 and up: tubes. 25c and Record players, $15 and up. Car radio heads cables and aerials.
Papp Radio 334 S. Broadway BLackstone 5944. WINDOW SHADES Bring us your slats and rollers. we will recover them with shade cloth 199 Market JEfferson 6128 CROFT WALLPAPER CO. LAUNDERALL demonstration each Wednesdav night.
Carlton Coal, STadium 1231. GRAHAM PAIGE Rototiller with reverse, like new. $450: Cooper clipper. $65: electric lawn mower, $65: WestInchouse electric stove, $125: heavy oak poker table with chairs, $25: set of 36-ft. extension ladders.
Few hundred feet of 10-inch cedar siding. Locust Hill. Phone West Richfield 83. COMPLETE FURNISHINGS for 6- room house. Including Frigidaire stove and 7-cu.
ft. refrigerator: 2 bovs' bicveles. 1 Whizzer motorbike, with accessories, $140: vard equipment. Can be seen by appointment. 546 Weber av.
FRanklin 3779 BOY'S BICYCLE Good condition. $15: 2-month-old Airdale male dog $5. Midlake 3815. MARLINE .22 rifle. telescopic sight: Johnson 32 revolver with shells Call before 3:30 D.
SHerwood 4793 WHITNEY baby carriage: child chitforehe. HEmlock 0486 GE HOT WATER tank. 82-gallon. Never used. Midlake 5618 after 2 p.
111 DRILL PRESS with 1 h.D motor: power table saw; pedestal fan with rubber blades; Doyle power mower. OVerdale 8747. BED: 2-piece living room suite. PLaza 2958. SINGER TREADLE sewing machine.
A-1 Condition. PArkway 6806. GENUINE TAYLOR TOT Girl's clothing. sizes 10 8. FRanklin $231, ANTIQUE PARLOR SET four pieces.
Victorian, walnut. Man's wrist watch Miscellaneous items. 109 Bachtel av. RECORD PLAYER and changer without cabinet. ready to connect to radio, quality reproduction, $15.
WAlbridge 6468, PHOTOGRAPH ENLARGER New Federal easel dark room lights and trays. BLackstone 2038. BICYCLE PArkway 2635 $5 DOWN Will Place A WESTINGHOUSE Electric Hot Water Heater In Your Home LEED'S APPLIANCE 278 9. MAIN ST SANDER AND EDGER, $4.25 day: cAr sander $1 day Marmen Stores. 1500 E.
Market. STadium 1221 Arlington PRincetone 2012 SEPTIC TANKA fully approved. Carlton Coal STadium NEED, CULVERT PIPE? eradium 1231 Carlton GARBAGE RECEIVERS UNDERGROUND TYPE M. MELL. INC.
41 N. CASE AV STadium 1216 COMBINATION tire extinguisher and garden spray. 4-gallon capacity $3. HALL MACHINERY CO. JEfferson 9135 G-E SMALL electrical Appliances.
roasters. DOD-UD toasters. mixers. etc. MORGAN'S 1806 E.
Market STadium 5466 Open Evenings YOUNGSTOWN kitchens by Mullins. Carlton Coal, STadium 1231. WESTINGHOUSE electric, 52-gal. hot water heater, like new $90. Leed's Appliance Store 278 S.
Main st. HEmlock 4 4176 STRONG. sturdy stepladders, 4-ft. $3.95: 5-16. $4.90: 6-ft.
$5.95: 7-ft. 8-ft. $7.95. Botzum's. 789 N.
Main. BLackstone 9164. THREE GALLONS washing fluid. $1, It's a Deal' any way you look at It. Cleans.
deodorizes and bleaches. UNiversity 4069. WHITE HOUSE PAINT $1.98 GALLON Also enamels in all colors: pint, pints. quarts, gallons. $3.39 gallon.
Just received shipment of light gray, medium gray and shutter green house paint. $1.98 gallon SURPLUS MATERIAL SALES 1259 E. Market st. STadium 1665 SPECIAL--ONE WEEK ONLY Wastemaster garbage disposals. $75.
CARLTON COAL. STadium 1231 NEW POTATOES Irish Cobblers. Atwood Dairy Farm. miles east of Tallmadge, on route 18. KOOL VENT Aluminum awnings for lifetime beauty comfort.
Kool Vent Metal Awning Cn 2303 Manchester rd PLaza 3811. NEED CINDERS? Carlton Coal STadium 1231 CHARCOAL For wiener roasts outdoor picnics A. GRIESINGER CO. INC. 1065.
S. Hight st. HEmlock 3117 NOR SANDERS. buffers. paint sprayers, electrical saws and hedge trimmer for rent.
Reasonable, KENMORE HOME AUTO SUPPLY 932 Kenmore SHerwood 4612 FIFTY -FOOT lengths of inch fire 14, hose HALL MACHINERY CO. JEfferson 9135 car: -ENAMEL brush PAINTS marks. for The home and Dollar Stores, 100 E. Market st. 995 Market st B.
P. S. HOUSE PAINT $5.45 per gallon M. M. MELL INC.
41 N. Case av. STadium 1216 ALUMINUM FOLDING AWNINGS Door canopies, 6 different colors. Before you buy see our display in window at 210 EXCHANGE AT WABASH COLLINS HEATING SALES SERVICE DISTRIBUTORS (Salesmen Dealers Wanted) LIQUID ASBESTOS roof coating, special 5-gal. for $2.95.
Malco's, 376 Orleans av. ROOF COATING. 5-gal can $2.25. House paint, all colors, $1.95 gallon. Romex wire per 250 ft.
carton. Army cots, brand new. $7.50 value, $4.95. Footlockers. Paint spray outfits, complete.
Air tanks. Electric fans. Motors. Morton's Surplus Stores, 899 E. Market and 1971 Manchester rd.
BLackstone 9773. HOUSE PAINT All colors; shingle stain and sash black. Substantial saving. Buckeye Paint HEmlock 7700. MOTOROLA television set, new.
Substantial saving, 468 Buchtel rear 470 E. Buchtel. JUNGLE HAMMOCKS. GI Coleman stoves. duffle bags.
canteens air mattresses. complete line of woodworking tools, high and low pressure spray units. AKRON SURPLUS 629 S. Arlington PRinceton 2112 CENT GUM MACHINE One cent and five cent slot machines. Boy's used bike, sidewalk bike.
Shoe roller skates. LEO'S SWAP SHOP 2050 Water st. "Falls" WAlbridge 5500 FLUORESCENT MEDICINE CABINET $29.50 SMITH SONS 444 Wooster AV. FRanklin 8126 W. R.
BROWN portable and large compressors paint guns and supplies. Service station supplies, equipment. Boats, outboards. fishing tackle, Campbell. 127 W.
Cedar. HAVE YOU SEEN THE NEW CORDLESS VENETIAN BLIND? It's evolutionary! Slats and tape can be removed in a jiffy. cleaned. and replaced just as fast. Call JETferson 4514 for free demonstration.
AKRON VENETIAN BLIND CO. 887 S. Main St. METAL SCOOTERS Rubber tires and handle grips, $5.50 value, $2.98. JEfferson 5423.
OHIO PLUMBING HARDWARE HAND CROCHETED TABLE CLOTH NEW. $100 JEfferson 6964 TWO-wheel trailer $45: nuts and 10c lb: horse power electrie motor; heavy duty flexible shaft. 560 Spicer st. GIRL'S ELGIN BICYCLE Regular size. 100-pound steel ice box.
42-inch gas heated mangle. portable record player. All good condition. BLackstone 7319. BENDIX WASHER, semi-automatic, good condition, $100.
UNiversity 8577. CHILD'S TAYLOR TOT. $4, High needs repair, $1. Black Chesterfield coat, $5. 1358 Arnold av.
STadium 2785. ONE GRAVEYARD LOT in Ellet cemetery at a savings: electric razor; rug pad, 9x12: 8 nice console radio: gallon of green house paint. FRanklin 0284. TABLE RADIO, outboard motor, Call after 6:30 p. m.
PArkway 8634. SALE OF personal effects, phenomenal bargains. Electric portable phonograph, Italian record course. texts; ditto French: heavy Spanish shawl; Noblet clarinet; few books. PLaza 4153.
WHITE PORCELAIN commercial refrizerator. suitable for restaurant or grocery. Can be seen at Bellows Cash Market, corner of Bellows and Miller av. Call UNiversity 1038. MUST SELL week -old Shelby man's bicycle.
Rollicord 120 reflex camera with attachments. BLackstone 3577. SINGLE 8 mm movie camera. $12: -top gas range, $15; 2-burner electric plate, $6.50: floor model radio, $8: table model radio. $7: large oak bookcase and desk.
$7: adartment size ice box. $3.50. POrtage 1688. 30-LB. STOKER, $35: 6-volt 200-watt light plant for trailer.
$20; smokIng stand $1: telephone stand and chair, $4: tea wagon, world globe $2.50: chandeliers for living room and dining room, pair. $3, 145 Hudson Stow. BLUE CALLAPSABLE baby buggy. in good condition: Menasco Electromite portable washing machine. excellent shape.
WAlbridge 8341. HEARD THE LATEST? In addition to rugs. Fina Foam cleans painted surfaces perfectly. Housewares department fourth floor. O'Neil's.
AMPLIFIER, microphone and speaker, in good condition. PLaza 5498. AFRICAN violets. electric fan. oval mirror.
baby buggv. black fur coat, size 38-40. black maternity dress. other articles. Phone FRanklin 5286.
WESTINGHOUSE BUG BOMBS Aerosol Insecticide only $1,49. SURPLUS SUPPLY OUTLET 892 Main FRanklin 1186 ERIKA TYPEWRITER Portable. need of very small repairs, $25. PLaza 2276. HAND-CROTCHED DOILIES PINEAPPLE DESIGN SPECIALTY Have one pattern 23 Inches from point to point Sell for $5.
Call BLackstone 5014. LEARN TO DRIVE AKRON AUTOMOBILE CLUB DRIVING SCHOOL Dual-Control Cars-Fully Insured 26 N. Main st. BLackstone 6161 SOLAR enlarger 120. Excellent condition.
German view camera, by with flash gun, and 5x7 Albert printer. Priced reasonable. Call STadium 6087 after 6. PIANO AND. WASHER for sale cheap.
Meridian st. WASHER Good condition. $25. Inquire at. 171 E.
South st EASTLAND 5x7 view camera. 2 lenses, 4x5 reducing back. holders, carrying case. Blacks one 3567. COMPLETE surveying and drafting equipment.
Includes filing calInet, desk. chair and blueprints. Call FRanklin 1360 money-maker. $1250. PArkway 5801.
STadium 4952. BLackstone 3695. REALTY INVESTMENT Realtors, FRanklin 6133 50-OPPORTUNITIES A BUILDING COMPLETE D-1 AND D-2 LICENSE BAR AND POOL ROOM ONLY $10,000 Here 18 ready made business with contacts already established. A going establishment. This low price includes the building.
business and inventory. A D-1. D-2 license. Call Helen Popadich, STadium 0971. SECURITY REALTY, FRanklin 8124 RADIO STOP ARLINGTON ST First -class equipment and stock.
big JULY 27, 1948 60 CITY PROPERTY Kenmore North Of The Boulevard Seven rooms. bath. garage, hardwood floors. fireplace, built-in china closet: nice lot. Price $7500.
UNiversity 5075. Bond Realty, Realtors BLackstone 6177 NORTHEAST On Home Av. North Tallmadge Ideal home. Large living room, dining room, nice kitchen and large solarium. Open fireplace and guest closet.
Second floor. 2 large bedrooms and bath. Full basement and garage. Large, level, nicely shrubbed lot. Possession 30 days.
Call Mr. Clinton. HEmlock 8103: evenings. HEmlock 5976. SUMMIT REALTY CO.
REALTORS HEmlock 8103 Two On Wonder Lake One Reduced $2000 Special! Never do people wish they had a lake home more than in the good ole summer time, away from the sweltering heat of the city and out where the lake breezes are cool and comforting. Here are 2 year-around lake homes, nice for all seasons. Both are bungalows and in the best of condition, One is on a lot 110x132 and the other extra lots. 50x150. They have beautiful, spacious rooms and the nicest landscaping imaginable.
So many extra nice things they can't all be listed. See for yourself 1f you don't agree. Call Clarence Yeager BLackstone 5258. SECURITY REALTY, FRanklin 8124 GROCERY AND MEATS North Hill location. Very good fixtures.
Cheap rental on lease. Does good volume of business. Call STadium 9125. H. P.
ZINGG. REALTOR HARDWARE FROZEN FOOD LOCKER Two excellent business opportunities. 1-Hardware in shopping center. Established over 23 vears. Sales volume approximately $100.000 Beautiful fixtures.
New vitrolite front. Low rental lease. A bargain. 2-Frozen food locker and grocery business. New building.
40x50. Check this for a solid and profitable bustness. Call Jim Tarson. BLackstone 8185. evenings and Sunday.
UNiversity 8928. STANSON-STROUP BLackstone 8185 Realtors FOR RENT OR SALE Self -serve grocery and meat market. Gas pumps. 5. 2 buildings connected which can be rented separatelv.
Must be seen to be appreciated. 261 Akron-Wadsworth rd. Tittle's Grocery, SHerwood 9792. Suburban Grocery Store Located on Canton rd. You can buy this thriving.
well located business for $1700 plus stock at inventory. Set up for easy operation and low overhead. A growing business doing $1300 A week. Call Mr. Kinney for appointment to see.
STadium 4964. Jack Turpin Realty Co. STadium 7931 CHESTNUT BAR! ALLOW ME TO EXPLAIN that North Hill's D-5 and leading restaurant is not being sold because of a lack of business. The price 1s reasonable and the future velvet. Compare the gross.
compare the equipment, observe the clientele, and consider that Temple Square is the future site of A new theater and bowling alley: above all. approximately $30.000 will take this business lock, stock and barrel. Other business interests make 1t difficult for owner to carry on, but knowing what he has is good, he will even consider a proposition of partnership; positively no information at business. Please call Mr. Garick.
WAlbridge 8320. Joseph S. "Joe" Brean Realtor 302 United bide. HERBERICH-HALLHARTER SPECIALS Falls beauty parlor. Clinton beauty parlor.
Land and building. Fine restaurant, nearby Akron Variety store, Canton. Beer parlor, pool, Millersburg. Grocery and meats. E.
Market. Drive-in. E. Market. Confectionerys, 3 dandies.
We have number of good sound, solid money makers. Call Mrs. Allborn, POrtage 24811 evenings and Sundays call UNiversity 3415. HERBERICH-HALLHARTER, REALTORS POrtage 2481 GAS STATION Corner location, fireproof building. hydraulic lift Large lot.
Cheap rental. All stock and tools for only $1650. Our first ad and it's a bargain. Call STadium 9125. H.
P. ZINGG REALTOR SERVICE STATION KENMORE Right in the heart of the business section. Good going business. Has been established many years. Corner lot.
Call Mr. Lewis, SHerwood 3149. TAYLOR-LEWIS. INC. REALTOR Opposite Barberton Post Office Groceries And Meats Five-room bungalow.
Store room, fixtures. Stock at Invoice, Well established business. Army is reason for selling. H. Pastuck, Broker JEfferson 9177 Evenings.
JEfferson 6535 DRIVE-IN RESTAURANT Doing A good business with good fixtures including custard machine and inside booths. Can be purchased to lease or include real estate. Located on route 8. Call Jerry Paskal. WAlbridge 3120.
PASKAL AGENCY FUTURE LOCATION AND FUTURE FOR SMORGASBORD ROUTE 18 NEAR 14 EDINBURG INCOME AND HOME 2 ACRES IDEAL FOR CABINS Equipment to accommodate 60 rence Hibbard. Kent 7977. Bob guests. Call OVerdale 3261. LaWWilbur.
UNiversity 1397. 1789 W. Market. UNiversity 9111 REALTORS HARPERMARSH BRICK HOME AND BUSINESS LOCATION 870 E. Waterloo rd.
new all-brick Cape Cod, has living room. large kitchen with dinette, down: 3 bedrooms and bath on second, attached 2-car garage with overhead doors. automatic oil hot water heat, large tile buliding, 28x70, with steel beam ceiling and steel casement windows. 2 other utility buildings. one 20x20.
another 10x12. city water and electric on property. lot 80-ft. frontage Waterloo rd. and 650 deep.
Canon not be duplicated for half the price. Call W. Wheeler, JEfferson 5297 HESLOP BUILDING REALTY CO. Realtor 533 W. Market HEmlock 8111 I HAVE fascinating Invention that New York industrial engineer rates AS postwar natural: million dollar baby Distinguished patent law firm expects 1t to receive at least 5 patents.
I need capital to complete model. start production Write vour phone number. for contact. details. proofs.
A rare ODDO1tunity. Address' Inventor, Box R-36, Beacon Journal. COPLEY RD. -Only frozen custard stand. Doing excellent business.
Convert to -round Ice cream and sandwich business. Inquire 1517 Coplev rd. after 6:30 m. BROWN ST. SERVICE STATION One-stop service.
Complete with tools. tanks land. buildings, equipment. Inventory Low price. Contact Mr.
Davis at FRanklin 9137 or JELferson 3501 evenings ESSELBURN ELLIS 55 E. Mill FRanklin 9137 HOME AND INCOME Manchester Nine rooms, 4 and bath. second floor. private entrance. 5 and bath 011 first; 2-car garage: large lot; for retail.
UNiversity 2784. PArkway 9558. Midlake 6383. R. B.
MUSICK REALTY CO. JEfferson 5205 BY OWNER GOODYEAR HEIGHTS BEAUTY SHOP Excellent equipment, nice ellentel, living quarters. STadium 9413. TRUCK STOP 3 large lots Ideally located near several large trucking companies. Zoned for U-4 commercial business.
Excellent site for a restaurant. These lots must be sold together. Investigate this opportunity. R. H.
STULL REALTY Realtor BLackstone 6715 WANT TO BE soda jerk? Fountain for sale at auction. See Store Fixtures under Auction Column. 39. SHOE REPAIR Shop or machinery. Best offer before August 1.
HEmlock 5365, ROMIG RD. UNDER 9 ACRES CROUSE OR BUCHTEL SCHOOL Charming semibungalow. Five rooms, tile bath and shower: fireplace: Venetian blinds: storm windows and screens. Space for 2 rooms on second. Two-car garage and shop: 2 chicken houses.
Income of $2000 last year on fruit. PLaza 3910, Mr. Akers: Parkway 8308, Mr. Adkison, UNiversity 9111. 1789 W.
Market. UNiversity 1397 HARPER REALTORS MARSH $6500 Penthley Av. off Massillon rd. Good six-room home, all modern. Large rooms, lot 135x135.
new roof, 3-car garage. This low price for quick sale. Office open evening until 9 p. WALTER W. BORN CO.
Realtor 16 S. Broadway HEmlock 6148 BUNGALOW ONLY $6500 Five-room bungalow with tatically controlled furnace, -Seal. wired for electrie stove, fireplace, garage. Dial HEmlock 3142. DOHNER Realtors 34 S.
High Et. BY OWNER $5 PER HOUR And up being made by ambitious men we have trained to operate their own permanent vear-around rebeat cash business cleaning rugs and furniture in homes. Our proven plan assures success on full or part-time basis for those accepted. For information send details to P. O.
Box 1391. Cleveland. Don't Be Kicked Around I have A fine clean business with an income of $25 to $30 clear per day. Also living quarters included. All modern.
So let me explain this proposition to vou. Evenings cal' Mr. Huffman, SHerwood 1894. W. D.
MYERS REALTY CO. 148 E. Exchange st, FRanklin 1015 WIDOW'S SACRIFICE Restaurant, living quarters, located on busy highway. Only $8500, $3500 handles. Immediate possession.
Write or see Pauline Ellis, route 2. Madisonville, Tenn. FIRESTONE FRANCHISE $65.000 gross per year. Excellent location. Splen id lease.
Call HEmlock 8019. UNiVersity 1754, SHerwood 4925. MERCUR CO. GAS OIL--REPAIRS Very profitable business on one of Akron's main streets. Owner has other interests and must sacrifice for quick sale.
Land, buildings, equipment. tool. inventory 20. Call Mr. Davis, FRanklin 9137, or evenings, JEfferson 3501.
ESSELBURN ELLIS 55 E. Mill FRanklin 9137 USED CAR LOT. S. Arlington st. For rent with office, Lights and white slag.
Inquire 850 S. Arlington. PArkway 1289. SERVICE STATION--AlsO Rood for auto repair. Low rent! Good spot! Inquire 850 S.
Arlington st. PArkway 1289. Garage 20x40, 12-Ft. Door Body and fender. Large used car lot.
Office 10x16 All utilities; automatic ZAS heat, De Vilbiss air compressor, painting equipment. NaIonal air sander Sioux sander. electric welder, exhaust fan. Office desks. $1000 or clean car for equipment.
Rent $75. Call JEfferson 7482. D-5 LIQUOR and restaurant. Good established business. Well-known throughout Akron.
Grossed $100.000. Must sell because of interest elsewhere. Priced right for a quick sale. Send reply to Box F-28. Beacon Journal.
BUS STOP LUNCH NEAR GOODYEAR AND EAST HIGH Short order restaurant, doing brisk business, must be sold. Near East high school and Goodvear. A perfect location. Your chance to be independent. Investigate now.
Office open till 9 o'clock. Ask for Mrs. Brown. THEODORE ST. GERMAIN REALTY CO.
BLackstone 9118 LICENSED BROKER. IN AKRON FOR OVER 30 YEARS BE YOUR OWN BOSS L.ere is your opportunity to own A nice neighborhood restaurant and drive-in. Terms can be arranged. Call Mrs. Fraley, JEfferson evenings, SHerwood 8831.
RINGLER REALTY 203 E. MARKET ST HOME AND AUTO ACCESSORY STORE Only 20 minutes' drive from Akron. This store located on A main street in a location. Carries a complete line of home and auto cessories. Owner wants 8 quick sale.
This might be your golden opportunity. TOWER AGENCIES, INC. Realtors BLackstone 5146 HEmlock 4879 ON KENMORE BLVD. ONLY $8500 Real estate. meat and grocery business.
Real estate includes dwelling. 3 rooms down and two bedrooms up. Also cement block store room. 30x30- ft. This fine real estate and successfull business with all equipment for only $8500 Fixtures Include cash register.
meat counter. grinder. slicer, new scales, wall refrigerator. New gas furnace for store Stock at inventory. It's 80 cheap.
A gift. Call us at once. Ask for Mr. Stovanchul Office open till 9 o'clock. THEODORE ST.
GERMAIN REALTY CO. BLackstone 9118 LICENSED BROKER. IN AKRON FOR OVER 30 YEARS MACHINE SHOP This shop works on small parts for large firms throughout this area. It has orders enough to keep it busy at all times. Located in good building.
Plenty of machinery and tools to run the business efficiently. Owner must sell on account of other business connections 80 will sacrifice for only $5500. You will make money from the first day in this shop. Call STadium 9125. 11 P.
ZINGG. REALTOR TROCADERO night club. license and business for sale by owner. 6 p. route mile from Johnson's Corners, Barberton.
Five-room solid brick bungalow. second: gAS furnace. St. Sebastian's district. Immediate possession.
511 Orlando av. Cuyahoga Falls Sackett Av. Attractive 6-room home. Large liv. ing room, dining room.
kitchen: 3 bedrooms, bath on second. Hardwood floors, carpets. drapes. Venetian blinds. Newly decorated throughout.
Gas heat: combination storm windows: corner lot: double garage: paved street. $9500. A. T. LEACH REALTY CO.
WAlbridge 5833 ST. VINCENT'S DISTRICT $9500 An 8-room home with finished third floor. Large lot with garden space. Single garage. Can be used for one or two small families.
Located near bus and shopping center. Call Mr. Bertsch. HEmlock 8103; evenings. BLackstone 4898.
SUMMIT REALTY CO. REALTORS HEmlock 8103 OPEN TONIGHT NEW BUNGALOW 1495 GRANT AV. CUYAHOGA FALLS OPEN 6 TO You are cordially invited see this lovely bungalow home containing living kitchen. room with fireplace: dinette. 2 bedrooms and tile bath.
stairway Into second floor where other rooms can be provided: attached garage; gas heat. large lot. Be sure to see it this week. CHARLES P. SANDERS Realty Co.
HEmlock 3161 CUYAHOGA FALLS Bungalow 1 Year Old Corner lot, Gas furnace: aluminum storm windows: living room. large modern kitchen. 2 bedrooms. bath: one large room on second unfinished: $9500 or take over GI loan with sonable down payment. Call Mr.
Williams. WAibridge A. T. Leach Realtv Co. WAlbridge 270 W.
LONG ST. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION Large living room. dining room, kitchen. first floor. 3 bedrooms.
bath second. Finished third. 2 rooms. Stoker fired. BLackstone 8222.
Evenines. UNiversity 9268. FALLS BUNGALOW Vacant. Five large rooms and bath. Beautiful kitchen and breakfast nook.
Gas heat. storm sash: nice level wooded lot. One-car garage. Owner will leave nice carpets. You will have to hurry on this one.
Call Mr. Frye The DeWITT-JENKINS Co. 425 Second National bide. REALTORS BLackstone 3191 Bungalow Firestone Park Area Five rooms and bath, recently painted. All excellent condition new listing and will sell quickly Earl Price, FRanklin 3808 THE E.
L. MARTING CO. Realtors FRanklin 5164 "You mean you haven't heard about WHITE "Then we think it's time $8.00 a day for 100 days someone told you about room-and-meals, it. Dad has the whole for surgeon's hospital, family protected with the fees. White Cross pays White Cross Plan.
Beother bills, specified cause we were under sums for X-rays, mediyears old when we went cines, laboratory. Groups into the Plan, he still pays are now forming, so write the children's rate of only today for complete infor75c a month for each of mation on the popular us. He's already collectWhite Cross Plan. No obed over $400 on hospital ligation. Just send your and surgical bills.
Dad name and address on a says it's the best invest postcard before July 31st. ment he ever made." Address Dept. AKR727, Bankers Life Casualty For just a few pennies a Company, 776 N. Main. day, you, too, may get Special operator on duty mous White Cross, prountil 9 p.
m. tonight only. tection. Pays $4.00 to Phone FR-9159..