The Indianapolis News from Indianapolis, Indiana (2024)

Monday, March 14, 1955 THE INDIANAPOLIS NEWS Dr. Ralph E. Bobbitt, Judge's Brother, Dies Special to The News BEDFORD, Ralph E. Bobbitt, 52, brother of Supreme Court Judge Arch N. Bobbitt, died at Dunn Memorial Hospital last night following an illness of four years.

A native of Crawford County, Dr. Bobbitt attended Butler University and graduated from Indiana University School of Dentistry. He practiced dentistry in Orleans coming to Bedford in 1938. He was a member of the Lamba Chi Alpha Fraternity, Masonic Lodge and First Christian Church. Survivors besides the brother are the widow, Mildred; a son, Tommy, and a daughter, Barbara, both at home; his mother, Ida Bobbitt, Princeton, and sister, Mrs.

Paul Ringham, Evansville. Services will be at 10:30 a.m., Wednesday in the Day and Carter Funeral Home. Burial will be in Cresthaven Memorial Park, Bedford. -Aubrey J. Grindle, 65, president and chairman of the board of the Grindle a steel manufacturing firm at Harvey, who died at his home here Sunday.

Funeral services here tomorrow. ANDERSON, Ind. -Funeral services for Drury Wellington, 80, Anderson realtor and insurance broker for 43 years, will be at 2 p.m. tomorrow at the Rozelle Funeral Home. A native of Delaware County, Mr.

Wellington attended Manchester College, before opening a real here in 1912. He was a member of the East Lynn Christian Church. Survivors include the widow, Meda; a son, Edward, president of the Anderson Loan Association, and a daughter, Burnice Bykins, Anderson. Other deaths here include: Elinor Cox, 84, widow of Thomas T. Den- Master Engraver Needs No Pattern By BESS Howard Wesdorp, 1401 Hoefgen, is one of a vanishing group of craftsmen.

A master engraver, who does all his engraving freehand, he is employed by Bardach Brothers, 448 N. Capitol, wholesale manufacturers of Ringmaster jewelry. So precise is Wesdorp that he does not have to use a pattern. He must be accurate because there is no chance for erasing. He has engraved a model of St.

Francis de Sales Catholic Church on a sheet of 3-gauge aluminum half the size of a newspaper page. So painstaking was the work, it took more than two months to complete the engraving. Wesdorp, 51, is the son of Charles Wesdorp, now of Belleview, a retired master engraver. The family came here from Dayton, Ky. The son had started to Shortridge when the World War I flu epidemic struck and schools were closed.

His face water as natural resource, forbids its "unreasonable" use and establishes a commission to study steps for further ing both surface and ground water. S.B. 28. Ream, Somers. Provides that tax assessments may be appealed to superior courts 15 well As to circuit courts.

S.B. 25. Ream. Gives probate courts power to mandate administrative officials to carry out probate court orders to demand subpoenas. This authority now is held by circuit and superior courts.

Emergency. S.B. 45. Ream. Permits counties (except St.

Joseph and Lake) to set up central purchasing agencies. Emergency. S.B. 57. Boyle, Permits continuance of civil actions by or against survivors or legal representatives of deceased persons.

S.B. 61. Harlan, W.W. Martin. Amends 1953 probate code to expedite cases by eliminating certain requirements pertaining to service of notices.

Effective July 1, 1955. S.B. 144. Somers. Increases the present $1 permit fee to a $2.50 for persons wishing to keep as a a pet game birds, furbearing animals or other wild game.

S.B. 127. R. Steele. Fixes starting dates for terms of court of 81st Judicial Circuit (Lawrence County) at second Mondays in January and April, and first Monday in October.

Emergency, S.B. 275. Neaville. Permits reduction of township area from 24 to 12 square miles it area has assessed valuation of at least $2.000.000. Affects Hamilton County townships of Fall Creek, Delaware and Clay.

Also legalizes changes in precinct boundaries fixed county commissioners, the latter asked by Allen County. Emergency, S.B. 284. H. Steele.

Provides an additional $2 tax per $100 assessed valuation for purpose of school revenue in consolldated school corporations. Emergency. S.B. 299. Somers.

Permits of registered voters of cities of fifth class having less than 500 legal voters to petition city council to change the city's name, S.B. 228. Anness. O'Bannon. typographical omission which excluded the state Board of Tax Commissioners from the 1947 administrative adjudication act.

Emergency. S.B. 304. Yeager. Amends gross income tax law by exempting from the tax all amounts represented by any encumbrance of any kind or tangible personal property received by retail merchant in reciprocal exchange for tangible personal property of a like kind.

S.B. 309. Brown. Establishes a legislative school construction commission composed of two members of each house of General Assembly and a fifth member, the director of the state Division of Public Works and Supply. Commission would provide standardized plans for reasonablypriced elementary buildings.

Appropriates $30,000 for expenses. Emergency. S.B. 346, O'Bannon, Authorizes the Conservation Department to convey title to Old Goshen Baptist Church to the Old Goshen Church and Cemetery Memorial Foundation. Emergency, S.B, 356.

Hoadley. Establishes an Indiana state commission on the aging and aged to study the problem and promote voluntary councils throughout the state. Emergency. S.B. 365.

Anness. Newhouse. Amends civil provisions for support of parents by children by authorizing the State Welfare Department to direct prosecution. Emergency. H.B.

2. Baker, Maehling. Makes biennial operating expense appropriations for all units of state government, including state colleges and universities. Regulates disbursem*nts and places certain limitations on expenditures. Emergency.

H.B. 11. Hines. Authorizes payment of a bonus to veterans of Korean Theater of Operations from World War IT bonus surplus rate of $15 A month for service in Korean theater between June 27, 1950, and July 27. 1953.

Maximum bonus to be $550. A bonus of $600 to be paid all veterans with disability suffered apywhere in the world between June 27, 1950, and January 1, 1955. bonus of $600 to be paid to next of kin of all servicemen killed anywhere in the world between June 27, 1950, and January 1. 1955. Veteran must have been A legal resident of Indiana one year prior to entering service.

Deadline for filing for bonus June 30. 1956. Also authorizes payment of all World War IL bonus applications. Emergency. H.B.

45. Guthrie. Enables county commissioners to close county offices other than clerk of circuit court on days they may designate: clerk's office may be closed as the judge of the circuit court specifies: would permit Saturday closing. Emergency, H.B. 49.

Grimes. Reimburses Putnam County for expenses incurred in apprehension of prisoners escaping from the state Page 31 Legislative Calendar Rille- Signed by the Governor, March 13 H.B. 560. Clay, Governs and regulates payments of costs of care in mental hospitals by families, relatives, estates, etc. Effective January 1, 1956, S.B.

332. Ream. Raises, admission qualifications to Indiana State Soldiers Home. S.R. 307.

Bite. Restricts sale and aswignment of fractional and undivided interests in oll, gas and other mineral leases, Emergency, 8.B. 207, Bainbridge, Baran. Provides that when bus franchises under jurisdiction city councils expire, franchises will be under control of state Public Service Commission. S.B, 215.

Anness, Bainbridge. Requires trackless trolley operators to have drivers' licenses; extends period for drivers' license suspensions; makes changes in registration tees. Emergency, S.B, 172. Brown, Beczklewlez. Requires that notaries public be 21 years of age and makes other procedural changes in to notarization of documents.

Emergency. other reasons. Emergency. H.B, 252. Downey, Brown.

Changes certain requirements concerning the makeup of capital stock In domestic capital stock life and casualty insurance pantes; makes other changes. H.B. 263. Rollins. J.

J. Bailey, Prowides that employers of four or more persons pay unemployment compensation tax to conform with federal provisions; makes other changes. Emergency, effective April 1, 1955. H.B. 328.

Gramelspacher, Birchler. Changes Indiana toll bridge law to allow commission to pledge revenue of existing bridges for payment of bonds for other bridges; provides for reimbursem*nt of state funds advanced; authorizes issuance of bonds at any time. H.B. 408. Clay, Feighner.

Sets up procedure for transfer of inmates of Any penal or correctional institution to a psychiatric hospital. Emergency. H.B. 422. Buchanan, Shawley.

Provides that injured employee, under workmen's compensation act, receive of weekly wage for specified periods, in addition to temporary total disability payments for 26 weeks; also sets standards for determination of right of compensation for dependents. Emergency, effective April 1, 1955. H.B. 426. Buchanan, Shawley.

Amends workmen's occupational disease act to provide for weekly compensation of reguJar pay for specified periods. in addition to 26 weeks disability benefits. Emergency, effective April 1, 1955. H.B, 440. Barning.

Caine. Regulates sale of barbituates and provides penalty for violations. H.B, 441, Machlinz. Baker. Appropriates $10,000 to Indiana University to finance a study of laws relating to schools and prepare a bill clarifying.

revising and codifying such laws for introduction in 90th General Assembly. Emergency. H.B. 462. Felton.

Authorizes farmer's mutual insurance companies to accept casualty reinsurance. Emergency, H.B. 544. Downey, Shawley. Amends Indiana Workmen's Compensation Act to include executive officers of corporations as employees.

H.B. 550. Clay, Stout. Provides procedure and rules to govern discharge of patients who are sufficiently recovered to be released from certain psychiatric hospitals in the state. Effective January 1, 1956.0 S.B.

3. Bainbridge, Rutledge. Expands definition of narcotics to include synthetic drugs: provides fines up to $5,000 and imprisonment from 20 years to life for second offenders convicted of narcotics violation: makes simple possession of narcotics illegal and prohibits suspension of sentence on conviction of sale of drugs to minor. S.B, 93. Carter, Removes on gross sales and puts it on gross profits for grain elevator operators.

Emergency. S.B. 223. Landis, Rutledge. Liberalizes payments under occupational disease act by raising weekly benefits from $30 to $33.

Emergency, effective April 1, 1955. S.B. 226. Sheron. Corrects possible conflict on minor points of general wage assignment law and Acts of 1909.

Emergency. S.B. 212. Malone. Permits insurance agents and brokers to procure policies from companies not licensed in Indiana after attempts to get policies from state-licensed companies fail; sets fees.

S.B. 259. C. W. Martin, Brokenburr.

Creates a metropolitan planning and zoning department in Marion County. Emergency. S.B. 300. Newhouse.

Permits counties to issue bonds to finance additions to hospitals in Shelbyville; raises bonds for each director and makes other provisions. Emergency, effective May 1, 1955. S.B. 344. Ristine.

Authorizes cumulaLive building funds for erection of new courthouses and remodeling of old. S.B. 352. Wesselman, Ream. Removes provision in present law requiring state Board of Pharmacy to pay certain fees to the Indiana Pharmaceutical Association.

Emergency, effective July 1, 1955. S.B. 381. Yeager, Beczkiewicz. Changes name of Chicago Stock Exchange to Midwest Stock Exchange and New York Curb 10 American Stock Exchange in law concerning trust investments of fiduciaries.

Emergency, H.B. 535. Wilson. Myers. Amends fire marshal's insurance fund law.

Creates fire marshal fund to be used for promoting fire prevention and appropriates $500,000 from fund to be allocated to cities and towns on basis of population in special fund to be used for maintenance of and to buy fire-fighting equipment. Emergency. H.B. 522. Miser.

Increases by $30 annually fee for retail alcoholic beverage permits with revenue to 20 into fund for treatment of alcoholics. Will raise an estimated $240,000 annually. Emergency. S.B. 170.

Harlan. Allows Indiana railroads to merge with connecting outof -state railroads or to merge by means of Intervening lines and legalizes such mergers now in effect. S.B. 24. Ream.

Hasbrook. Incorporates street on Monument Circle into state highway system. Emergency. S.B. 69.

R. Steele, W. W. Martin. Increases salaries of circult.

supreme and annellate court judges effective January 1, H.B. 105, Mush*tar, Incarcers, pension assessments for gency. 1.B. 447. Feighner, Miser.

Provides method for a extension of social security benefits to certain state employees. Emergency, H.B, 566. Machling, Feighner. Authortres coverage of certain state employees by federal Social Security act. H.B.

Condon. Amends 1947, and 1951 Public Employees Retirement Fund to provide definitions of eligibility and changes in amounts of employees' contribuLions. Emergency, S.B. 252. Stevens.

Mandates that in construction of public buildings, plans shall Include alternate plans and specifications RE to heating. S.B, 351. Burnett, Utterback. Amends TAW governing operation of concession stands in public buildings by the blind: grants state Board of Industrial Aid and Vocational Rehabilitation the Blind vending opportunities in such" buildings and makes other changes. S.B.

41. Kellum. Regulates testing of milk for butterfat content. Emergency. H.B.

161. Malinka, Churilla. Sets 2c county mental health levy for Lake County and changes quorum requirements tor mental health clinic board. H.B. 304.

Aders. Establishes safety and sanitary standards for house trailers. H.B. 83. Wilson, Marquart.

Provides that member of executive committee of Indiana School Bus Drivers Association serve on committee prescribing rules and regulations for construction and equipment of busses. Emergency. H.B. 47. Clay, Defines collection agendies: excludes certain Individuals and firms from being Included under "collection agency" heading; sets up licensing of qualified agencies and provides penalties for violation.

Effective January 1, 1956. H.B. 65. Barbour. Provides that multiple list of textbooks adopted by the Indiana State Board of Education shall be five, instead of present three, books for all subjects.

Emergency, H.B. 95. Buchanan. Allows Indianapolls school city to borrow funds on time warrants: to acquire real estate outside corporate limits, and raises from $500 to $1,000 purchases which may be made without advertising: sets certain fees. Emergency.

H.B. 183. Malinka, Shawley. Sets up veterans memorial school construction fund with surplus funds in World War II bonus fund to facilitate classroom building and maintenance projects: allocates $5 million effective July 1. 1955, to initiate program with rest of surplus to be transferred when Korean bonus claims are paid; authorizes advance loans up to $250.000 from tuition support monies and allows up to 20 years to repay.

Emergency, H.B. 185, Stout, Downey. Changes fee, Courts. schedule Emergency, in Marion effective Mounty July 1, Municipal 1955. H.B.

219. Guthrie, Webb. Permits state to appeal for sustaining of a plea of abatement from an order or judgment for the defendant upon motion for discharge because of delay of his trial or for other reasons. Emergency. H.B.

173. Caine. Hodgen. Increases pay and allowances of township trustees. Emergency, 11 B.

303. Miser. Increases salaries of fourth and fifth class city mayors who also serve as city Judges. Emergency. H.

B. 305. Allen, Rader. Establishes fees for county recorders. Emergency.

S.B. 96. Helmes. Provides for transfor of dependent children In orphan homes to school districts in cases of adoption or assignment to foster homes. S.B.

220. H. Steele. Increases teachers' retirement benefits. Emergency.

S.B. 238. Bontrager. Governs use of school cumulative building funds in buying buildings in advance of established schedules. Emergency, H.B.

507. Maehling, Wainwright. Permite use of prefabrication techniques in construction of school buildings. Emergency. H.B.

515. Yeager, Wilson. Permits parts of property of one school tion to be Annexed to another for consolidation. Emergency. S.B.

142. VanNess, McQueen. Amends gross income tax to provide that mortgages and encumbrances not created for the pose of avoiding tax may be deducted in determination of taxable receipts. S.B. 288, Brown.

Abolishes use of intangible tax stamps and provides for Annual payment with gross Income tax returns. H.B. 283, Malinka, Miser. Permits Increases in tax levies for special school revenue funds of townships. Emergency.

8.B. 6. Carter, O'Bannon. Defines Merrill Yount to Be Buried in Floral Park Merrill C. Yount, 55, A.

P. employee, will be buried in Floral Park Cemetery after services at 10:30 a.m. tomorrow in the Fairfax Christian Church, He Friday in his home, 527 N. Exter. Born at Montpelier, Mr.

Yount had lived here 29 years, He coming had here been from employed Switz in City, packers supplies and other departments of the A. P. A baritone, Mr. Yount had studied voice and for a number of years sang with the Indianapolis Symphonic Choir. Yount was a member of Fairfax Christian Church and past treasurer of the church.

He was also a member of the Masonic Lodge at Switz City, Survivors are the widow, Zelpha Yount; two daughters, Mrs. Searle Charles, Flint, and Mrs. William Hiatt, East Haven, his mother, Mrs. Winnie Yount, Switz City, three brothers, three sisters and five grandchildren. Charles Siegler Charles Siegler, 68, 145 Leota, will be buried in Floral Park Cemetery after services at 10 a.m., tomorrow in the J.

C. Wilson Chapel of the Chimes. He died Saturday in General Hospital. Born at Washington, he had lived here 40 years and worked 13 years for the American Compressed Steel Co. He was a member of First Free Christian Church.

Odd Fellows Honored Special to The News ROCHESTER, A. Arter, Roy Jones, John J. Werner, Jesse Shelton and Fred Smith, all Rochester Odd Fellow Lodge members, will be awarded 50-year membership pins Wednesday. niston, 76, retired employee of the New York Central Railroad. Rites Oscar Throndson, 61, former resident, at Clearwater, Fred Bloom, 55, operator of a radio and television repair Vanderhoof, 88, retired shovel plant employee.

Rites today. R. Swift, 87, retired decorator. LADOGA -William T. Smith, 75, husband of Celeste Smith.

Services today, CRAWFORDSVILLE Dan W. Murphy, 79, former schoolteacher. Rites R. Bappert, 53, of William A. Bappert.

"Services Carolyn J. Rutan, 25, wife of Lawrence Rutan. Rites today. Daily Vital Statistics Births COLEMAN Addleman, Robert Betty boy, Bick. Jack Marcha S.

girl, Englehart, Richard Virginia Leg boy. Gleb, Forrest, Ramona girl. Helock, Michael Eleanor girl. Hogue, Jasper, Elsie boy. Horner, Edward Thelma girt.

Jones, Roy Phyllis boy. Jones, Wesley Lorraine girl. Harold, Betty boy. Langsford, Alec. Alice boy, Magee, Dallas Ida girl.

Maggard, Oliver, Beth boy. Martindale, R. Mable girl. McCrackin, Samuel, Celestine, girl Mosley, James Jimmie girl. Paxton, James Constance girl.

Payne, Victor Phyllis boy, Kenner, Richard Glenn Inez Patricia girl. girt. Schaller, Edgar Evelyn boy. Settles, Charles Joan girl. Taylor, Lloyd, Geneva, boy.

Thompson, Robert Edwina boy, Wade, John Christine, girl, Walker, Douglas Joanna, boy. Webb, John Mary 'girl, METHODIST A dams, Harry Wanetta boy. Allspaw, Rex Helen boy, Bailey, J. T. James, Llewellene, girl.

Baker, Joseph. Julia boy. Bullock, Wesley Shirley girt, Burress, James Thelma Cantrell, Edward Norma boy, Dunlap, Ralph Karolyn boy, Fisher, Robert Phyllis girl. Franklin, David Les Sylvia boy. Hart, Charles Alice boy.

Imhausen, William Zoe girl, Isenberg, George Ruth boy. Keiser, William Jo girl. Lichliter, William Lillian, girl. Lytle, David Carole girl. Overton, Earl Rosemary, boy, Pollard, Delmer Rosalyn boy, Posey, Russell Dorothy girl.

Kay, Donald la, Mary girl. Schaefer, Herman Melba Les boy, Scheib, Charles Rosemarie, boy, Searcy, James James Anna girl. Sears, Marguerite boy, Shaw. William Dorothy boy. Simmons, Edward Mary girl.

Simon, Donald Norma boy. Troutt, Rubin Shirley cirl. Steinmetr, John Audrey, girl, Walker, Earl Lloyd, Maxine, girl. Wilkerson, Alvin, Annie 8., girl. Wilson, George Betty boy.

ST. FRANCIS Ferry, Albert Elizabeth twins, boy, rirl. Deaths Burgess, Edna 60, 1115 N. Park, cerebral hemorrhage. Bernardo, Burlo, 61, Veterans, diabetes mellitus.

Ellis, Mildred, 63. 239 N. Illinois, Apartment 38, cerebral hemorrhage. Elliott, Gertrude, 63, 610 N. Senate, cerebrovascular.

Frants, Daisy Alice, 79, 946 N. edo, coronary occlusion. Hartwell, Mabel Lenora, 71. 610 N. Senate, hypertensive cardiovascular, Jackson, Jeff, 30, Long, carcinoma.

McMath, Owen, 57, Veterans, noma. Mitchell, Joseph 52, 5933 N. ridian, carcinoma. Mitchell, Marcey Joe, 1, 2319 Yandes, pneumonia, Morris, Elsie 68. 5129 University, cerebral thrombosis.

Sandler, Joseph, 66, 4901 Park, nary occlusion. Funeral Announcements Services BRUMLEVE, Anthony J. CHAMBERS. Smiley N. LEATHERMAN, Dora LODGE, William A.

(Bill) MILLAR. Minnie Forbes ROBINSON, John Conley Jr. WEBER, Mrs. Ellen M. FLANNER, BUCHANAD Mortuaries Shirley BECHTOLD, Charles F.

HEATH, Garrett P. SATTLER, Bernhardt E. SCUDDER, Leona Bailey YOUNT, Merrill C. 1 Death Notices ACREE-Laura, are 82. 2520 Pasadena, Indianapolis.

Mother of Mrs. Marie Acree, Miss Teressa, Mrs. Evelyn Leahy, Mrs. Genevra Walters, Miss Orian Acree and James Elliot Acree. grandmother of six.

grandmother of one, passed away Saturday p.m. Funeral services at the McCORD FUNERAL HOME in Oaklandon Tuesday 1:30 p.m. Burial Wesley Chapel. Friends may call at the funeral home. ALBERS-Frank age 74 of 1228 Leland beloved brother of Anna Albers and Mrs.

William H. Fox, passed away Saturday. Funeral GRINSTEINER FUNERAL HOME 1601 E. New York Tuesday 11 a.m. Burial Crown Hill.

Friends may call any time, (Please omit flowers and make donations to the heart fund.) ALLEN-Harvey 215 Station St. son of Harvey G. and Mildred Jones Allen, brother of Barbara Ann Allen, grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Gus H.

Jones and Mr. and Mrs. Harvey G. Allen, departed this life Saturday. Services Tuesday, March 15, at the MOORE de KIRK NORTHEAST CHAPEL, 253 Station 2 p.m.

Burial Crown Hill. Friends may call any time. BARNES- Edward, age 82, formerly of 768 Mass. beloved husband of Della May, passed away Sunday evening. Funeral services Wednesday, 10 a.m., at the FARLEY FUNERAL HOME.

1604 W. Morris. Burial Floral Park. Friends may call at the funeral home after 1100n Tuesday. BECHTOLD-Charles of 4001 E.

Washington father of Paul and Dwight Bechtold of New York and Brandt Bechtold of San Francisco; brother of Mrs. Blain Tilman, passed away Sunday. Services Wednesday, 1:30 p.m., from SHIRLEY BROTHERS IRVING HILL CHAPEL, 5377 E. Wash. St.

Calling after 7 p.m., Monday. BROWN- Thomas Leo, age 53, New Ross and son of Mrs. Mollie Brown. New Ross, brother of Mrs. Pauline Zimmerman, Ladoga, R.R..

and Mr. Walter Brown, Lafayette, passed away Saturday. Funeral Tuesday, 2:00 New Ross Methodist Church. Burial, New Ross.

Friends may call at WALKER FUNERAL HOME. Jamestown. except during hours from 12-4 p.m. Monday. BRUMLEVE-Anthony 309 Fall Creek S.

Drive, band of Mabel father of Robert Jack and Miss Isabel; brother of Alois. Ferd. Harry, John, Sylvester. Edward, Ralph, and Miss Helen Brumieve, passed away Saturday, Services Tuesday 9:30 a.m. FLANNER BUCHANAN FALL CREEK MORTUARY.

Requiem mass. 10 a.m. Sts. Peter and Paul Cathedral. Friends invited.

CHAMBERS-Smiley N. of New Augusta, husband of Josephine father of Smiley N. brother of Mrs. Eliza C. Peddle, Mrs.

Sue C. Bopp and Miss Mary Chambers. Passed away Sunday. Services Tuesday 3 p.m. FLANNER AND BUCHANAN FALL CREEK MORTUARY.

Friends may call after 6 p.m. Monday. In lieu of flowers, make contributions to Educational fund of First Presbyterian Church. CLAYTON: husband of Marian 1323 Central son of Mr. and Mrs.

John F. Clayton: brother of Howard, George and Ralph Clayton, departed this life Monday, age 47, Services Wednesday, March 16, at MOORE KIRK, COLONIAL CHAPEL, College at Fairfield. 2 p.m. Burial Washington Park. Friends invited.

1 Death Notices FOGLE-Samuel, of 1030 5. Meridian, passed Away Saturday evening. Husband of Rachael, father of HArry, Jack, Saul, Phillip, Nathan. Joseph. David, Mrs.

Rose Steinberg and Mrs. Sarah Smith, brother of Louis Fogle and Mrs. Rose Fireman, also survived by 17. grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Services will be conducted 2 p.m.

today at the AARON-RUEBEN FUNERAL HOME. Interment. Shara-Tetilla Cemetery, Friends invited. GANN-Florida, age Perry 90. mother of Ind.

Mrs. Carrie Lynn and John of Greenwood. Gann, Indianapolis; sister of Mrs. Sue Davis. Mrs.

Hildenbrand. Minnie Wayman and RIND 6 grand9. great -grandchildren, passed children, 10. great and AWAY Saturday p.m. Services Tuesday, p.m..

J. C. WILSON FUNERAL HOME, Greenwood. Friends Invited. GARRITY-John.

Age 70, belovea of Charles Schilling, Miss Winfred Garrity, Mrs. Arthur Fox, Mrs. Mrs. Betty Cobb, all of Indianapolis, Louis May, of Peru, and Mrs. Gerald Merkel of Chicago, passed away Saturday, Funeral GRINSTEINER FUNERAL HOME, 1601 E.

New York Tuesday 8:30 A.m. Requiem Hich Mass, St. Mary's Church. m. Burial Holy Cross.

Friends may call, HAMILTON- 75 years, stepfather of Ethel Haas, Grace Reed. Clifford and Charles Sutton, brother of Mrs. Frank Jones, passed AWAY Sunday, Friends may call at the TOLIN de HERR MEMORIAL CHAPEL, 1308 Prospect St. Services Tuesday, 2 p.m. Interment, New Crown.

HAMILTON -Thomas. age 70. restof Sarah M. Hamilton, father of dence 742 N. Pershing, husband Ray C.

Paul, David Hamilton. Mrs. Mildred Nelson Mrs. Flora Frantt, passed away Sunday, Services Monday, 7:30 p.m. CONKLE FUNERAL HOME, 1934 W.

Michigan. Friends invited. Burial Young wood, Pa, Friends may call at the funeral home. HOMMEL-A. AgE 85, of BargersHommel, ville, father of Floyd Beech Grove, Mrs.

Albert Sims. Mrs. Bonnie Daugherty and Vernon Hommel, all of Indianapolis. Ralph and Cari Hommel of Franklin, George Hommel, Martinsville, Mrs. Lakle Pevler.

Danville. Mrs. Elmer McClain, Bargersville, Whiteland, and Mrs. Charles Drake of passed away Saturday. March 12.

Services 2:30 p.m. Tuesday at the BURKHART FUNERAL HOME In Greenwood, Friends Invited. Interment Greenwood Cemetery. Friends may call at the funeral home any time, HEATH -Garrett of Boco Raton, brother of George M. Heath and Mrs.

John Bertram. Services Wednesday, 3. p.m., from SHIRLEY BROS. CENTRAL CHAPEL. 946 N.

Illinois St. Friends may call after p.m. Tuesday. JENNETT-Nellie, age of 911 W. Dr.

Woodruff beloved wife of Wilburn. sister of Lewis Ballard, William Ballard, Mrs. Nola Parsley, Mrs. Rinsey Strain, Mrs. Sue Carson.

Mrs. Cynda Gunyon, Mrs. Mary Mendenhall and Mrs. Cora Pagel, Passed Away Saturday, Funeral GRINSTEINER FUNERAL, HOME, 1601 E. New York, Wednesday p.m.

Burial Memorial Park. Friends may call after 6 p.m. Monday. KEPNER-Mrs. Nellie 0.

age 85 of Noblesville, mother of Mrs. Gladys Cornish of Great Neck, New York, sister of Oscar J. O. Woddell, R.R. 4, Noblesville, Mrs.

Laura Painter of 3 grandchildren and 7 greatgrandchildren, passed away in Riverview Hospital Saturday night. ServIces Tuesday, 10 a.m. at the COALTRIN FUNERAL HOME, Noblesville. Burial Crownland Cemetery, Friends may call at the funeral home. 2801 Sutherland mother of Dr.

La. H. Leatherman, passed away Sunday, Services 2 p.m. Tuesday, FLANNER de BUCHANAN FALL CREEK MORTURY. Friends may call after 7 p.m.

Monday. LODGE-William A. (Bill), 7841 Whitertver husband of Marie father of Mrs. John R. Hamner, brother of Mrs.

M. B. Dunn, Frank N. and Alfred H. Lodge, passed away Saturday, Services FLANNER BUCHANAN BROAD RIPPLE TUARY Tuesday, 2:30 p.m.

Friends invited. MILLAR-Minnie Forbes, 1626 Maynard mother of Willard Robert Rollin Mrs. Lorne Thibideau, Mrs. Edwin F. FOX and HY Mrs.

O. F. Kennedy, sister of C. F. W.

Kogler, passed away Saturday. A.m. Services FLANNER and cremation Tuesday, 10 BUCHANAN FALL CREEK MORTUARY, Friends invited. MYERS-William 57 husband of Rose Myers, father of William Joe Myers, son of Mr. and Mrs.

J. Walter Myers of Bloomfield. Ind. Passed away Sunday at the residence, 802 E. Epler Ave.

Friends may call at the TOLIN AND HERR MEMORIAL, CHAPEL, 1308 Prospect. Services Wednesday, 10 a.m. Interment Round Hill. RICE-Marshall age 69 years, band of Madge; father of Mrs. Catherine Rucker of Houston.

Mrs. George W. McAllister and Donald Whitaker; also survived by eight grandchildren and two great -grandchildren, passed away Saturday Methodist Hospital. Funeral Wednesday, March 16th, 2 p.m. at the GEORGE W.

USHER MORTUARY, 2313 W. Wash. St. Friends Invited. Burial Crown Hill Cemetery.

Friends may call at mortuary, ROBINSON- John Conley 8000 Lantern Rd. Son of Dr. and Mrs. J. Conley Robinson and grandson of Mrs.

Beulah Cottom. Passed away Sunday. Services Tuesday 11:30 a.m. FLANNER AND BUCHANAN BROAD RIPPLE MORTUARY. Friends invited.

SATTLER Bernhardt Edward. 74 years. 5123 N. Illinols, husband of Neil Sattler, brother of Charles, Frieda and Mary Sattler. Services Wednesday.

1:30 p.m. from SHIRLEY BROS. CENTRAL CHAPEL, 946 N. Illinois. Friends may call after 7 p.m, Monday.

SCUDDER -Leona Bailey, age 87 years, of Cleveland, 0.. mother of Irene Wunderlich and Lois Kimmich, Cleveland, and Beryl Scudder, Indianapolis, passed away Sunday. Service Wednesday, 3 p.m.. from SHIRLEY BROTHERS IRVING HILL CHAPEL, 5377 E. Wash.

St. Calling after 6 p.m., Tuesday. SIEGLER-Charles, husband of Rosie, father of Ethel Johnston, grand father of Richard and Duane Johnston, Mrs. Lavan Hyatt and 4 greatgrandchildren, passed away Saturday p.m. Services from J.

C. WILSON CHAPEL OF THE CHIMES Tuesday 10 a.m. YOUNT-Merrill of 527 Exeter husband of Zelpha Yount, ther of Mrs. Barbara Charles and Mrs. Maralyn Hiatt, brother of Edward, Charles, Lewis and Randolph Yount, Mrs.

Barbara Borders, Mrs. Helen Slouter and Mrs. Mary Belle Keller, son of Mrs. Winnie Yount, passed away Friday. Funeral Tuesday 10:30 a.m.

from Fairfax Christian Church. Calling at SHIRLEY BROS. WEST CHAPEL, 2002 W. Michigan St. until 10 p.m.

Monday. Card of Thanks NEWKIRK- -TO each friend-from the fullness of our hearts, our gratitude for every help and tribute during the recent illness and passing of LOIS G. NEWKIRK -Steve, Mike. Mary, Martha John-and from all who are members of her two larger families. 3 In Memoriam COFFEY-In loving memory of my husband.

THOMAS R. COFFEY, who passed away March 14, 1954. When the evening shades are falling And I am sitting. all alone. It In my heart there comes A longing, he only could come home.

-Wife. Ethel. IRWIN-In loving memory of WILLIAM B. IRWIN who passed away March 14, 1954. You're not forgotten, husband dear.

Nor ever shall you be; As long as life and memory last I shall remember thee. -Sadly missed by Loving Wife. KELLER-In loving memory MARY CATHERINE KELLER. who died March 11. 1953.

Your gentle face and patient smile, With sadness we recall. You had a kindly word for each, And died beloved by all. The voice 1s mute and stilled the heart. That loved us well and true. Ah.

bitter was the trial to part From one so good as you. You are not forgotten loved one, Nor will you ever be: As long as lite and memory last, We will remember thee. We miss you now, our hearts are sore, As time goes by we miss you more. Your loving smile, your gentle face. No one can 1111 your vacant place.

-Miller, Frances, Tom, Rita and Jack. MILLER-In loving memory of RICHARD MILLER, who passed away March 14, 1954. You're not forgotten, father, dear, Nor ever you be: As long as life and meniory last We shall remember thee. -Wife and Children. 4 Funeral Directors JORDAN FUNERAL HOME PROMPT AMBULANCE SERVICE 24 Hours Daily HELEN G.

JORDAN ME 6-4305 2428 E. 10th ME 6-4304 CONKLE FUNERAL HOME 1934 W. Michigan ME 7-9622 4925 W. 16th BE 8960 BLACKWELL FUNERAL HOME 1503 N. MERIDIAN ME 4-7115 FARLEY FUNERAL HOME 1604 W.

Morris ME 8-2388 GRINSTEINER'S 1601 1. New York ME 1-5874 G. H. HERRMANN 1505 8. East ME 2-8488 HISEY TITUS 951 N.

Delaware ME 4-3828 KIRBY MORTUARY Meridian at 19th WA 3-3331 MOORE KIRK-4 CHAPELS CH 1564 IR 1159 TA 6056 BE 4774 ROYSTER ASKIN 2310 W. Washington ME T-8633 ROBERT W. STIRLING 1420-22 Prospect ME 2-6576 GEORGE W. USHER MORTUARY 2313 W. Washington ME 2-9352 15 Lodge Notices CENTRAL Lodge No.

nounces the death BROTHER CHARLES HES. TON. 1718 Bivd. Pl. Funeral services to be held Tuesday, At Patton Funeral Home, Jimmie Adkins.

W.M. Gayhart. Secy. 6 Florists- -Memorials "SAY IT WITH FLOWERS" Call Madison Av. Flower Shop 2457 MADISON AVE.

GA 4446 MERIDIAN FLOWER SHOP 2209 N. Meridian HI 6222. 8 Lost and Found HOUSECLEANING? Give dishes, clothes, jewelry, fur, ete. to I.F.F.A for rummage sale and help care for dogs and cats ing for homes of their own at Homes For Friendless Animals Inc. BRt 1523.

LOST Thursday March 10, lady's grAy checked suit skirt. in or near Goodrich parking lot. Delaand North Sta. Reward. BR 3281, evenings.

LOST -LEe. male Shepherd, brown. white neck: name Near Beech Grove, Rew. GA 3625. LOST 5300 10th, pedigreed wire haired puppy.

Ats. to ger'. Child's pet. BL 5596. $25 REW.

-Fem. Beagle. White and tan. collar Lost en Geist volr Thurs. Child's pet.

ID 0190. FOUND-Wire-hatred terrier, fem. gray, black and brown, 2 yIN. BR 6306. LOST -Red chair cushion on Key.

stone or E. 38th Sat. IR 5003. LOST -Brown Boxer. Ans to Roger, Injured it.

eye. Rew ME 5-3229. 9 Personals WILL NOT be responsible for any debts contracted by anyone other than myself 011 or After March 14, 1955. Richard L. Walker, 771 N.

Bancroft. 9-A Business Personals GET OUT OF DEBT! Let us solve your debt problems with payments FOU can afford. One place to pAy, Not loan company. Bonded and confidential. OPEN FRIDAY UNTIL P.M.

Family Budget Series N. RM. 611, ME 7-3347 FOR AN APPOINTMENT IN OUR OFFICE OR YOUR HOME IN DEBT? Will group all your bills in one payment yOU can afford. Our tematic plan will answer your debt problems. Bonded and insured.

BUDGET MANAGERS Oldest Budget Service In Indpla 311 LEMCKE BLDG. ME 2-1422 106 E. Market OPEN MON. EVES. UNTIL P.M.

IN DEBT? Let us help you by systematically planning the answer to your problem. Bonded. THE BUDGET PLAN, INC. Edwin H. Bradley, Manager 836 K.

of P. Bldg. ME 8-5528 Corner REVOKED Auto and Driver's License Insurance, S.R. 22 Filings 1122 E. Washington ME 8-7511 EVENINGS, ID 596 Free- -Matching Ottoman With each l1v rm.

suite upholstered. Supply limited. Free estimates. Upholstery ME 7-1707 HOOK'S saccharin tablets, grain, Package of 1.000 for 27c at Any of HOOK'S CONVENIENTLY LOCATED DRUG STORES. SONG WRITERS' SERVICE Trianon Music Service.

TE 2635, HY 0790. P.O. Box 7251. FUR RESTYLING Indiana Fur 114 E. Wash.

FREE CLASSES wood fiber flowers, 7 p.m. 35 Yrs. exp. Robbins, 3714 E. 25th.

TA 0541 DRESSMAKING Hazel and Pat Dellinger, ME 7-6731. Haircuts Tues. Thurs. Ind. Beauty College, 38 N.

Pa. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS may be reached at 124 W. Georgia Indianapolis, or telephone ME 4-1708. LICENSED MATERNITY HOME Can offer care, to unmarried girls. WA 3-8019 INFORMATION.

Gown Designing, ME 6-2423 WARNER CLEANERS, 2705 W. WASH. WOOD fiber flower materials. Free lessons any time. Grants Hobby Shop.

338 Mass. ME 5-8764. Revoked Auto License SR 22. 533 N. Penn.

ME 4-6917 DAINTY MAID. Feminine Hygiene the scientific way. WA 3-5283. HOUSE plans drawn. Immediate service.


9 a.m. -midnite and Sun. 1308 E. 10th. 2 Oprs.

ME 8-1673. DELL'S LILL'S-Vapor baths. 11 a.m.-9 p.m.: Sundays, 1-8 p.m. 127 E. 16th St.

13 Transportation DRIVE A NEW CAR West to California, Denver, Los Angeles and Seattle. We furnish car. you furnish gas. This 1s not A Job. ME 6-5409.

WANT responsible party to drive late model car to California. This is not job. Call Bill Arbuckle, ME 5-7641. L.A.-Priv. party leave Mar.

15. take 3. Mr. Evans. ME 4-7531.

14 Special Notices EARN $10,000 YEARLY It you can sell or hanker to learn see MUTUAL OF OMAHA. 21 N. ground floor. 15 Business Services ACCOUNTING TAX RETURNS by former Int. Rev.


707. Muskegon, Apt. 4, ME 5-6262. BAsem*nT BAsem*nTS Dug and finished under houses, BRICK -BLOCK -CEMENT HOUSES RAISED; FLOORS LEVELED: PORCHES, STEPS, WALKS, FIREPLACES: MOD. E-Z TERMS: 36 MOS.

TA 0688 HI 9005 -CEMENT Rooms added. porches built, closed: fireplaces: chimneys built, repatred: glass basem*nt dug. fin. under house: waterproofing: walks! driveways. E-7 terms.

Ins. Free est. HY4490 Work Guar. HY4490 BAsem*nTS and finished under houser. Indpis, Remd.

ME 6-4424 WATERPROOFING Color -Crete and all types masonry work. ME 7-1256. ME 8-8977. BLOCK WORK CONTRACTOR Block. brick, stone, cement work.

ME 8-8977, ME 7-1256. BRICK WORK BRICK REPAIRS Porches. Foundations, Chimneys POINTING Guaranteed Work, GA 1926 Brick, Block, Cement Work steps, walks. foundations. Prompt service.

TE 1890 CH 2062. EXPERT CHIMNEY WORK J. L. Kemp Son GA 1878 MASONRY WORK, stone, brick. block laying.

HI 4177. BLOCK AND BRICK BRICK AND BLOCK work. Free est. Work guaranteed. GL 5400 eves.

GEN. contractinz, block, brick and stone: guar. CY 1653, Crothers. BRICK block, footings. Crushed stone.

Gravel top soil. ID 5456, BLOCK LAYING: free immed. service. ME 8-8246 aft. 5 p.m.

BUILDING AND REMODELING REMODEL NOW NOTHING DOWN-FREE ESTIMATES Add that extra room or breezeway. Finish your attic or basem*nt, enclose your porch with jalousie windows. We install. Franz sectional garage doors. ROYAL LUMBER CO.

2031 E. 30th St. HI 8986 REMODELING Rooms built, attics finished, roofing. siding. gutters.

furnaces, plumbing. garages. No money down, easy payments. Free estimates. ID 3224.

eves. and Sunday. GA 1942. COMPLETE REMODELING Reasonable Terms ME 2-8779 CH 3075 BUILDING, plumbing. heating.

electricial, carpentry. Work guar, ME 6-8362 82 or Oaklandon, 755. Home Remodeling-Terms Good jobs. Ins. J.

C. Lewis ME 1-1719. SMALL HOME REPAIRS A SPECIALTY HU 3742. Want- Ad Service, ME8-2411 15 Business Services BUILDING AND REMODELING HOME REMODELING By Finest Craftsmen We Do the Entire Job Bring Your Remodeling Problems to an Expert! Free Est. Terms to Suit Estate Remodeling Co.

2965 N. Sherman Dr. TE 1338 Expert Remodeling WE DO THE ENTIRE JOB An estab. corp, who will correctly evaluate your needs-with you mind, Graduate remodeling consultants, Skilled remodeling craftsmen. Decorating, home arrangement service.

Long-term finance plans. FOR A KITCHEN- You'll love to work in. BATH-You'll admire for years. ROOM You need. BAsem*nT due ATTIC finished.



ens, plumbing, furnaces, rooting, stding. All work guaranteed. NO PAYMENT TILL JUNK ME 5-5541 Days. BL 5275 Eves Sun. MARTIN CONSTRUCTION CO.

EXPERT REMODELING of any kind. All types financing. or DAy. 2301. contract to, mortgage change.

Night CABINET WORK CABINET top repairs or new tops inat. Days. ME 1-4406: nite ME 1-9806. CARPENTRY CARPENTRY, guttering. painting.

roofing. Small jobs, ME' 6-0068. CARPENTRY. Do good work. Terms.


INDPLS. REMODELING CO. CEMENT WORK All type residential. Exp. mechan1cs.

Highest quality work. A-1 refs. IR 1065. CEMENT work; sidewalks steps, etc. Free est.


WALKS. PORCHES. FREE EST. BL 0733. CEMENT work and foundations and block work.

HI 1780. CLEANING HANDY man, paint, yard work. maintenance, office clean. GA 9722 eve, CONCRETE WORK DOZING, Ferguson. grading.

ID stone, 6595. gravel, top CONTRACTING TOP SOIL. $3 PER LOAD FILL DIRT, $2 PER LOAD PIT-RJN AND WASHED GRAVEL CRUSHED STONE ID 6462 SODDING- -FINISH GRADING LAWNS ROLLED 0. Martin, TA Bulldozing, Ditch Digging Basem*nts, ID 6462 DUMP TRUCK, light bulldozing, highlift service, top dirt, till dirt, pit gravel, washed sand, gravel, stone. cinders.

4841 W. Morris. BE 5579. BULLDOZING. Hilift yd, grade ing; drives, parking lots bit.

Top 1111, cinders, gravel. GA 6605. Free est. ID 7089. RICH TOP SOIL.


TOP SOIL-FILL DIRT -ID 3153 Gravel, crushed rock, white stone, flag stone, driveways excavated. CINDERS OR STONE, TOP SOIL, pit gravel, tIll dirt. Driveways excavated, grading, bulldozing. GA 7022 Top Soil, Stone. IR 7883 TOP SOIL, cement work.

basem*nts, hauling manure. HI 0246. DUMP TRUCKS-Cr. stone, fill cinders, bricks, top soll. ME 8-1053.

CONSTRUCTION HEATING. ELEC. Free Estimates. ME 6-3802. STONE driveways by private party.

Reas. rates, ME 5-0094. STONE, GRAVEL, DRIVEWAYS, top soil, fill. BL 9346. TOP SOIL, sand.

gravel, limestone. pit run. GA 1769. WHITE STONE: cinders; driveway top, fill dirt. HY 5101.

TOP soil, fill dirt, white stone, gravel, driveways. ID 3380. Top Soil or Fill. ME 1-1445 TOP SOIL -WA 4-0189 DITCH DIGGING DITCHING. installed septic tanks, finger system and repaired.

Bonded. ID 5518, GA 7451. DRIVEWAYS DRIVEWAYS Parking lots, oiling. The Highway Zionsville, Ph. 50.

ELECTRICAL SERVICE Free Estimate. BE 6451 ELECTRICAL WIRING. all kinds. Fast. efficient service.

ID 3335. ELECTRICAL work. No job too large or small. Lic. ME 6-2973.

ELECTRIC wiring and repairing. Call anytime. ME 7-5556. LICENSED ELECTRICIAN. BONDED.

Quality wiring, repair. ID 4039. ELECTRICIAN. wiring. old and new 24 Hr.

emergency service. TE 1024. EXTERMINATOR UNITED TERMITE CONTROL Free inspection. 630 Va. ME 7-2060 FENCING LAWN FENCING.

$15 PER 100 FT. SQUARE RED CEDAR POSTS, 55c EA. HOOSIER FENCE CO. TA 2434. FLOOR REFINISHING FLOOR SANDING, finishing: old floors made like new: one-day serv, Wm.

G. Ingley. 3411 Broadway, TA 7424. NEW FLOOR LAID, old floors sanded and refinished. Work guar.

Free est. ME 7-9502. FURNACE Furnaces and Conversions REPAIRS AND REPLACEMENTS LICENSED-BONDED INSURED Bradley Heating Co. ME 5-4471 FURNACES INSTALLED Cleaned and serviced. Bottle, ERSoll-city ZAR.

TE 1350. WA 3-1870. FURNACE cleaning, $4: repair furnace, chimneys. Free est. HY 4063.

FURNACE REPAIR FURNACE REPAIRING Free estimates--Cleaning $4.50. New and used furnaces and burners installed. Easy terms. Bonded. Insured.

WA 3-3808. SERVICE. REPAIR. install all types furnaces. ME 1-5656.

CLEAN, repair furnace. chimney, Free 24-hr. serv. CY 2225. GUTTERING Roofing New or THREE repaired.

No down payment. YEARS TO PAY BEA BEA ME 8-0071 -ROOF REPAIRING Gutters installed, 40c, 50c and 60c per ft. Mr. White. GA 7892.

GUTTER, downspouts and roofing new or repair. Free est. ME 8- 8767. INTERIOR painting, gen. repair and guttering.

Free estimate. GA 4365. GUTTERING, roofing, spouting. new. repair.

paint. Free est. IR 7883. HAULING GEN. baggage, Refr.

Covered trk. Ins. White. HI 8402. WE SPECIALIZE in trash.

Will haul most anything. ME 8-3280. TRASH hauling any time day or night. Light moving. ME 8-9319.

SMALL moving jobs, buy what you don't want. ME 8-6196. GENERAL hauling. trash, dirt. gravel.

Wreck buildings. ME 5-9904. LIGHT HAULING. SUN. BR 5529 PIANOS, refrig complete households.

Prices reas, White. ME 4-7193. LIGHT AND HEAVY HAULING 24-HOUR SERVICE CY HAULING any time, day or night. All day. Sat.

and Sun. ME 7-9673. MOVING and general hauling. 2817. Any time.

Horace Boring. IR MOVING furniture or junk. Free White man. ME 6-7381. MOVING.

HAULING. ODD JOBS TA 0412 $3 UP HI 4572 Moving, Ins. ME 6-9074 HAULING, anything. any time. Free 15 Business Services HAULING Moving: Anything, Any Time Clean gar.

Wreck bldgs. Free est. ME 6-2029. Trash- Ashes--Tree Limbs Clean up from attic to bamt, truck, White men, 83 Up ME 2-9178 HAULING TRASH, $1 UP Cleaning gar. Also haul Sun.

MN 8-4974 or ME 4-2780. Hauling, Any Time, Anything from ME 1-7606. HAULING BE 5395 Refrigerators, ReaR, Covered truck. White veteran. 183 INS.

MOVING. ME 6-4939 Anywhere, any time. White Reasonable rates. Covered van. JAY'S MOVERS, ME 8-7033 Covered vans, White, EXP.

MOVER -VETERAN White, movine van. ME 7-1640. LANDSCAPING EXPERT landscaping grading, top soil. WA 4-0114. POWER lawn rolling.

BL 4498 GA 8857. PAINTING PAINTING New Method Saves Many NO DOWN PAYMENT Order Now For Early Spring Painting ME 2-6494 PAINTING ext. Call Mr. Wire. Free est.

ID 7670. PAINTING. papering and decorating. Free estimates. No Job too large or 100.

small. ROMMIE T. SMITH. MIC 1-5130 after 6 p.m. 1st- -Class Ext.

Prompt serv, Tolson. ME 6-0310. PAINTING. interior and exterior. Expert workmanship.

Winter rates. ME 5-5878. BEST colors tinted on job; bath, etc. Reas. ME 6-1697.

Wh. PAINTING, wall washing. paper cleaning, Clean work CH 7049. W. PAINTERS HIY 3627 Beat the rush.

Reasonable rates. INTERIOR, EXTERIOR PAINTING WA 3-8945 PAINTING. do good work. Terms. Free estimate.

BE 2853. RELIABLE PAINT contractor. Insured workmen. Earl S. Cox.

MIC 6-2316. PAINTING, int. ream. Free est. Prompt service.

Ellis. ME 2-3326. PAINTING. wall washing. paper cleaning.

Clean work. CIt 7049. PAPER CLEANING PERFECT WALL WASHING Painting. White Man, IR 2289, COL. washing.

paper cleaning, floors, windows. yards. Painting ID 1420 or WA 3-6034. PAPER CLEANING- washing. Free est.

Work guar. ME 1-8757. WALL WASHING, woodwork. floors waxed. G.

Brown. ME 5-9194 PAPER wall fl. waxed. Deem. Ref.

ME 6-1824, PAPER cleaning. $3 aver. room, Cox de Son, GA 6900. ME 6-0672. EXPERT paper cleaning.

Immed. serv. ME PAPER cleaning and wall washing. work white man. GA 5503.

HOUSE cleaning. wall washing. paper cleaning. wife. HI 2452.

PAPER HANGING $12.50 up; steaming. 55 Samples shown, painting, patch plastering. Quick service, ME 7-5783. PAPERING, $5 up, patch plastering, our specialty, Painting. Ins.

men. Christian man, white. CY 0834. PAPERING, steaming, 1st class work guar. Pennington.

White, ID 3322, BR 1104. PAPER furn. and hunk. $12 rm. up.

Immed. serv. Paper cleaning. Vernon Lee, 1955 Samples. ME 1-7989.

PAPERING: $6 rm. up, Painting. Work guar. ME 5-6029, GL 7436. PAPER HANGING steaming.

White. Insured. Condiff. TA 6042. PAPERING -PLASTERING J.

KLIPPNER. ME 8-7373 LADY, paper wash hanger, White. ME paper 8-0433. cleaning. FIRST CLASS paper nanging, paint.

Free est. Quick service. GA 0328 rm. up, 17 years exp. Patch plast.

Quick serv. ME 7-3222. PAPER HANGING, steaming. Prompt. efficient serv.

ME 2-1983. BE 2047 PAPER hanging. painting. steaming White man. Shepperd, CH 7293.

PAPER hanging, $6 up. Steaming, $6 up. Painting. Plastering. ID 4030.

PAPER STEAMING STEAMING Floor. woodwork protected, All paper removed from premises, free est. White. BE 9706. PAPER steaming.

2 white men. Woodand furniture protected. Free estimate. WA 3-7643, BL 1482. STEAMING.

$6 up, paper cleaning. hanging. int. painting. WA 4-2564.

STEAMING. $6 up: plastering. painting. paperhanging. ID 4030.

STEAMING, plastering, paper hanging. 24-Hr. service. White. ME 2-9655.

PLASTERING PLASTERING New or patch. Free est. White. GA 1845, GA 5980, ME 8-9823. -GA 8511 White man and son.

Clean up. PLASTERING AND BRICK WORK No job too small. ME 6-1067 days, WA 3-8346 Sun. PATCH PLASTERING. Arches made.

Est. free. ME 7-4830. White man. NEW AND PATCH PLASTERING.

Free est. White. Clean up, ME 4-3614. PLASTER. new And patch dry wall.

Free est. ME 4-2980. HU 3448. PLASTERING All kinds, stuccoing. Chimney guar.

White, HY PLUMBING Plumbing and Heating Repair City and county lic. Terms can arranged. Good prices on new water heaters. ID 7117. PLUMBING, new and repair.

We small jobs AR well as large. day or night. IR 4687. PLUMBING and repairs. Sewer cleaning Water or sewer service 24-hr.

service. ME 7-8079. NEW water lines, sewer unstopped, septic tanks cleaned. GA 4722. WATER softener service.

Permutit and all other makes. GL 8424. PLUMBING repair service. day OT night. ME 2-2115.

I INSTALL, dryers, heaters. service. ME 1-5656. REMODELING REMODELING, Kit types, porches, attics garages: free ent Loans arranged. WA 4-0114.

ROOFING ROOFING-REPAIRS-ALL TYPES New roofs. Gutters. Downspouts. ME 5-2928-WA 3-3919 ROOFING. SIDING.


No stopno pay. New roofs. CA 7892. ROOFING, siding and guttering. Free estimate.

Walden, ME 8-8767. RUG CLEANING DOMESTIC AND ORIENTAL RUG shampooing and repair. ME 7-3331. Crown Laundry and Dry Cleaning Co. Rugs Cleaned in Your Home 2417 E.


CESSPOOLS CLEANED AND INSTALLED ME 2-5561 HI 8183 BE 9588 SEPTIC TANKS, dry wells pumped: dry wells installed, ME 2-6212, ME 6-8470. SEWERS SEWERS, septic tanks, dry wells, tolcleaned, installed. IR 1188. SEWER CLEANING SEWER STOPPED UP? FREE ESTS. GA 4360 DRAINS CLEANED, $3.50 UP URT YOUNG SEWER SERVICE Electrical Equipment.

24-Hour Service UNSTOP SEWERS. elect. digging repair: 25 gra. exp. HI 4090.


10 a.m.-10 p.m. 1623 N. Delaware St. (Ring once.) TREE REMOVING TRIMMING, removing: 16 yrs. exp, Free est.

ME 1-4755, UL 6-5979. Tree Cutting, exp. ME 8-5312 TREE TRIMMING TREE trimming and removing: work. ME 8-4823. TOPPING, trimming and removing.

free est. ID 8797. TREE REMOVING -Power equipment. Liability ins. Luttrell.

WA 3-6230. WALL WASHING WALL WASHING In and out. Free estimate. ME 1-0894. WALL wash.

by to mess method. Est. John Hogan. TA 2303. YARD CLEANING ROLLINS Nursery Service; gen.

cleaning. hauling. HI 0038, eve. Want To Make More Money A6 Your Boss See The WATSON father believed the boy should keep active, so he was put into his first pair of long trousers and set to work to learn the engravers trade. Making a ring is a laborious process, as the engraver goes about it.

The ring is modeled in wax and placed on a core. Liquid plaster of Paris is poured over it. This hardens and then is placed in an oven. The wax melts out a and leaves the shape and design in the plaster of Paris. Then liquid gold is shot.

into the plaster of Paris mold to form the ring, which is then smoothed, engraved and polished. Wesdorp designed a necklace especially for Arlene Francis, television star, and she often wears it on telecasts. He also designed a ring for Wilbur Shaw. one time Wesdorp, his father and a brother, the late Earl Wesdorp, all worked for Bardach Brothers. farm at Putnamville.

Putnam County sheriff to get 10c a mile for transporting these prisoners. H.B. 135. Miser. Hines.

Removes itations on county councils in making certain appropriations for drainage work in specified years. Emergency. H.B. 208. Grimes, Condon.

Enables all counties to have prison matrons. Emerxency. H.B. 178. Kincaid, Maehling.

Governs establishment of city. county and other parks. Does not affect state parks, Emergency, H.B. 285. Guthrie, Rock, Amends act on public records, adding city controller or clerk- treasurer county seat city to membership of commmission on public records.

Provides further that public records of city, town, township, school corporation, library or other political subdivision with no official or historical value may be destroyed, but prohibits destruction of any financial records before audit of state Board of Accounts. H.B. 481. Babincsak, Yager. Permits netting of smelts in Indiana and prescribes type of net to be used and penalties for violation.

Emergency, S.B. 151. R. Conrad. Amends law pertaining to prevention and control of animal diseases, particularly brucellosis, by changing certain requirements of such a program.

Authorizes cooperative agreement with U.S. Department of Agriculture, and appropriates $300,000 for program. Emergency. S.B. 161.

Kellum, Bainbridge. Amends law relating to municipal corporations by expediting procedure for annexation. Authorizes a city or town to make contract with outlying property owners prior to annexation. S.B. 176.

Yeager, Provides that in cases of tie votes in common councils of secondclass cities in the election of any vacancy except mayor that the mayor shall cast the deciding vote. S.B. 198. W. W.

Martin. Provides the Board of Public Works and Safety in fifth -class cities shall consist of mayor, city attorney and council member appointed by mayor. S.B. 224. Ream, Bontrager.

Permits any corporation organized under the state -profit corporation act to reduce the quorum requirement for meetings its board of directors from a majority of entire board to not less than one-third of the total number of directors and to not less, 1n any case, than any two directors. Emergency. S.B. 247. Somers.

Amends present poor relief law by increasing maximum from $43 to $48 monthly and $10 to $12 per week. Emergency. S.B. 274. C.

W. Martin. Authorizes the state attorney general to appoint a special deputy to handle civil actions to recover public funds in cities, towns and townships when requested by State Board of Accounts. Emergency. S.B.

109. Gardner, McQueen, Raises standards for beauty culture schools and makes regulations conform to current hairdressing techniques. Effective August 1, 1955. S.B. 141.

Hasbrook, C. W. Martin. Imposes strong penalties for professional gambling. First offenders will be subject to a fine up to $1,000 and imprisonment up to one year, and repeaters to a fine as much as $5.000 and prison term as long as one year.

S.B. 188. Newhouse. Provides that transient merchants without a place of business in state shall obtain a license from county auditor. Emergency.

S.B. 206, Ream, C. W. Martin. Calis for appropriation of $800,000 to be matched by Marion County, for acquisition of the two churches at the south end of the Indiana World War Memorial Plaza for completion of the memorial.

S.B, 218. Landis, Rutledge. Amends Employment Security Act to increase the maximum weekly benefit from $27 to $30 and keeps maximum duration of benefits at 20 weeks. Effective July 2, 1955. Resolutions Approved and Filed With Secretary of State H.C.R..

4, Feighner, Shawley. Endorses development of Lake Michigan port. H.C.R. 5. Webb, Allen.

Requests Governor to proclaim September 24, 1955, as John Marshall Day. H.C.R. 15. Brayton. Commends J.

sel Robinson, Indiana composer. H.C.R. 2. Brown, Monks. Memorializes Congress to protest to U.N.

removal of narcotics division from New York to Geneva. Switzerland. S.C.R.. 2. VanNess, W.

W. Martin. Commends Herbert P. Kenney for 16 years service as head of state Legislative Reference Bureau. S.C.R..

Helms. Praises work of late Roy H. Valentine with Legislative Reference Bureau. Offers 1AV 100 Business classes 35 Star Action Quick Ads.

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Author: The Hon. Margery Christiansen

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Name: The Hon. Margery Christiansen

Birthday: 2000-07-07

Address: 5050 Breitenberg Knoll, New Robert, MI 45409

Phone: +2556892639372

Job: Investor Mining Engineer

Hobby: Sketching, Cosplaying, Glassblowing, Genealogy, Crocheting, Archery, Skateboarding

Introduction: My name is The Hon. Margery Christiansen, I am a bright, adorable, precious, inexpensive, gorgeous, comfortable, happy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.