The Sydney Morning Herald from Sydney, New South Wales, Australia (2024)

a a 10 THE SYDNEY MORNING HERALD, MONDAY, MARCH 23, 1242 FUNERALS FUNERALS BIRTHS DEATHS JESSIE BOYD are kindly and invited to attend MORNIN Inc Helativea MCGRATH Frienas kincy et Triands March BLACKWELL. 17. (nee Nancy 22, 1942, her Street, Funeral; Leichhardt, to leave THIS our Chapel, at Norion Va to attend his to leave our End Mrs. R. H.

Saba, Neutral Bay, to Mr. hospital, Burwood, Margaret Scott. private Argyle for Presoyterian Cemetery. MONDAY, Rookwood. 2 p.m..

Caspel, 810 George Bircel, Sy uney. THIS daughter T. Blackwell, of Lane Cove- Street. Auburn, beloved wile of Percy COFFILL WOOD EL 2.15 o'clock, for (Wendy Fulton). loved mother of Valda, Claine, Eric, and and LIMITED.

Catholic very. Hook wood. WOOD Gardens. to Dorothy, wife 8: of A. Luke's, J.

Canny- Roslyn Geoffrey, aged 43 March years. At rest. ROSE are kindly invited tO Relatives and Friends of -March 21, St. BRAY Relatives and Friends of the COFFILL LIMITED. GRAGORY dence, 15 Mort Street.

20. Moore 1942. Perk, her Bridget real- attend her Funeral; to leave St. Magdalene the late ELIZABETH ANN At Rossign. (nee Kirkpatrick).

-March 20. Scully, beloved mother of Mary. Sarah, Della, at Retreat, 2.15 o'clock. THiS Catholic (Monday) AFTERNOON, LEW ale kindly invited to attend her funeral; A. C.

Gregory- Arnelitte, to Dorothy, wife of John, and Page, aged 90 years. R.I.P. wood. WOOD COFFILL LTD. Cemelery, Rook- to Parramatta, leave our Chapel.

181 church Sucel, HALEY. -March 17. daughter. at Strathmore private Wales SMITH. Hospital, -March 21, 1942, Prince 01 BEEN The Relatives and Friends of the 4 o'clock.

for THIS Weston (Monday) Noaa, Cemetery. AFTERNOON, Parra- EL Hales. hospital. Bathurst, to Eiwyn. wife of Pat Smith, of 15 Jubilee Randwick, Street, Henry Lewisham, Harold BALEN, of 11 Bishop inatla.

WILLIAM METCALFE and CO. Sunnyside, Gresham- a daughter. husband of Florence and dear father of Grave. fond Avenue. Handwick, F.06 kindly invited to 181 Churco Street.

Parrminatta. 'Phone, Olga. wife of Louis 17. at Leake, Corryong. Cudgeena, to Charles Youngest son Powell of the late Mr.

and Mrs. Leslie Punera! Parioura. THIS 10 Jeave MONDAY. our at Kingsterd 11.15 Relatives Ana Friends of -March attend his Funeral; UW8038. Cudgewa, Victoria- zen.

STEPHEN. -March Smith. for the Catholic Cemetery, Botany. A. MEALOWS, cl -Maich 21, Strathallen private dence.

corner Artarnion 21, 1942. at him rest- MOMAS DIXON LID. Shaw Avenue, Kingstord, MI. and Mrs. hospital, Turramurra, 'to Mr.

and Mrs. W. A. Street, Artarmon, Thomas Road Malcolm Lucknow 347 Anzac Parade. Kingsiorn.

MASONS. PRANK MEADOWS and SON, FRANK. Mr. Penny. of Klamale, Wabroonga- son of Watson's Bay.

Vaucluse), beloved (formerly Established 1836. 820 Airs. JACA MEALOWS and SON, JOHN, to Elma and Sergeant-Pilot John Me Pettett, 21, 1942. at Belmore, to attend his Funeral; to icave our Chaper, MEADOWS VALERIE and (Nicholas ere John). of Ruby.

aged 80 years. husband Relatives And Frtends ol the MI. ERIC MEADOWS, Misa GWEN PETTETT (nee Elma. 14, By request, no flowers. THOMAS J.

S. CAnILL invited Mi. and MIs. RODENT R.A.A.F. 60n (John Henry Stephen).

Louisa, Haynes), beloved Alwine mother (Mrs. of Florence (Mrs. R. 810 George Streek, Sydney, THIS MONDAY, ate kinaly to vitca 10 attend the -March 20. at Sunshine private Carl.

E. R. Leitrecht). and AL 2 p.In., tor Cachouc Cemetery, Rook noco. Funeral of ner acarly 10VLO HUSHAND hospital, Camden.

to Mr. and Mrs. J. K. D.

VAN aged DEN 74 years. By request, no flowers. WOOD COF FILL heir dear Searl, Camden- a daughter. 21. at her LIMITED.

and UNCLE, Capt. Frank TURNER. February 25. at Lissington, residence, Henriette, beloved Graylind Place, Vaucluse, Simone -The Relatives and Friends of the Charles a Meadows; to leave bt. Church, Haberdeid.

to Roma (Pat), wife of Bom- of Maurice wite of Maurice and mother late EMANUEL are informed that Avcca Street, HandWICs, THIS MONDAY, miter bardier Gordon Turner, of New Guinea--a (abroad) and Jacqueline, aged 48 his Remains were privately Interred March service LO commence at 2.30 p.m.. for the daughter (Lois Irene). years. Requiescat in pace. 20, 1942, aL the Cnurch of England Came- Crematorium, Eastern Suburbs.

CHARLES VOLLMER (nce Lansdown). --February 28, -March 21, 1042, at Lewisham tery, T. J. ANDREWS. A.F.D.A., KINSELA PTY.

A. F.D.A., at Crown Street. to Naomi, wife of Carl, The Mount private Eden hospital. Flats. Mary Gardyne Ann Williams, of 21-25 comore Road, Newtown.

'Phones: Square, 'Phones. 114136-7-8. Poplars. Nomingha- soft. dearly beloved Street.

Bronte. LA2873, etc. EASTERN and Noel, and dear sister of Mrs. K. Weber), King.

-The Relatives and Friends of Mrs. N.B.W -STAR TEMPER 531. of of mother of Phyllis (Mrs. 0.0.L. ENGAGEMENTS By request, no flowers.

Street, M. E. CANNAN and FAMILY, of RAWSOD Lodge are requested and to altend Members the the punetel above of WISSING. -March 21, 1942, Si. George the Puneral Auburn, of her are dearly kindly beloved invited to HUSBAND Attend their late catacmen Capt.

PRANK announced of Joy. only daughter of Engagement Mr. H. 18 District sister Hospital, Kogarah, Ethel May, beloved and their dear FATHER, Charles Henry CHARLES MEADOWS. (Sce family police for W.

and the late Mrs. Dunstan, cf of Eva, Edward, Charles, and Samuel. Cannan: to leave our Funeral Home, 121 Raw- funcrel arrangements.) Regalia. A. B.

Eastwood. "to Prank, only son of the late Mr. son Auburn, THIS AFTERNOON, HAZARD, J. C. MARTIN.

Secty. Janies Caristie, of India, and Mrs. Ken Ruhl, IN MEMORIAM 1.30 o'clock, icr the Church of England Ceme- -The Members of COOGEEof Ashfield. memories ten, Woroncra. LABOR MOTOR FUNERALS RANDWICK and CLUB HiD Engagement 15 darling son and -Treasured of out LIMITED, 121 kawson street, Auburn.

invited to attend the Funeral of their late announced ct Sheila Joyce, only daughter of away March brother. Tommy, who passed 'Poone, UX6111, esteemed Comrade, Capt. FRANK CHARLES Mr. and Mrs. J.

F. McManus, of Naremburn. months. Ever aged years 11 MEADOWS. (See family notice for funeral 23, 1940, to Reginald George, younger son of Mrs.

A. dad, Barry and Maureen. by mum and CHERRY, of the late Mrs. arrangements.) GLO. A.

RUSSELL. Hon. Sec. remembered his CHERRY. Funeral Cooke, of Chatswood.

Treasured Ernest Andrews' Funeral of Linddeid, will leave The Relalives end Friends of The Engagement 15 darling Tommy, memories of out Ac Highway and Chapel, corner Paci- HAROLD S. NEASBEY and FAMILY announced of Miss Roslyn Lorraine Chambers. aged 4 years 11 passed away March 23, 1940. THIS DAY. after Thomas Street.

Chatswood, 01 Thirimere, and of Mr. W. STREETER, ct eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George R.

loving nana, aunties, months. Muriel Inserted by his 2 p.m.. for Church service commencing at Waterino, are invited to attend the Funeral Ronald Chembeis. of Deewhy, to Gunner Arthur ALDERSON. Treasured and Beryl, Billy.

Northern Suburbs. of ERNEST England Cemetery, of their beloved WIFE, MOTHER, and SISTER, Curich. Cunich, of youngest Young. son of Mr. and Mrs.

darling Tommy, died March memories 1940, of our Chatswood. JA2834. ANDREWS. Muriel Pearl, which will leave our Chapel. 4 years 11 months.

23. Aged Relatives 172 Redfern Street, Redfern, THIS AFTERGLENNY-CURRAN. Engagement 18 meinbered by his loving Loved and alwaye re- late JEMIMA CLARKE and Friends of NOON, at 2 o'clock. for the Botany Cemeinnounced of Patricia Mary. elder daughter of Jim.

Aunty Mary and Uncle that her Funeral is Are advised very. JOSEPH MEDCALP, A.F.D.A., 172 Mr. end Mrs. Joseph Curran. 27 Prince ARMSTRONG.

Chapel, 401 Facinc to leave our Private Redfern Street. Redfern, 'Phone, MX2315 Albert Street. to Dennis -In loving memory of mg THIS MORNING, Highway, Crow's Nest, (2 lines). toss Glenny, only son of Mrs. Ethel 1911.

mother. Inserted by who her passed loving away March 23. byterian Cemetery. at 10 Northern o'clock, Suburbs. tor the Pres- Relatives and Friends of the Glenny, of Palm Beach, and late Major son-in-law.

Lieutenant V. daughter, Doris, MOTOR FUNERALS LIMITED, LABOR late MINNIE SARAH O'BRIEN, of 7 G.uns, of Barking. Essex. grandchildren, of Brisbane. Evans.

and Highway, Crow's Nest. 401 Pacino Hevington Road, Auburn, are kindly invited to 'Phone, XB1578. attend her Funeral; to leave my private MorMr. and Mrs. O.

E. Halloran, of Warrawee, to of my 1939. darling mother, who passed away March invited JOHN JOSEPH CUSACK are kindly. DAY, at 10 a.m., tor the Church of England announced cf de Joan the Edna, only daughter of token of love to the memory CUSACK. The Relatives and Friends of the tuary Chapel, 2a Auburn Road, Auburn, THIS Opl.

Kevin Gleesen. 2nd Arid. A.M.F 22, Inserted by her loving daughter, to attend his Funeral: to leave cur Cemstery. Section 12. REGINALD only son of Mr.

and Mrs. H. E. Gleeson, of Emilie. Funeral Home, Miller and Falcon Streets, North W.

HILTON, Funeral Director, 28 Auburn Ho berneld. CAREY. -In loving memory of my dear wife. Sydney, Catholic THIS MONDAY, at 2 p.m.. for Road, Auburn.

UX7350. Engagement 1s Ever Ruth Anne. remembered who passed away March 23. 1928. COFFILL Cemetery, Northern Suburbs.

WOOD -The Relatives and Friends announced of Lois Enid, younger of by J. Carey. LIMITED. of Mrs. SUSIE VERSO PATTERSON and Mr.

and Mrs. C. C. Halpin, of Habermeld, to loving memory of our dear DA Funeral of the late RAYMOND are invited to attend the Funeral Berreant Douglas Scott Illidge. of Sydney, enly mother, who passed away March 23.

1928. our GEORGE ROBERT DAVIDSON will leave of her beloved HUSBAND end his dear son of Mr. and Mrs. F. G.

Illidge, of Kinga- Ever remembered by her loving daughters, MONDAY, Chapel, 810 George Street, Sydney, THIS FATHER, Walter Lionel; to leave the Melroy. Queensland. Florrie, Monnie. Edna, son, Norman, grand- Cemetery, At Rook 2 p.m., for Church of England calfe and Morris Chapel, 177 Church Street. Engagement 1s sons, Warren and Gary.

TED. wood. WOOD COFFILL LIMI- Parramatta, THIS DAY At 10 a.m.. tot of L. Mr.

and Rignold Mrs. E. Peterson, C. Roster, of Campsie, Mr. to and entered our brother, A.

E. (Bert) my Cary, who son Mrs. The Relatives Friends of Suburbs. METCALFE and MORRIS announced of Eva Muriel, younger daughter CARY. Cherished memories of dear the Church of England Cemetery, Northern only son of and into his rest March 23.

1935. DAVIES, WILLIAM and FRANK A.F.D.A., Parramatta. UW8891. R. C.

Peterson. of Croydon. COUGHLAN. tribute cf love and Mr. PATTINSON, Mr.

and Mrs. W. HOUGHTON, PIERCE. Relatives and Friends of brance to Emily, who passed away March 23, Mrs. and Mrs.


daushters, son, Inserted and by her grandchildren. loving husband. Funeral J. of her HOLMES dearly are beloved invited to attend the of 18 Prospect Street, Surry Hills, are kindly 28, at St. their dear HUSBAND and invited to attend the Funeral of her dearly Thomas' Church, North Sydney, -February Henry Conolly, FAITHFULL.

-In loving memory of my dear BROTHER. FATHER, FATHER-IN-LAW. and beloved HUSBAND and their dear FATHER. cf Newcastle. to Marzery, accond daughter of husband and our father.

George. who passed the Alfred Ernest Davies: to leave Albert William Pierce; to leave St. Peter's E. A. Holden, of Sydney.

away March 23, 1929. 93 Weston Private Chapel of Motor Funeral. Church, Surry Hills, THIS MORNING. after March 19. at Sacred FAITHFULL.

thoughts of my at 3.15 o'clock. Road. Rocelle, THIS AFTERNOON, Requiem Mass commencing at 9 o'clock, for Heart HANCO Church. Pymble, Rev. Father T.

lather. George, passed away March 23, 1929. Cemetery, for the Church of England the Catholic Cemetery, Botany. LABOR O'Neill, Mary Elizabeth, by daughter of Remembered by his daughter, Ruth. Field of Mars.

MOTOR FUNERALS MOTOR FUNERALS LIMITED, 604-606 Crown Mrs. M. O'Neill and the late only Thomas O'Neill. loving memory of my dear wife WB1141. A.F.D.A..

93 Weston Road. Rozelle. Street. Sydney, 'Phones, LA2777 (4 lines). Wahroenga, to Leading Aircraftian Francis and Match mother, 22.

Isabella, Inserted who passed to husband. Relatives Mr. And Mra. Friends JAMES of Mra. RYAN.

W. Mrs. HARRIS, J. and the late youngest Thomas son Hanco*ck, Mrs. Gordon, B.

Hanco*ck Harry, and children, Elsie and Harry, Mrs. A. J. DOUGLASS and FAMILY, of GLOVER are kindly invited to attend the Lconard, of by her DO Friends of loving memory ol my dear Auburn Street, Sutherland, are invited to at- Funeral of their loving BROTHER-IN-LAW. SALMON- -February 25, at husband and our father.

Raymond, who passed tend the Funeral of her dearly loved HUS- Albert W. Pierce, which will leave St. Peter's St. James' Church, Adelong. by the Rev.

March 23. 1940. Sadly missed by his BAND and their dear FATHER. James Carl- Church, Devonshire Street, Surry Hills, 9.30, Father T. Collins.

only daughter of loving wife. son. and daughter. ton Douglass; which will leave our Private the late Mr. and Mrs.

J. McCarron. of Dapto, HANDS. -In memory of my darling mother, Chapel, 388 Forest Road, Hurstville, THIS -The Relatives and Friends to Malcom George Salmon, third son ol the who departed life MONDAY, et 1,30 the OSBERT of late Mr. S.

Salmon and of Mrs. Salmon, of serted by her devoted daughter, 23. 1934. In- of England Cemetery, p.m., for St. Peter's Church 18 Austral POULTON, of this Merch late VICTOR Grahamstown, N.8.W.

Myra. HARDY. A.F.D.A. 'Phonez, Richmond. J.

and C. vited to attend Street, his Kogarah, Funeral, are to leave kindly Our loving memory of my dear LU1554. LW5834 and wife. Millie, who passed away March 22. Private Chapel, 2 Carrington Avenue.

HurstGOLDEN WEDDINGS 1941. Inserted by her loving husband. Jim. Funeral of the late ville. THIS AFTERNOON.

at 3 o'clock, for 23. 1692, at St. Matilda HARDEN, Isabella -In loving memory of our mum, of Christ, ANN Metropolitan DUNCAN WIII Road. leave Enmore, the Church the LABOR Church MOTOR of England FUNERALS Cemetery. LIMITED.

2 Worenora. CarPaul's. Beaver. Present Burwood, address: John Quinton Hodge to Road, Florence Manly. Norm.

Theo, Cyril, and Harden, Dorrie. March 23, 1939. for DAY, the after Service commencing at 10.30 a.m.. THIS rington Avenue. Hurstville.

'Phone. LU1358. -March 23. 1892. HEBERLE (FOLKES).

-In loving memory of J. ANDREWS, A.F.D.A.. Cemetery, Rookwood. 1. EDMUND RAY-RYAN Funeral of the late Independent -The at the Mariners' Bethel, Sydney, by the Rev.

my dear mother, who passed SWAy March 23, Ashield. 214 Liverpool Road, will leave St. J. Bennett Anderson, Alfred, eldest son of the 1941. Gone.

but not forgotten. Inserted by 'Phones: L2873 and UA4038. Francis Xaviers Church, Lavender Bay, THIS late Captain John S. McArthur, R.N.R., and her loving son. Jack, and wife.

DUNCAN. Relatives and Friends of (Monday) MORNING, At 11 o'clock, for Mrs. McArthur, of Balmain, to Ada, daughter -Treasured memories of my GRANT. of Hurlstone Park, are Catholic Cemetery, Northern Suburba. WOOD of the late Mr.

and Mrs. Henry Whitall, Long- deriul pal, Martha, called to higher won. Invited to attend the Funcral of her dearly COFFILL LIMITED. nose Point. Beimain.

Present address: Yer- March 23, 1934. Remembered alwayz by her loved SISTER. Elizabeth Ann Duncan: to Relatives and Priends of -The Mons Avenue, Meroubra. lonely pal, M. Stanwell, leave 'I'ne Church cf Christ.

Metropolitan Mr. and Mra. GEORGE DUCKWORTH memories of our Road, mencing st Enmore, 10.30 THIS DAY, after service com- ville. Are FAMILY. informed of 134 that George the Funerul Street.

of Erskins- their ROLL OF HONOUR 1941, precious aged baby, two Fay. who tell asleep March 23. Cemetery, Rockwood. a.m., for T. the Independent late beloved MOTHER and GRANDMOTHER, -Died ct wounds, result of enemy sorrowing Mummy, years.

Daddy, Sadly and sister. missed by Joy. her A. P.D.A.. 214 Liverpool Road.

ANDREWS. Achfeld. will MrA. leave Chariotte Ritchings (late cf Waltare). action, Private John Arthur Sandry, the 'Phones, LA2873 and UA1038.

the Church of Our Lady of Per20. Rest in peace. Fay. Always called home March 23. 1941.

HENRY THOMAS and ELDRIDGE Friends of AFTERNOON. at 2 o'clock, for Rook wood acarly loved friend of Alma Symington, aged God memory of sweet little The Relatives petual Succour, Erskineville. THIS (Monday) remembered by Nana. FAMILY are kindly invited to attend end Cemetery, Mortuary No. 3.

Requiem Mass for loved memory of our dearly Funeral of his beloved WIFE the Repose of her Soul will be celebrated at the DEATHS 23. mother. Violet, who passed March MOTHER. Annie Jessie; to leave and their 7.30 0 o'clock. W.

N. BULL AMBROSE. -March 21. 1942. at his rest- 1940.

Inserted by her loving sons and court Avenus. Bankstown. THIS 90 Bren- A.F.D.A. Telephone, LA2853. dence.

Municipal Council Gas Works, Bath- Harold. daughters, and Irene. Lynda, Violet, Gladys, AFTERNOON, at 2.30, for Methodist (Monday) SALISBURY: -The Relatives and Friends of Charles Malcomb, dearly loved husband Frank, Rook wood. WILLIAM METCALFE Cemetery, K. SALISBURY and FAMILY Are of Bonnie, and father of Charles (Wat), Gra- sister, Violet, lovinz memory of m.

de1 181 Church Street. and CO. kindly invited to attend the Funeral his ham. and Andrew, in his 40th year (sud- remembered by passed away March 23. Always 'Phone.

UW8838, Parrematta. dearly beloved WIFE and their dear MOTHER, donly), her loving sister, Harriett. and Members Maud: to leave her late residence, -March 21, 1942. at his resi- Edith -In loving memory of mv dear kindly invited to of attend L.O,b. the 14 Gloucester Road.

Hurstville, THIS AFTERurst (suddenly), Charles Malcemb, dearly loved 22, 1941. Inserted by Rupert. further information see family ELDRIDGE. For o'clock, for the Woroncra Cemetery. LABOR dence, Municipal Council Gas Works.

Bath- mother, Mary, who passed away March Funeral of the late Sister NOON. A after Service commencing 1.15 brother of Jean, Bessie. Alex (Bobs), Nessie, LANG. -Treasured memories of my dear hus- BROWN, W.M.: Sister MATT8, Secretery, Sister MOTOR. FUNERALS LIMITED, 2 Carrington notice.

and Hector, in his 40th year. band and our father, Hugh, died March 33. Avenue. Hurstville. 'Phone, LU1358.

ATTWATER. -March 22, 1942. at his re- and family. Loved and remembered by his wife The (late of of 'Turramurra) the late will ALICE leave P. Relatives cf and Friends of Mr.

1937. Puneral Eidence, 3 St. Vincent Road, Greenwich, LETCHFORD. 68 Phillip Road. Putney, THIS AFTERNOON, and FAMILY.

SCOTT, kindly Argyle Street. Auburn. Albert, dearly beloved husband of Vera Morl- darling -In ever loving memory of nutr at 2 o'clock, for Catholic Cemetery, Funeral of his are dearly Invited to attend the 800 Attwater, and loving father of Louie, son end brother, Stanley, who passed Mars. MOTOR FUNERALS. Field cf loved WIFE and their Vera, and Elsie, late C.E.R.A., Old away loving March 23, 1941.

Forever missed by his 97 Rawson Street, Auburn. A.F.D.A., loving MOTHER. Margaret: to leave my Private Sydney and Canberra, Sydney in mother, father, and sister. The Funeral UX7261. THIS Mortuary Chapel, aiter 20.

Auburn Road. Auburn, his 57th year. By request, no nowers or ever loving memory of my ELVINA ENGLAND, late Mrs. DAY, 'for Service commencing mourning. dear grandson end our nephew.

Atanley, who 26 Blaxland Road, Bellevue Hill, will Jate of Rockwood, Section of England 3.30 p.m.. the Church 22. 1942. st a private hos- passed away March 23. 1941.

Inserten by his our Chapel, 810 George Street, Sydney. HILTON, Funeral Director. 13. 24 Auburn W. leave REGINALD pital, Waverley, Elizabeth Bain, of Onsion grandma.

Barnard, and aunts and uncles. MONDAY, after service commencing THIS Amburn. Road, Avenue, Bay, widow of the late dear grandson and loving memory el our p.m.. for Rookwond Crematorium. WOOD Relatives and Priends of Eilzabeth at 3.30 the Daniel Bain, of dearly loved passed away March our 23.

1941. who COPPILL LIMITED. late BRIDGET SCUT LY Are kindly Queensland, nephew. Stanley, mother of Dorothy O. Ulcoq), Keith.

his grandmother and grandfather Inserted by Relatives and Friends of vited to attend her Funeral: to leave her late and Eileen (Mra. Kenny), and loving sister and uncle. and Runt the Jats MARY ANN FINDLAY, of Miller's residence. 15 Mort Street, Moore Park, THIS E. of Firs.

Gwen Vary. loving of Point, are invited to attend her Funeral; to MONDAY. at 2 p.m., for the Catholic Ceme20, 1942, Miriam (deceased). mother and grandmother, memory who passed our dear leave Mclloy Parlours, King Street, tery, Rookwood. No.

2 Mortuary. THOMAS ham. beloved mother of Frederick. Gertrude March 23, 1933. Inserted by her away Newtown.

THI3 (Monday) AFTERNOON, DIXON PTY. LTD. (A.F.D,A.). MA6013-4. Florence, Ethel, and ren, Vera, Hazel.

Trixie, Beryl, loving Ruby, child- Lyle, 3.15 o'clock, for the Presbyterien Cemetery, 1836. ELANCHARD. -March 20, 1942 (suddenly), and Ted. Rook wood. MOLLOY SYDNEY PUNE- CHERIDAN.

-The Relatives and Friends of e.t. St. Vincent's Hospital, Sydney Vincent, loving RAL DIRECTORS, 240-242 King Street, New- the late SYLVIA MABEL SHERIDAN, of loved husband of Rose Elanchard and loving mother. who tell asleep memory March of 22. my dear town.

'Phone, LA2909. 73 Coromandel Street. Goulburn. are kindly father of Thelma, Sydney, and Vincent (de- Loved and sedly intesed by her 1938. Relatives and Friends of invited to attend her Funeral, to leave ceased), Mary.

loving daughter, FLEMING, of 11 Rawson Street, Limited': Bydney Parloura. at 10.30 BOLAND. -March 21, 1942 (auddenly), At loving Mascot, are invited to attend the Funeral of THIS MONDAY. for Crematorium. Rook30 Shadforth Street, Mosman, dearly husband and cur father, memory of my dear her dearly loved HUSBAND.

Joseph Patrick wood. loved daughter of the late P. J. Boland and away March 20. 1941.

inserted Alfred. by who passed Fleming: which will leave cur Private Chapel. SMITH. Relatives And of the Mra. E.

M. Boland, of East Meitland, and wife, Leila, son and daughter-in-law. his loving Seven Ways. Rockdale, THIS MONDAY. HENRY HAROLD AMITH (late 53rd loved sister of Michael, Mary, Edwerd.

and Rae George 3.15 p.m., for the Crematorium. Woronora. 1st are kindly invited to atnald, Nora, and Sheila. Requiescat in pace. fond memory of Richard J.

and C. HARDY. A.P.D.A, 'Poona. LW5834 tend his Funeral, to leave our Funeral Home, 20, 1942, Jessie Boyd, aged Oxenham Miller, pasted March 22, 1941: and 1.01554. 24 Enmore Road, Newtown.

THIS AFTER76 also his dear mother, Mary L. Miller. passed FLEMING. -The Relatives and Friends of NoON, After Service commencing at 1.15 CAHILL. 20, 1942, Thomas J.

S. AWAy March 30, 1924. Remembered by E. H. HOLBEACH.

Mr. end Mrs. J. o'clock, for the Church of Enzland Cemetery. Cahill, beloved lather of Betty, Aged 53 years.

Wilkinson. FRY. Mr. and Mrs. G.

SMITH, Mr. and Mrs. Rockwoed. LABOR MOTOR FUNERALS R.I.P. By request, no flowers.

fond memory our dear mother. J. ROCHFORT. Mr. end Mrs.

G. WRAY. LIMITED. 24 Enmore Road. Newtown, 'Phonea, CHAPMAN.

-March 21. 1942. at his resi- Mary, who passed away March 23. 1922. Mr.

and Mrs. W. WRAY, and Mr. L. ROGERS 1.42777 lines).

donce, Bong Bong Street, Bowral, Henry, Never forgotten by her loving children. Ethel, and their FAMILIES, are invited to attend the The Relatives and Friends of father of Hez, Cyril, Elsie (Mrs. Douglas), Jim, Kate, son-in-law, William, and grand- Funeral of her dear SON-IN-LAW and their Mrs. RUBY STEPHEN are invited to alEsine and Bert. R.I.P.

Interred March 22. children. dear BROTHER-IN-LAW and UNCLE. Jceeph tend the of her beloved HUSRAND, 22, 1942. at a private and everlasting mem- Patrick Fleming: which will leave our Private Themas Malcoim: to leave Ernest Andrews' hospital, Killera, Kate.

widow of the late ories my dear mother, called to rest Chapel, Seven Ways, Rockdale, THIS MON- Funeral Chapel, corner Pacific Highway, DAY. and William of St. Leonards. and loved 1941. Inserted by her loving daughter, Alice.

DAY. at 3.15 p.m., for the Crematorium. Thomas Street. Chatswood, THI3 after mother of Lillian, Katie, and Fred. Harry, and grandchildren.

Worenora. .1. and C. HARDY. A.F.D.A.

A service commencing Pt 10 P.m.. for the -March 21, 1942. at his resi- and everlasting memor- FLEMING. The Relatives and of Northern Suburbs Crematorium. ERNEST Gerard Street, Cremorne, John les of my dear wife and our mother.

and FAMILY. of 31 ANDREWS. Chatswood. JA2834. dence, Joseph late 17th mother-in-law, grandmother, Resent Street, Summer Hill, -The Relatives and Friends of REEd 53 Cusack.

1st A.I.F., departed this life March Charlotte, who tend the Funeral of her ere invited to at- the late Mrs. MAUD THOMPSON, late years. 20, 1942, Dis- missed by her loving husband 23. 1934. their UNCLE, Joseph Patrick dear BROTHER and of Austral Park, are kindly invited to attend trict Hospital, Arthur Ernest.

at beloved Canterbury husband Treasured memories and family. will lave our Private Pleming: which her Funeral; to leave our Funeral Home. 121 of Ada and dear father of Jack, and brother, of our dear son Rockdale, THIS MONDAY. Chapel, Seven Ways, Rawson Street. Auburn, THIS AFTERNOON Milton, aged 60 Gwen.

Privately interred Val. Always remembered Tom. died March 23. 1918. the Crematorium, Woronora.

at 3.15 p.m.. for at 3.15 o'clock. for the Church of England 22nd Inst. yeara. brother.

George. by mother, lather, and HARDY. A.F.D.A. J. and C.

Cemetery. Rockweed. LABOR MOTOR 21, 1942. Croydon, memories of my dear SOUTHERN CROSS. 121 Rawson Street.

Auburn. LIMITED, Elizabeth Ann. widow of the late Samuel husband and our father. John. died March No.

91, of N.F.W And 'Phone. UX6111. Remains of the Duncan. At rest. 23.

1940. Inserted by 'his loving wife and Brethren are invited to attend the Funeral WALTER TOZER late CECIL ELDRIDGE. -March 21, 1942, at 125 Water family. of their late JOSEPH PATRICK FLEM- Station were 9.25 entrained at Central to Street, Cabramatta, Annie Jessie, beloved wife loving memory of our dear ING. For further particulars see family notice.

Church of on Sunday England by Cemetery, the Cooma. p.m. train WOOD of Henry Thomas Eldridge, and of 90 Brancourt 21. 1915. James Not Ward, forgotten who by passed away March retary.

W.M.; and W. Watts, P.M., Sec- COFFILL LIMITED. father, V. B. Lock, Hilton, Avenue, Bankstown, loved mother of ter end son-in-law.

his loving daugh- -The Funeral UT The Relatives and Frienda of years. FLEMING. At rest. -March memory of my dear wife and drews' Funeral Chapel, wIN 319 leave Leslie S. An- ULHERR are invited to attend her Alma, Theima, and Harry, aged 64 Maude and Robert Taylor.

FRASER of the late HER FAMILY of the late Are. LOUISA Funeral: Sydney 21, result 1942, of at accident. Royal our mother, by who passed away March 23, 1934. Ashfeld, THIS DAY, at 11 a.m.. Liverpool Road, to leave the City Mission Hall.

William Street, South Patrick Hospital, Inserted her loving husband and family. Rook wood Crematorium. for the Paddington, THIS DAY, after Service, comJoseph Fleming. late Mascot, dearly SPRENGER -Departed this life DREWS. A.F.D.A., LESLIE 8.

AN- mencing at 10 A.m.. for the Waverley Cemeof loved husband of Elizabeth (Cis) Fleming, aged March 22, 1937. Ever remembered by his Church). 'Phone, UA1025. Ashield (opp.

Presbyterian tery. GEO, ANDREWS 237 57 years. 22. loving dauzhter, Vera, son-in-law. dence, 8 Ormond 1942.

Ashield. at her resi- grandchildren. Relatives and Friends nf DEN DRIFSSCHE. -Requiem Mass for WIN. and Liverpool Road, 042308-9.

dearly loved sister of Margaret (deceased) and daughter, sister, and of punts love (Verl) of our (nee deriing WELL, of 39 Nancy Street. North ANN Bondl, HAS- the Repose HENRIETTE VAN Soul DEN of the late DRIESSCHE. Mrs. Street. Elizabeth, token late Mrs.

ELIZABETH Donaldina, aged 48 years. who left us March 23, 1937. aged 23 Cate), years. kindly invited to attend her Funeral; to leave are SIMONE Greylind Gilliver Avenue, Vaucluse, A 22, 1042, his Ever remembered by mum, ded. sisters, Joan, our Private Chapels.

262 Oxford Street. Wool- will be celebrated at the Church of St. Mary of Plece, 112 Milton Street, Achneld, Francis Mary, Merele. brothers. Harry and.

lahra, THIS DAY. MONDAY. 3.30. for Magdalene, Rose Bay, THIS (Monday) MORNBede Gallagher (late of Maclean, Clarence nieces. Mary, Eileen, Ena.

Marilyn South Heed Cemetery WALTER. CARTER. ING. at 7.30 o'clock. The Funeral will leave and dear father of Ivy, Pearl, Prank, Vincent, who away March 23, memory 1937.

of Inserted dear VI, Relatives end Friends of Cemetery. W. N. BULL A.F.D.A., River), beloved husband of Mary Josephine, loving Waverley. the Church at 10.30 o'clock for South Head Rose, Alice, and Clare.

See Tuesday's Mrs. Richards and Minnie. by CA HELBACK are kindly Telephone. LA2858. for funeral notice.

-In loving memory of dear Mum. Invited to attend her Funeral, to leave her Relatives And Friends of HARNETT. March 14. 1942. at her resi- who passed away March 23, 1939.

Inserted Daughter's (Mrs. Gray) residence. 57 Alfred Mrs. ALBERT ERNEST WILWHETS dence, 43 Orchard Road. Chatswood, Mary by her loving daughter, Dorothy, and Street.

Mascot. THIS MORNING. after Ser- LETTS end FAMILY kindly invited to Edith Florence, daughter of Richard law, Harry, and grandchildren. vice commencing at 9,45 o'clock. for the attend the Funeral of their dearly beloved Hayes Harnett.

TIMMINS. loving memory of dear mum. RALS Botany Cemetery. LABOR MOTOR FUNE- SON and BROTHER. Albert Charles Willets: 22.

1942. at Wah- who passed away March 23. 1939. Inserted LIMITED. 24 Enmore Road.

Newtown. to leave their residence, Emohruo. L.ottus roonga, Elizabeth Ann Haswell, of 39 Nancy St, by her loving daughter, Maude, and son-in- 'Phones, LA2777 lines). Street. Pairfleld.

THIS MONDAY. 3 p.m., North Bonal, widow of the late Frederick law, and grandchildren. and Members of L.O.L for the Church of England Cemetery, SmithCharles Haswell, and dearly loved mother of -In loving memory of our dear 330 and 201 are kindly invited to attend feld. CHARLES KINSELA PTY. Mary M.

Baillie), Hennah (Mrs. A. mother. Theresa, who passed away March 23, the Funeral of their beloved Sister, CATHE- A.F.D.A.. Tayler Square, Darlinghurst.

Ben), Lollie (Mrs. L. Oates), Lily, and 1939. Ever remembered by her loving son, RINE HELBACK: to leave her rest- 'Phones, FL4136-7-8. Frecerick.

HOWE. -March 22, 1942, at his residence, in Norman, law, Susie daughter, Alma. daughter and son dence. 57 Alfred Street, Mascot, for Botany WHAMS The Relatives and Friends of and Arthur. Cemetery, TO-DAY, at 10 R.

m. Regalia to MARY ANN WILLIAMS. of 4 23 North Avenue, Leichhardt, Francis Howe. -Cherished cf be worn. BRO.

BRAND. W.M.: SIS. TAY- Mount Eden Flats. Gardene Street. Bronte.

relict of the late Agnes Howe and loving daughter, Ada, who passed memories away March my dear LOR. Sec. ere kindly invited to attend her Funeral: to father of George, Kitty, Frank. Walter. Edna, 1936.

Inserted by her mother. 23. The Relatives and Friends of the leave Mary Immaculate Church, Waverley. Lorna, and Res. aged 72 years, For funeral late JOHN HEPPER Are invited to THIS MONDAY.

immediately after Requiem notice see Tuesday's dear husband loving remembrance of my his funeral: to move from Parsons' attend Mass commencing at 9 n.m., for the Catholic 21, 1942. at his resi- who departed this and our life March father, Samuel John. Chapel. Wollongong. THIS AFTERNOON, Funeral at Cemetery.

Randwick. By request, no flowers. dence, 26 Excelsior Parade, Marrickville, Wil- serted by his loving wife. Jessle. 22.

1936. In- 1.30 o'clock. for Church of England Ceme- THOMAS DIXON PTY. LTD (A.F.D.A.). Ham George, dearly beloved husband of Bertha, ren.

Doris Arthur. and child- tery, Wollongong. JAMES MURRAY. A.P.D.A.. MA6013-4.

Established 1836. and loved father of Ernest. son of W11- and treasured Funeral Director. The Relatives and Friends of lam. facher-in-law of Vera, and loving bro- mother end my nana, Alice memory Maud of our dear The Reletives and Friends of Mrs.

late Mrs. ETHEL MAY WISSING are ther of Nellie, and brother-in-law of Clarrie, passed Lo March Willis, who PETINA IRVIN and SON. Keith, of 5 invited to attend her Funeral; to leave our and fond uncle of Nell and Ron. aged 50 by Cyril. rest Eileen, on and 23.

1941. Inserted Duke Street. Kensington, are kindly Invited to Chapel, 4 Carrington Avenue, Hurstville. THIS years. Requiescat in pace.

Albert. attend the Funerel of her dearly beloved HUS. MONDAY, et 10.30 a.m., for Worenora 22. 1942, at her daugh- BAND and his dear FATHER, Alfred Sidney tarium. WOOD COFFILL LIMITED.

ter's 19 Banks Avenue, Kingsford, RETURN THANKS Irvin: to leave Our Lady of the Rosary Church. CREMATION AT Caroline, beloved mother of Winifred (Mrs. DAVID LAMEY wishes to THANK Miss Kensington, THIS MONDAY. 10 for ROOKWOOD OR NORTHERN SUBURBS. Hinder).

Henry Juett. and grandmother of Davidson, Sisters. Lewisham Hospital, Little the Catholic Cemetery. Botany, CHARLES For all information consult Funeral DirecMelle, Dorcthy. and Daphne, aged 91 years.

Sisters, Randwick Rest Home, relatives, and KINSELA PTY. LTD. (A.F.D.A.). Taylor tor. Information and Literature may be forRequiescat KEMP.

in -March pace. 22, 1942, at Bathurst Dis- friends for their kind attention and sympathy Square, Darlinghurst, 'Phones, FL4136-7-8. warded to eny address on apolication. trice Hospital, Maria Day Kemp, loved mother bereavement. In our sad WILLIAM Relatives GEORGE JARRETT of BW1615.

After hours. X03717. for cur brother, Alfred Lamey. and Friends CREMATION OFFICES. 19 Bligh 81.

Sydney. of Les, Roy. Arlie. Ted. Hubert.

and Law- Mr. And 1. sister of Martin Mrs. A. Bliss.

Mrs. of E. Bathurst, of THANK relatives. friends for their sympathy, sincerely MONDAY. at 2 p.m..

for Catholic Cemetery, For all information, consult an Undertaker. rence, (Mrs. Neel), (Mrs. Lloyd), Chandos Street, Crow's Nest. FAMILY.

of Brigid's Church, THIS DAY. CREMATION SUBURBS CREMATORIUM. Eiste Eunice ALFRED LOWE and ere invited to ettend his Funeral: to leave St. AT Mrs. (deceased).

Jeff. cards, floral tributes received in their recent Woronora. Requiem Mass will ba celebrated 'Phone. PJ1525: after hours. FJ2500.

Sutherland, Mra. C. Hadley. 'and of Lakeraba, bereavement. for the repose of his Soul at 8 o'clock, THIS WE Crosses.

Floral Tributes. sell. Insac, of and Bathurst, George aged (deceased), 62 years. Arthur Rus- MORNING. WHELAN and GLACKEN, Bermingham, 125 Oxford St, city.

FL4847 MARTLEW. -March 22, 1942, Elizabeth Ann FUNERALS 'Phone, XB1510. North Sydney. 4 TORTONS Rawaon Harmarket. 'Phone, MA4672 A.P.D.A..

263 Miller Street, for Wreaths and Floral Tributes. Martlew (formerly of Bourke), beloved mother A the TTWATER. The Relatives and Friends of Funeral of the Jate ERIC of Annie (Mrs. Williams), Mabel (Mrs. Hart), invited late ALBERT ATTWATER are kindly RAYMOND JOHNSTONE wIll place FOR SALE end Elsie Messrs.

(Mrs. William, McQuigan), Phillip, Hilda and (Mrs. Robert Jackson), Mart- late to residence. attend St. his Funeral; to THIS (Monday) AFTERNOON, at 2 o'clock.

in Sewing Machines. for heavy and low. aced 90 years. 21, 1942, at his resi- the Northern (Monday), Suburbs AFTERNOON, at 3.30. for COFFILL LIMITED.

HIRE, Auto Tents. Stretchers, Camp THIS Vincent Road, Greenwich. the Presbyterian Cemetery, Tumut. WOOD light work, Grundy's, 599 George St. city dente.

7 Shaw Avenue. Kingstord. Captain BRUCE. Funeral Crematorium. WALTER STANCE -The Funeral of the late CON- Gear.

Low charges. Goodman's, Hurstville Frank Charles Mendows. dearly beloved hus- XB1923. Director, Crow': Nest. will leave our Fittings, every new.

MARY JOYCE band ct Cartrude A. Meadows end dear father Chapel, 810 George Street, Sydney, THIS Scales. Urns. Pranks. 191 Hay St.

A the Congregation -The of Omcers the John and Taylor Members Mem- of tery. MONDAY, WOOD at 10.30 COFFILL a.m., for LIMITED. Waverley Ceme- EFRIGERATION for all businesser. Three of (R.A.N.R.), Stank and Gwen, aged 55 Eric orial Presbyterian years to pay, See our Showroom. Premier, (A.I.P.).

Jack (A.I.P.), -March 20. 1942. at Berrima kindly invited to attend the Funeral of their are WINIFRED Relatives and Friends of Mrs. Mra. 537 George Street.

opposite Horderns'. years. Church. Greenwich, or District Harold S. Hospital, Ncasbey, of Pearl.

Lakes Road. Thiri- wife late MEMBER, Albert Attwater: to leave his JUETT. and FAMILIES. are kindly invited to ing. Guaranteed, serviced free Muriel beloved HINDER.

Mr. and Gas. 57. Client evacuatlate residence. for 5 years, mere, and formerly of Alexandria, and lovinz THIS MONDAY, after short service Greenwich, commenc- and attend the GRANDMOTHER, Funeral of their Caroline: beloved to leave MOTHER Immediate delivery.

McFARLANDS LM5268. 271 Mar3 Vincent Road. of Adelaide, Herbert, and Thelma, nged Ing At 3.30. for Northern Suburbs Michael's Church, Daceyville, THIS MONDAY, St. rickville Road.

Marrickville. high-grade Furr, 43 years. -March 21, 1942, Charlotte Augusts. torium. By request, no flowers or mourning.

nt 10.30 a.m.. for the Catholic Cemetery. FUR Including Coats, Capes, and Necklets. on Cremawidow of Alan H. Nott and Lesile loved (Mrs.

mother of A U.0.L.. N.S. W. and Temperance, Breth- Soul will be celebrated at 7 a.m. ANDREW Ace hAlf price.

PARKER J. LEE. Nationa! -Masonic Lodge Botany. Requiem Mass for the repose of her No-deposit Terms. Wear while you pay.

SacriNoS. (hirs. and daughter of the late Rev. Shaw), W. ren of the above Lodze cre requested to KENNEDY, Funeral Director.

612 Anzac Par- Building. 250 Pitt St. 5th Floor. and Me-ris, Morris, first of Bundaberk. in her attend the Funeral of their late esteemed ade.

near Botany Street, Kingstord. PJ3038, recter Brother, ALBERT ATTWATER. See family (Continued on page 9.) 83rd year. -March 21. 1942.

hospital, notice. Rezalla, J. H. HEATON, W.M.. and The Relatives and Friends st W.

H. of Mr. and Mrs. RONALD KALTENBACH OPTOMETRICAL NOTICES Minnie Sarah O'Brien. of Heving- RIGBY.

Secretary. ton Tom. Scad, Bode, Jack. Auburn, Caroline. beloved Enis.

mother and of Eileen. Millie. Mrs. ELIZABETH BAIN, of of the beloved INPANT SON, Ronald James: to leave A and G. Park St.

MA4529. MA4821. -The Relatives and Friends late are invited to attend the Funeral of their HIGG3 and BARKER. 3rd floor At -March 21, 1942, at Parra- nttend her Funeral: to leave our private THIS (Monday) MORNING, at 10 o'clock, for State Theatre Market St. MA3361.

Avenue, Elizabeth Bay, are kindly invited to our Chapel, 183 Rowe Street. Eastwood. CLIFTON WILSON. 1.1.0.. Optometrist.

District Hospital, Waiter Lionel Patter- Chapels, 262 Oxford Street, THIS Catholic Cemetery, Field of Mers. WOOD. C. WILSON, M.1.0., Optometrist, Netsch (late of Hill), beloved husband of DAY. MONDAY, after service commencing COPPILL LIMITED.

1cnal Mut. 350 George St. BW6355 Bust: Rasmchd, Versa aged 53 Patterson, years. and dear father of CARTER. for Waverley.

Hill Cemetery, WALTER Puneral of KEEGAN. 3rd A.H.T. PROFESSIONS, TRADES, ETC. Gore the late Driver 22. 1942, st hospital, The Relatives and Friends of Church, 2nd A.I.F..

THIS will leave St. David's A TECHNICAL COACHING SERVICE FOR Cilatbetn ol AL Sydney, beloved Mrs. H. BIDGOOD and FAMILY Ere commence MONDAY, the after Church AMBITIOUS MEN, DAY OR mother (deceased) and Arthur, aged kindly invited to attend the Funeral of her cf vice to Encland Cemetery. at 2 p.m..

Woronors for CHARLES TRAINING. Apply 71 years. R.1.9. riv loved HUSBAND ANd their loving LID. STANDARD TECHNICAL TRAINING -Merch 21, 1942.

At his rest- FATHER. Richard Aubree: Inte of KINSEL.A TTY. Seven SERVICE. 165 Broadway. Sydney.

MA1877. Conce, 16 Austrel Street, Kogarah, Ostert to leave my private Mortuary Chapel, Ways. Rockdale. LW5623. MANAGERS throughout the Victor, beloved husband cf Kathleen Mary Auburn Road.

Auburn, THIS DAY. RE 1.45 and Friends of the A Commonwealth recommend the I.C.S. ADand fond father of Osbert, Thomas. p.m.. for the Church of England Cemeters, Mrs.

MARIA DAY KEMP, of Suther- VERTISING COURSE which helped them LO Lillian, Sidney Harold. At rest. Section 13. REGINALD W. land (late of Tarana).

are invited to attend success. Get Free Prospectus from 1.C.8., 21. 1942. at 447 Paelde HILTON, Funeral Director, 28 Auburn Road. her Funeral; which will leave her sister's Dept.

5. 140 Elizabeth Street, Sydney. Linddeld. Annie. widow of the late 027850.

dence (Mrs. B. of Glenco Street, A DULTS make rapid progress under congenial Ridley end beloved mother of John, The Funeral the late land), THIS (Monday) AFTERNOON. et conditions in Subjecte. feen.

Norman, arti Alan. Cremated at SYDNEY VINCENT BLANCHARD, beloved o'clock, for Methodist Portion of the Woronora Easy payments. Rebate to dependants of Suburbs March 22, 1942. HUSBAND of Rose Blanchard, will leave mar Cemetery. CAM REED and SON, Funeral A.I.P.

1944. at her Chapel. 810 Street. Sydney, THIS Directors, Bathurst. NEWION BUSINEES COLLEGE.

381 Pitt St. dauthter's residence. 134 George Street. MORNING, RE p'elock. for ASBURY.

-The Relatives and Friends Shorthand, Typlas. HomeErikineville, Charicite Ritchines (late of Catholic Cemetery. Botany, WOOD COPPILL Mrs. AMY LASBURY and FAMILY study. Stott's Tech.

149 C'reash St. beloved mother cf Dorothy Duck- LIMITED. invited to the Funeral of her dearly BLUE LUE-PRINT READING TAUGHT. worth. in het 80th year, Requiescat In pace, Relatives and Friends of beloved GRANDFATHER.

HUSBAND. their Thomas FATHER. and Individual Day or Night. Apply SALISBURY. -March 21, 1942.

her re- M. BOLAND and Benjamin Lasbury; -STANDARD TECHNICAL TRAINING SERGloucester Road. Hurstville, Jose- Marriciville, are invited to attend the Funeral to leave his late residence, 166 Clyde Street, VICE. 165 Broadway, Sydney. MA1877.

Paine Atsud, beloved wife of Aitred of her beloved and their Granville. TO- MORROW (TUESDAY) MORN- DE IONING; CUTTING. MAXING, and loved mother of Maud. Elisa- Eileen: 10 leave at, Joseph's Church, Enst INO. at 10.30 o'clock.

for Church of Eng- Training School. Beatrice, Emily Jocephine. Maltiend. THIS MONDAY. At 2.30 p.m..

for land Cemetery. Rock wood recticn 6. LABOR Call. write, or 'phone M3927. Free Booklet.

Ernest. Ella Valerie, and William Catholle East WOOD MOTOR FUNERALS, 121 ACADEMY OP DRESSMAKING, aged 78 yes.2s. COFFILL LIMITED. Street. Auburn.

Phone, 297 Elizabeth Street (near Tor's). PROFESSIONS. TRADES, ETC. POSITIONS VACANT POSITIONS DOCUMENTS. Ledger Sneats.

copped BLAND. WATSON and 00. require VACANT POSITIONS VACANT Leica on Microdim Service, PL the' air-raid precaution. Once Lad. aged 15-16.

Apply 14 surling to 17 Redtein Apply J. D. 6 Fancie TIRES chitta N. experienced Ring B5277. Photo 31 Macquarie Place.

Stan Manager, 359-363 George Street, Sydney. tor light orace duties. ate. poly 2a3' add pyjamas F.M Trading wanted. light dutien, no Saturday Clarence St (8W5070).

St. PA 2092. DRESS Add to Smartly your income with by French learning Distinction. how to wealth Street. Grimths 69 Common- GOVERNESS, for 2 girls ared and PRESSER.

prescing. Senior or Beginner. Maids' trocke, make Frocks in the shortest possible time. City Hatters Sydney. 14-16 p.m., Instance, betwe-g Redieto, 49 Regent Unique Atyles, FRENCH COLLEGE of Dressmaking.

years, for various depts. require Boys. Best wages. PA3562. 16-19, caperienced.

Roma House, George St, DESIGNING, opp. Plaza. MAKING MA7543. Apply 239 Pitt Street, 9 A.m. gocd Finlahing 342 and Elizabeth Examining 34.

AGENCY. 32 Martin Place. WOMEN'S EMPLOYMENT DR ROSS HYNES COLLEGE. and exclusive Machinists, and -Machinists. E.

war thread Railwas. DRESS HAND: Man used to NO Canister FEES. and American tuition in latest Continental, English. Redfern St. Redlern.

nets. Wages H. and A. Handbags: Leather Brain. brocks.

or Danka sheet-metal Pressing preferred. Hol. conal Juniors. McCAMLEY. to make Ladies' work HYNES methods.

NOW! ROSS Senior and 17 Valentine Street. 'Phone. MA4457. PRINTING, Strect, Waterloo. 381 Pitt St (over Fay's).

constant work. good conditions. wanted for Manufacturing Onset Machinist. excelCOLLEGE, ELECTRICAL and to RADIO Industry. ENGINEERING, Nielsen.

8 TRADE. Smail St. rear Wanted, Grace Bros. 17 goods. Quick worker.

Uneeda of Bag paper and create a position. for Apply good Simmons, tradesman to Lecture commencing next week. Enrol now. years. Apply GREGORY 2 Boys.

SHOES, to Paper Rawion Rm. 378. Rawson PI. 30 Parramatta Road, Glebe. 119.

William Street. city. SERVICE. 2nd Wanted, Floor. M3661.

not necessary. Apply personally, Must accustomed sheep suENGINEERS' COACHING Campbell Street, G' required. 17 to 18. good typiste. R' QUIRE Married Overseer for FLORISTS.

Lady wants tuition real ROOT Constant TRADE. work. E. E. Clicker, HIRST, Best wager.

159-61 Mr. 204 Rutherford. Pitt BENNETT and WOOD RIDeR. £6 per wk. Meat found.

to 9050, petrol Herale. enArt. eveninge. 9045. Herald.


Man for Anishing for heavy machine tool programme. required Apply best man available. Salary commercial station cecin Apply STANDARD TECHNICAL TRAINING. TRAINING Mason, room: 26 also Kippax Wood St. Heeler.

Westbrook and 1-29 GEORGE FOSTER and SONS sty. cunsidered. Persons eligible for military according service to abil. SERVICE. 165 Broadway, Sydney.

MA1877. Shopmen, Sydney. best Prince's Highway. St. Peters.

2511. Herald. not TRENCH MADE FLOWERS. conditions. -2 Nichclas Meat Service, WAgeS Manly.

and GROCERS. capable experienced COMART Woman, assiat Canteen, exp. unnecesVacancies largest for and Pupils. mcst Success Exclusive assured. Studio has XU3011.

Apply Moran (male end or Cato, female), 123 good Cleveland prospects. Street. LATERS sary. and Malleys. Tilers wanted.

St. J. Alexandra. class Work: Taught. GRACE MOORE, High- UILDERS' Labourers, Newingion.

Edwards, Chippendale. Parramatta Rd. Ashdeld. (A2075. Deinles, 152 James 109 St.

Better results. 6t. after 7 p.m., Crescent 97 St. Deakin Glebe. MW2768.

Auburn. Or GIRLS between 15-18 years, can make up 14 to 17. for city retail store. F' TREE PSYCHOLOGICAL ADVICE ABOUT UILDERS' and Time Street, Clerk. urgent our factory.

See Mr. SAWYER 8631, and Heralo. view. by mail or personal inter- work. C.

Order, Baker. 282 New South Head 3-10 McCullough, o'clock Town Hall. between 41 Knight YOUR BOXMAKER. Writs or phone for appointment. Road.

PM1075. morning. 6t, 140 5, Elizabeth International Correspondence Schools. 14-16. factory.

R. F. Brady, Brush RLS. Juniors, or without expert- 14 Hemmer, Collar, Sleeve Dept. AIRDRESSING.

Street, Sydney. Manufacturer. Little Oxford St. Dar- N. for pressing folding frocks.

SUPERVISOR, for cafe and Reservoir cake St. city. crice, Modern BEAUTY CULTURE. linghurst, near Taylor Square. 342 Elizabeth BOCKALLIL 8633, Herald.

shop, mostly bocklet. THE MASTER moderate LADIES' ices. HAIR- Write Good 16 lads to have 18, press metal engineering. G' wanted, aged near 18-26. Central Station.

Mschinists. Pressers. and Begin. Tuition, Street. tor DRESSERS ACADEMY (conducted by the tradesmen.

24 Sydenbam opportunities to Marrickville. become city No experience necessary. Salesgirls fcr INGRAM, gocd conditions. Important work. 267 Elizabeth 8t.

MA7473 BOOK Typiste (Junior). required No after 'phone 9.30 a.m. DARREL LEA 248 Pitt St. St. Machinists.

opp. Hordern B101. Road. Apply 393 George Taught Thoroughly by BEAUTY CULTURE. J.

H. accountant's office. Apply before 12. Apply SELBY SHOES. and Renwick Girls 8t.

10 £1 deposit, easy weekly New Term aged King St. Sydney. essential, but senior or preferred. junior, experience Rediern. Licensed BURTON, 77 GIRLS now commencing.

Pocitions assured. In chemical factory. No light Saturday store work COOK CONFECTIONERY CO. SENIOR WOMEN, Jeoutred for Jam 16, wanted, for JUNE RUSSELL. 94 Oxford Street.

Sydney. Vincent Chemical Liverpool St. Phillip and Young Sts. Waterloo. Martin WOMEN'S Place.

EMPLOYMENT AGENCY, :2 work. HAIRDRESSING and by BEAUTY Licensed CULTURE. Teachers. to learn trade, good plications AIRWAYS. invited LTD.

Junior Pilot. Ap- SHIRTS, Collar Hands. FEES. Junior Modern methods. Moderate fees.

Send for PER wages 41 Kinz St. conditions. 8t. Peters. PEOPLE'S SLIP.

state age, give details above poz. exp. and Applicants radio Elizabeth Senior. high rates. Beidler, 342 Bocklet.

PREMIER SCHOOL OP HAIRDRESS- Labourers wanted. Cole's tickets. and nominate personal tels. Box 613F. MART St.

ING. The Block. 428 3corge Street. MA5100. Liverpool Apply moods entrance.

Castle- Store. G.P.O., Adelaide, 8.A. Lad, 10 In collection end T.C.S. COURSES FOR WOMEN: Short Story, reach St. opp.

Mark Foy'e. Mossop and Cooper. GROCERY TRADE. -Intelligent Girls. 15 to Laundry, reet of 222 Writing.

Dressmaking. Omce Journalism, Training. Fashion Ticket partment. messenger, rages and assist despatch PELLEGRINI'S de- necessarily grocery: retail selling 15 experience, not CITOREMAN for Iron and steel merchant's Radio Play Writing. Carrinaton Rd.

Cozee. 1.C.S. Study ensures success. Free CATHOLIC DEPOT. 16 17 18 years Apply full particulars coed WE to right man.

Give Prospectus, 1.C.8., Dept. 5, 140 Elizabeth st. TRADE. -Clicker, experienced. top Moran, Cato.

122 Cleveland St. to 5314. Herald. ADY BANK CLERK3 WANTED. Quick, wager.

Coulter and Wastle 29 GIRLS, 15-20. for factory work. North Syd- DAVID Machinists required. Chippendale. practical course, Personal or pot- Hugo St.

1 minute Redfern Station. Experienced In assembling work Surry Hills. JONES'. Marlborough Street. tal.

Com 'wealth 28 Martin Pl. BW5252 wanted, factory work, 15, 16, and 17 advantage (DEFENCE WORK). Apply 191 ATHE OPERATING TAUGHT. Individual years, cond wages and conditions, all day Miller Street. North Sydney.

9.30-11 a.m.. SALES 18 Experienced in SHOES. Training, Day or Night. work. Apply 1 Cowper St.

Monday. NO PEES. GLASS'S SHOES. to 25 Rezent Good Positions. VICE.

165 Broadway. TECHNICAL TRAINING MA1877. SER- BRASS to FINISHER do work: and in Gent's. spare Ring time. Maker Apply GIRLS.

pearance, for' intelligent interesting and unusual of good work. CHIRTS Machinists AND wantsa. PYJAMAS TO MEASURE Redfern. STANDARD Street, ATHE WORK. PITTING.

WELDING. Levenson's Redio, 226 Pitt St. Bydney. M2525. No typewriting, no Saturday work.

with the trade. DAVID Also Juniors to leern OXY and ELECTRIC MATHEMATICS. JOYS wanted, factory work. 15. 16.

and 17 parent possible), 10.30, Telegine Apply, Hills. JONES'. Marlborough 3t. Practical Coaching in 3. Workshop.

years. Wages and Appir. 15 Hamilton Street. 119 Williem Street, city. 'Phone.

FL3247. PTY. 36 Young Street, Redtern. I.C.T. overtime.

Apply Concrete war loading Constructions. and salary required and Apply ova enriceinz hendwriting. stating ENGINEERS' COACHING SERVICE, ready to start. 8 a.m. VE TOY BISCUITS Driver wanted.

SENIOR TYPISTE tequired for EARN Power Machining. Overlock, Twin- UILDER'8 Labourers wanted, must be good Contract, Beauchemp Road. Botany. copies of referneedle. Binder.

dav or evening classca. pick and shovel men. Apply before 9 Framer, experienced. to Box G.P.O, Employment help free. Are.

Mullins, late In- Commonwealth Aircraft Corp, wages. Coulter Wastle with -Experienced Trimmers and Girls structress Labour and Industry. 25 years' fac- Birnie Lidcembe. Hugo Street, 1 minute Redtern Station. JELFS and knowledse SONS.

of 194 power machine. E. A. tory experience, 482 George Street. MA8166.

BORE -Wanted. Man. for STITCH- Menders. Cleveland Chalmers St. near ESS TIME and LESS MONEY needed to MACHINE, also BOYS to learn trade.

Overlockers. WOMEN'S Loopers, St. train for good positions in THE BRITTEN SHOK MENT AGENCY. 32 Martin Place. NO FEES.

retail, Women. necessary any all country EMPLOY SALESMEN, TYPING. BOOKKEEPING. Day, Night, Postal. 73 Redfern Street.

Redfern. ORDERN BROTHERS LIMITED mand. Big localines. in NEWTON BUSINESS COLLEGE (over Fay's), Roys wanted, 14 to 13 yeara. Apply to BOYS, 14 to 16 veals.

for various Depart- require St. city. no outlay. Write DODLEY, Corner ASSAGE. Pitt and Baths, Liverpool Sts.

'Phone, M3253. WILLIAMS Steel and Frame Building Shop, SIDNEY ORDERN C. S. HORDERN, 422 George St SENIOR FEMALE ments. Apply 18, 42 Macleay St.

FA2438. Read. Dulwich HIll. the JUNIOR require State Wool Committee. Apply he Nerves, Depressions.

Mrs. CO. BROTHERS LIMITED CLERKS required be 'EDICAL Loc*ms Supplied, Practices trans- aged 15-161 years. required tor 422 George WOOL DEPT. Apply C.

S. SALESGIRLS HORDERN. for ticulars only of age Box and 4021VV. experience. O.P.O., giving par.

letter to Goyder, Practices Son, Transferred 11c C'reagh St. ences. various Staff departments, Superintendent, Apply. Anthony with Hordern refer- HAVE a vacancy for SAL SLADY and street. Loc*ms ing school, 8 Young Girl, Icav- 25.

retainer over 19. say to Supplied. Insurances Effected. A'es Service end Sons. Sydney.

train 1n electrolysis with and commission. Girt British Medical Agency, 135 Macquarie Street. WANTED. BOYS WANTED. face ticulars massage.

given. Apply, parent. end Live good salesmanship ability only call. Fore's STANDARD Individual Coaching. TECHNICAL Day or TRAINING Night.

SER. BOYS. ments. 14 Apply to C. 16 S.

years. for 422 George St UNIOR Alm Girl. for advertising Sydney. Leadinz Lite Assurance CLASS FOR MECHANICS HORDERN BROTHERS LIMITED various Depart- require Maddocks. 387 by appcintment.

Miss all Maude var- Martin Place. B5890 Licensed or E3765. Agents, 10 VICE, 165 Broadway. Sydney. MA1877.

16 18 years, required for day and age, cutting and assembly. Brief learn enccial prepared to train person of ability tor office. to ofice. promote trouble AND both in ledies' WARTS and Apply shift LEVER NO. Wages BROTHERS from to LIMITED week.

UNION No. Female 9048. required by details 40. Excellent work. Particularly commission, suitable allowance, man, benus.

049: gentlemen's permanently: 30 feces. Expert practice. operating MISS MAUDE removes Reynolds wanted Street. tor Balmain. Timber Trade.

Good wages Apply, copy reference. 9049, delivery Herald. and innil. SALESMAN or WOMAN insurance company. leading British No.

1924. Herald. to retail WATKINS' MADDOCKS 387 George St. MA3103. BONE conditions.

Apply Works Manager, wholesale Inveice warehouse. Typiste required for city suburos. Splendid PRODUCTS. commission. country towns and ENTRANCE EXAM.

Vanderneld and Reid. Timber, Joinery, Bushby, Ring B0322, Mr. stock. Apply We Anance Individual Tuition of SIMPLIFIED Postal and Case Merchants. St.

Glebe. CINERS Etcet. Sydney. personally, or write 168 Georze Lessens, NEWTON Write, BUSINGES 'phone. or COLLEGE call for (over Booklet.

for URGENT and work. WELDERS Good conditions. required Apply immediately to shopfitting National division. wanted for our Corner Pitt and Liverpool Sts. 'Phone.

M3253. Apply BRITISH STANDARD MACHINERY Ltd. 150-154 Albion St. Sydney. Displays for of young Lady.

18-21, as Secretary 10 direr. INDIVIDUAL TUITION In 56-58 Gardener's Rd. Alexandria, UNIOR HANDS And SENIOR Bockbinders. TABLE Luring contracts. company engaged Good in urgent manutacPRIVATE SHORTHAND.

or TYPING. BOOKKEEPING DOYS. Lively between years. Lions. required.

200d wages and condi- nitich salars, quick reccaRapid progress. can mike big money our factory. See 199 Elizabeth Apply WM. BROOKS And cO. SMART ability.

JUNIOR No. GIRL. 2656. 15-16. Herald.

ct at NEWTON BUEINESS you. COLLEGE (over Far'el. Mr. McCullough. at Waterloc Town Hall, be- Street.

Waterloo. once duties hours to suit Cerner Pitt and Liverpool Sts. 'Phone. M3253. tween 9-10 o'clock. ring. MALE CLERK of INTERMEDIATE Engineers' Supplies typing, not required). leading UIXPED TYPEWRITING. Students learn 15-16. learn rupply busi- Life Society.

Box required. Apply T. and G. stats. education own hand.

STANDARD. House. Apply, easily at Wacey's, 118 Strand Arc. ness. excellent ages up to £2.

qualifications, and 3936V. G.P.O.. stating SON'S 51-65 Bathurst McPHER. STORY WRITING FOR PROFIT! Apply Dobells 29 Ruby Place (near TOINERY and enclosing copter of references Trimmers St, Shirts Sya. STOTT'S COURSE WILL.

ENABLE YOU Quay). centions work. Carpenters for Air-raid Pre- and Pyjamas: Finisher. tor to earn Recular Private Income. Write BOR 15 to 17 of ARC.

for and Holliday Inquire Mr. Holliday. Bray Twin-needle Machinists. Sleeve Hands, STOTT'8 Tech. 149 Castlereagh St.

Apple N. LA Roy Ru heutter Bay. MeLachian Ave. ten Machinisis, Special Hernmer Euttonhole and ButDRESSMAKING COURSE. Tracy House, enr.

Cleveland and 16-19 Machine and Cutter (new and knife), Yoking Easy Illustration Method ensures SUCCESS. Grorse Streets. Redlem. work. Including preas years.

classes factory lot DEFENCE WORK. electric Designing, Fitting. Draping. Cutting. Drafting.

DREAD ExP. for MEN. cess work, and machining, work, assembly pre- Application shall not be considered from NAY Stead. Talloring. etc, Free 140 Prospectus Elizabeth from St.

Miss Sydney. M. tions. Anply military. In confidence.

Mr. permanent Hamilton. post- PRESSED METAL. 1-15 Apely ACORN Marshall repair, who 15 overhaul of engaged 12 the production. Manager, Fred And Ice Street.

Surry Hills. en Munitions of War. War HAIRS. In many cases Bakery Fresh UNIOR LADY Equipment, or War Supplies, unless such perhea told to me by sufferers that Why someone not 1 Harbour 81. corner St.

Marys Liverpool Jen. St. 6-day city, week. desk lead. furniture CLERK- warehouse.

TYPISTE. tor cash trade. 18 not NATIONAL actually employed in her usual told them it is very painful. BRICKLAYERS and overtime cald. Country ful applicant will be trained operate EMPLOYMENT OFFICE convince ourself? 30 veers est.

MISS MAUDE cllowance where Lone Annly ton bco*kkeep machine. Apply CHARTRES Reming- FOP WOMEN. 32 Martin Place. NO FEES. MADDOCK8, 387 George St.

MA3103. run. 182 New LIMITED, Liverpool Street. constant position. TOTE Postal Courses for Employment.

Ar- on South job. Head or C. Road. A. Besem*nt.

TUNIOR. CLERK (Male), years. tr- Rosenberg. CARPENTERS 74 wanted Reservoir St. countancy.

Freelence Journalism. St. Marys lob, quired by laige timber merchants' offlee. 8 to start. Fay's, Mondar.

Typing. Story Writing. and to start. Excellent Pitt-Liverpoo: 613 Commerciel Art, Ticket Writing. Educational.

crete. 6-day week. allowence where applicable. advancement. prospects for Coatmaker, F.

T. Kelly. 84 War STOTT'S Tech. Colleze, 149 C'reagh St. time paid.

Country Baker, the Accountant. WE2031 and ask to: Brente Rd. Bondi Junction. 100 conies best Long run. N.

Apply en lob, or A. Base- TRADE. ze appointment. -Experienced Wanted. Table ladiest work.

promptly. WAceS 118 Machinist. WOMEN'S Circular costumez. Sagal. 243 C'reech city BIh.


Experienced Men, liable for military MENT AGENCY. 32 Martin Place. NO FEES. Lang. 109 El Sc.

Presser, piece out. STANDARD Prectical TECHNICAL TRAINING SER- service, required immediately for permanent Wanted. VICE. 165 Rroadwey. MA1877.

Apply. in confidence, to Mr. Hemil. Machinists: also Girls anc Outacor Vest Hand, for Matter, TURNING, FITTING ten. Bakery Menager, Fresh Food and tain Apply K.M.G.

MILLS. 25 Mo.b• men's work. high wags. DA conditions. tn learn trede, Ident tory orders.

Apply. 2650. Herald. Tre WE Cash or Terms. Day Cr 1 Herbour St.

corner Liverpool St, citv. 61 TAUNDRY. Street. Broadway. M3255.

Fries. Goldstein 138 Liverpool St. Night. Our mad. workroom open to Inspection.

CARPENTERS. for Air -raid Flowers shelters. PW4009. and all-round Young Ironer. Girl.

depot. packer, sorter, T'AILORESSES. Coat Table Hand. Civilian. EFFICIENCY MOTOR SCHOOL- St.

Bale, Federal, Double Bar 342 et. corner Hay end Sta. Tel. MA3951. YARPENTERS wanted, Gamble and N.S.W Sorter and Packer, 00 (Tailors), experienced Pain YOU CAN ORTAIN PRACTICAL LESSONS TARPENTER, Jehn St.

work. Apply 8.30. P. C. ABOURERS wanted.

141 Rear Oxford 8t. Pad'ton Stucet. menant position. BLAINEYS. 414 FO TURNING.

FITTING. MACHINING. Clarence of 110 Welling- Evancy. Apply STANDARD TECHNICAL, TRAINING Philtos war 62 loading and over- ABOURERS Waterico. required.

for Full-time Coat Finisher. SERVICE. 165 Evdnes MA1377 CARPENTERS wenteo, Glebe Island. M2142. country.

Rin: position for competent hand. L2O Oil Calculations and ADY CLERK. SPERLING. 301 Castlercagh Street. POSITIONS WANTED (Lady), usEd to ledgers, Senior, experienced baker'; wanted for CCOUNTANT.

Taxation Expert. needs vor Once typing. Apply 8593. Herald. ABOURER wanted.

UX7353. Constant. tery greatcoats and jackets, good wAges. experienced in tor Manufacturer's Bankstown. A by hour or day.

o'ned. LM4007. BW6759. aL Camperdown. crertime.

Lane Cove 1o0. sicr Confectioners, Apply 114 Myrtle Monday. Encel- Brock. 6 Mary St. chr.

Campbel! 3r. BUSINESS trust. Man, capable correscondent. requires execu- Post. CARPENTER weck, McDonald plus fares from JB1671.

Wyn- Chippendale. End Orders. Constant. Vest Top Machinists, wager, Stork rive cr real estate. No.

5310, Herald. dar. Const. Road. Folder for Wanted.

experienced Fender and ROSENBERG. 74 Reservoir Street, city. Chain Stitch wanted. outdoor. CARPENTERS.

Scots College. Victoria Rose- Avoca Si. Randwick. calender. Cocgee Laundry, TOOLMAKERS.

Apply ACORN PRESSED and quick delivery. MA3943. -Sortera. 1-15 Marshall Strett and Barana East cheap educated. business type.

ville. Top money. Bulbrook'8 jobs. Wash Calender Girl. SURRY HILLS.

ADY. seeks Position, Piling Clerk. Receptionist. required for large expert- WORTH LAUNDRY, no Saturday work. WENT- TERRAZZO WORKER.

must good tteces 30. well Insure Man: knowledge con start now. Ring ance Company, with few references, 211 Read. Razelle capable of handing all classes ct with Table-ton Truck, producer, FIce. 4983.

Reply Herald. with copies Press Operator, 5-day week. Automatic WELBY work. INURNER Write required 2663. for Herald.

essential typing. of to experienced M. Work. UA1727. men wanted, need Dowlinz Street.

King Cross. general work. Wised DUBLICITY Men wants Joh. extensive construction Experienced Apply after 9 a.m., about 16. for warehouse duties, excel.

MN. to Schwarer, turning. Dominion Apply Motors. Mr. 137 Wilson Palmer or military.

general 5315, and theatre Herald. advertieing. ineligible Commonwealth Aircraft Corp. 10 H. ent H.

Halls Apply, 50 York with references, Street. Sydney, Monday morning. FORKING Manager requires Pom. Birnie Avenue, Lidcombe. Air-rald 3r.

Hatters require Arct10 elation. place. Apply Manager, precautions and work. Inquire Mr. Holliday.

washhouse. Coogee Laundry, experienced MAN Jo: anted claSs permanent COAT and VEST MAKERS. Gust JOINERS tor Beaconsnild Street. Auburn. Bray and Holliday McLachlan Randwick.

AvOCE St. ply 239 Pitt Street positions. Top wages. An. 133 CASUAL WORK WANTED Ave, Rushcutter and Bay.

Toinera ranted. per Apply wanted. Concrete War loading Constructions, and 1,0.1. over. Coat Hands.

wages. Machinists beat condi. And ABOURERS RICKLAVER wants Repairs. Alterations. CAREEN A.

W. Edwards Ltd. Glebe. Contract, Beauchemp Road, Botany, tions. ADELSTEIN'S 42 highest brickwork of any kind.

C. Limpus. FW4704 W2768. Or apply Foreman, Commercial Bank and Ironers, Starched ford Street. Paddington, SWEEP wants work day, night.

of Australiz, 273 George St. Plain. and Calender Hands. WOMAN'S resident, male or female, French Can reset Coppers. SYKES.

0X6426 TARPENTERS, St. Marys, 6-day week. War I EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. 32 Martin Place. Science, or genera! Stain 1 ENERAL House Repairs.

Roof Repairs loading and overtime paid. Long run. NO FEES. salary acquired. Headmaster.

ALBURY GRAM spaciality. 39 Firat Ave. Campsie. Apply on job, or C. baker, Basem*nt.

FM1075. 282 livery, AUNDRY. knowledge -Experienced Man, for motor de- MAR SCHOOL. PAINTER. Interior, Paperhanzer.

exterior kalsomine, decorations. master Rooms New ILERE South (Junior) Head Rd. wanted for once of Biscuit Pinegrove Laundry, of city rear and ol 222 Eastern Sun work TYPISTE-STENOGRAPHER, personally, After fer 9 personal papered by experts from Satisfaction Previous experience not necessary. ton Road. Coogee.

or write to Personal Oficer, Australian Pacer Carring- Apply, A.m.. assured, Green, FX2596, Gcod prospects. VE TOY BISCUITS LA Must AUNDRIES. PACKER and SORTER wanted. Botany.

Painting. Repairs, Reno- 36 Young Street. Redfern. TRIMMERS. SLEEVE packers be employed.

experienced, Eastern 5-day week. 3 other Turners required fee vations of all kinds executed at a moment's COLLAR HANDS, of to section. Suburbs district. 2d heavy machine tocl programme. Apply notice by highly skilled tradesmen.

Go any- HANDS, GIRLS. 14-17 years age, tram ADY 0016. Herald. GLORGE FOSTER And SONS LTD where. country.

FA1027. learn trade. Apply. Anthony Hordern And INTERVIEWERS. exp.

meeting 1-29 Prince's Highwav. St. Peters. TING. all House Re- Scns, Street.

Ltd. Clothing Workrooms, 411 Sussex Estate No Work, Assist Permanent, Manager, active Real ticn and used to with established cornetpairs, expert tradesman and decorator. Sydney, Ledgerkesper. 25. Retainer dignifed.

Min, age high -grade work. GocA First -class workmanship in all branches, COMPETENT experienced in electricity more god 14 Spring Street. ADCA and age to 2667. Hereld. wants Work.

Complete gear. materials, etc. Senior Female and comm. Apply 10 to 4. WIll- salery and bonus.

Full particulars of expertfaction assured. Ring Norman. XM7076. accounts. required Northern Rivera CON- town.

ADY CAl INTERVIEWERS, to introduce medi- Machinist. Battle Woman requires 1. or 2 nizhta' work Apply. giving full details. FLECTRIC necessity for All Housewives.

Speciality Dress Trousers. Good opportunity for weekly. 'Phone LW3973 STRUCTION CO. OF AUSTRALIA. Box Salary Selling Exp.

an advantage but not essential. smart hands. C. ROSENBERG, 74 Reserveir N.2, Brisbane. and overriding comm.

Reply In detail, Strect, city. POSITIONS VACANT COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA. 0052. Herald. Trouser.

Vest MeRESPECTABLE LAD. 16-17. for Ter NATIONAL OF SERVICE. wanted. Sna smart 2nd Lads.

door. earn 532x good money, ditions, chinista, military permanent and elvil. pcsiticn. SAN BOWEN. LAROUR AND 27 Store.

Counter experience pref. Harris. BUILDER'S LABOURER3. MINERS required Immediately. Ring M2141.

Building. Railway Square. A Kent St. Strand, Sydney. Report.

for interview. National Service Planers, Fitters. and Electrical A experience. Lad; Apply Clerk with required, references. 7-8 Ofice, Rocm 18A.

Monday, Tredes 23rd Hall. March. Goulburn St, 159 nuidoor, Oxford near Darlinghurst. Paper Mechanics Mills. Burnie.

wanted by Tas. (Reg. Asscciated Orice, Pulp 360 and H. GORDON and 569-581 9 a.m. on OF AUSTRALIA.

Coats and St. Costumes. Collins St. Melb.) Tares paid. Permanent R.

George Sydney, HANDS DEPARTMENT OP LABOUR AND ney Costume 60 Wentworth Avenue. employment. SydALTERATION essential. Apply, required. with Previous reference.

CARPENTERS NATIONAL (Defence SERVICE. Work. country man, used CARTER. to OnCe machines. day 'Phone delivery.

Yard- PIURNERS 1st-cless Required conditions, for and scod URGENT prospecta Work. Staff Superintendent. Anthony Bordern and (camping). MI CARTER. Apply Dairy Rude Farmera, 806.

to right Man. Apply BRITISH STANDARD Sons Sydney. BRICKLAYERS (country). MACHINERY Gardeners Road. A ment.

SSISTANTS Previous required experience for Mercerz essential. Depart- Apply. Otice. Report Room for 18A, interview. Trades Hall, Netional Goulburn Bervice st.

Essanjay, ACHINISTS. 7 Parker frocks, St. trousers. aprons. Alexandria.

HOOLMAKER FOREMAN, take charge modwith references, Staff Superintendent, Anthony 9 B.m. MESS BOY wanted. wager ern toolroom attached large engineering Hordern and Sons. Sydney. COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA.

MODES. 301 Castlereagh St. plent in Adelaide. Good salary and cond. A have NTHONY vacancies HORDERN for and GIRLS.

soNS. aged 14-17 RADIO AUSTRALIAN LOCATION. NAVY. Dowlings, 55 caperienced, Oxford also Beginners, Exp. Gordon modern end tool Gotch, design essential, Adelaide.

Toolmaker, years, for Clothing and Shirt Workrooms. Applications are invited from Radio men' work. high Sydney. De GIRL for Milk Bar. 108 CemoSt.

c.0. Apply. Manager. Workrooms. 411 Sussex St.

Mechanics for entry as Petty Omeer. Royal Goldstein 138 Liverpool waze. St. bell Parade Bend! Sydney. Australian Naval Volunteer Reservs.

Jadies' coats, high week ANTED. Boy for shop work, 3000 Experienced Packer, Also Porter. Applicants should possess the following quali- or picce work. DE FRIES. Goldstein to start.

Apply 220 Leons Rd. A quired, both used to handling furniture Acations: 138 Liverpool St. opp. Bid. ANTED.

2 Men, used to furniture GORDON and LTD, 569-581 George St. (a) (b) Be Age in up to pozzession of or able to obtain Seniors and Juniors. experienced Apply in C. CAnVaS C. Rawson work.

Mendell. Girl. 15-17, Confectionery, Appreferred. Apply. with references.

A R. A. 45 years. 235 Anzac Poe. Kensington 3ydney.

P.M.G.'& Certificate for Station Operators and 111 Foveaux Street. WANTED George St. elty. A Order PPLICATIONS Travellers, invited ineligible from military. comp.

Goon Cash (c) Technicians. Pass the prescribed Medical MACHINISTS. Needles for Experienced shirts Plain and pyjamar. Sewers Reat ANTED. Home.

Nurse. Good with home. acme U18537. experience, tor runs available. SAl.

plus comm. State cion. F.M. TRADING 256 Crown St. FA2092, GIRLS, for Milk Bar.

Apple 184 aze. parts. of to P. and G. For Medical Examination, Batea of Pas.

Con- MAN. handy with tools. Apply 8 10- Oxford Street, Darlinghurst. CASH 300 Pitt Street. dittons of Promotion.

end Interview. apply in B. G. PLUMMER and 183 HAS WANTED: Smart GIRL. 16-18 274 A making.

PRENTICES Fitting. required and for Turning Welding. Trades. Boilet. Depot.

person to Beach the Road. Anti-submarine Rushcutter Bar. School. on Thurs- St. MIRIN Excellent Day.

experienced Girl Marrickville. for MiX Naval Apply, in writing. stating age. qualifics day, 26th March, 1942. between 9 a.m.

and workroom. Permanent. salary. ADELE, 34 133 Oxford St. Darlinghurat.

tions, to BRITISH STANDARD MACHIN. 4 p.m. If unable to call, write before that Imperial Arcade. WHOP TURNER. with Own lathe.

Write. ERY 56 Gardener Rd. Alexandrie. date, giving full particulars and stating quali- experienced Frocks. 3155, Sydney.

SSOCIATED BATTERY MAKERS PTY. fications. EMPLOYMENT OFFICE FOR PITMEN. Apply Federal Brick A 639 Parramatta Rd. and Finishers, WOMEN, 32 Martin Place.

NO FEES. Forest Road. Hurstville. WANTED. Lads.

aged from 16-19, for urgent Seniora, Juntora, Girls to learn trade: Silk. wanted. essential Govt. contracts. Pro- First-class Male Cleaner, constant work on Batteries.

good conditions. Payment Woollen Frocks. MA1453. P. Williams.

804 cess work. We will teach. Apply P. and employment, good wages. Apply People' for all public holidays and one week's holiday George Street.

Sydney, opposite Lyric Thestre. M. 82 Canterbury Rd. Canterbury. Slipper 41 King St, St.

Peters. with DAy after 12 months' service. Wages: CLEANERS wanted. Anole I number required. ladies' Boy.

about 15 years, for Riverine 16 17, 18. 19. Salby Shoe Renwick St. Redfern. permanent position.

ideal working milk (4 cows). kill. collect mail. Apply ready for work. to Works EXPERIENCED Assistant, frock shop, conditions.

RIDLEY'S ROBES. 4498 Pitt St. comfortable home. Apply, 2658. Herald.

position, 62 Willoughby Road. and Juniors. ANTED. Girl. 14 or 15.

for sandwich A of APPLICATIONS MANAGER are and called SECRETARY for the to position the Crow's Nest. Machinist. Satin Stitcher, permanent. Falk plain and sewing 94 work, Oxferd good St. wages, city.

Sydenham and cake shop. Marrickville Simpsons. Rds. corner Marrickvilie. Af Atherion Tableland Maize Board.

from cuali- position, wanted for military greatcoats WANT LADY. for Iron 801 persons who are ineligible for military good salary right girl. RIDLEY'S ROBES. 4498 MACHINISTS Good wages. Constant.

merchant's omce. State experience service. Salary £10 per week. Applications to Pitt Street. BROOK, 6 Mary St.

corner Campbell St. and aze to 5313. Herald. be, addressed to enclosed the Chairman, "Application. P.O.

Box 19. TOUR 89 Machinists Oxford and St. city. Finishers, Arizona Fur MACHINIST for Shaper required for Urgent WANTED. good Entertainer, dance pianist.

country with guest organiaAtherton, and Applications cices 30th Manager- March. Costumes and Costa. experi- 1-15 Acorn Pressed Metal 1942. FINISHER Sydney Costume. 60 Wentworth Av Marshall Seniors Street, Surry Hills.

for protected undertaking. 1nz ability. For particulars Ring UM6136. A USTRALIAN ALUMINIUM GRANVILLE. COMPANY Alfred Snashall CLEANER tor City 477 Once.

Kent Apply. St. power 111 machines. Foveaux Apply Street. C.

C. Rawson Colonial Sugar Fitters. Company. Apply Chief Bowman Engineer. Strees.

and Juniors. used WANDER DRAFTEMAN, about 23 years of age. 8-9 a.m. to-day. Frocks, Slacks.

Pyrment ELECTRICAL FITTERS. FINISHERS. Seniors and Juniors, permanent Fully experienced. Ready start. BOYS.

to sell Ice Cream and TO: MAKERS. Stock Frocks. Letty American Sports Styles. 321 Pitt leading city Theatre, TOOL AND CUTTER. OPERATORS, TURNERS.

1418 Castlercagh Street. experienced, wanted: also Street. Im- And commission. Angle 11 o'clock, 134 CestleJUNIOR CLERK (male), about 18 years. TINISHERS.

for, good frocks. factory ex- good wages. R. McKNIGHT. 194 resh Street.

J. LAWLER. Write, enclosing copies of recent references, essential. MARIETTE MODES, Church St, Parramatta. UW9582, Second Hand Baker.

to P.O. Box 12. Granville: or telephone Mr. 4th 428 George St. Dymock'8 Bicck.

DRIVER tor Retail Delivery, to make hand-made dough, small shot. Sandery, 0W7101 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.. Mon- INISHERS. he Full-time in Finisher.

for ladies' CORN of district preferred. MORAN know. and ich for the right man. Apply J. 3084.

Downias. days to Fridays. coats, must efficient felling by hand. CATO, Pacino Higbway, Linddeld. 27 Kincaid Street.

for factory. 15-18. Apply Cyclops excellent position tor competent hand. LEO and FINISHERS WATCH expert required. William St.

Leichhardt. SPERLING. 301 Castlereach St. trousers. Apply MARTIN for MODDEL.

military complete knowledze of high-grade Powell's job. Public WORKERS, 20-30 years. required, Campbell Street, opposite watches. Apply, with references. to H.

Bridge St, city. A.R.P. Newtown district. Apply St. George's Tivoll.

50 York Street. Sydney. TRADE. Girl for Fortuna Skiver. Hall, King Street.

Newtown. 9-10 a.m., ONLY. to learn machininz to on 19 years, willing WANTED. Smart Girls, for cutting cotter: Welts, 37 Bay St. Globe.

Monday. NO FEES. NATIONAL EMPLOYMENT OFFICE military work. military uniforms. no experience 16, easy work, ready start.

M. FOREMAN, take charge well equip. mould- WOMEN, 32 Martin Place. NO FOR necessary. Apply ready to start.

and pie: L. Morris. 180 Elizabeth St, Room 101. ing large general engineer, plant, and Improvers for PEES. military bring scissors.

H. J. COONEY. 449 Pitt St. BOY.

Apprentice for Rurwood Bakehouse, Rd 15 Belmore. to 16 high Adelaide. test Must Irons. be exp. in Industrial heavy OMcer, castings Perry and also ladies topcoats.

highest Sydney. number of Women. BREADCARTER wanted. T. 0W9193.

C. Poppitt, Engineering CLERK, male, Adelaide. senior. for works 5338 wazes, George St, next conditions. Victory J.

Pictures. HILLMAN. are WOMEN required for Factory sorting experience, waste paper. aged 25-35. Apple 17 sears.

£3. clean factory work. manager's large essential manu- MACHINIST to learn shirt making, high-speed constant after 9 a.m., to Personal Oncer, Australian experienced no Sat. 324 Bourke St. Taylor Sa.

D'hurst facturing industry. Know awards and factor: work. high excellent conditions. Paper Manufacturers, Botany. son's RICKLAYER job.

Town wanted. Hall, Top Druitt money. Street. Patter- routine. Queen's Rd.

Richard Fivedock. Hughes 'Phone. 0J2121. 50-75 JORDAN, ATTENDANT, 74 Reservoir male or St. city.

female. 512 Lattery Wattle service St. Ultimo. station. Westcon OY wanted, about 15 G.

A. Davies, 25 Chapel 14-16. St. to learn trade. Jolleys.

MOTOR be able to drive and grease CArS. wanted, Cellars. 14-15-16-17 ready years, to stare work Printer. 368 Sussex St. Sydney Apply City Garage, Arbitration St, Circular in Apply BUT Coles.

133 Labourers. Liverpool St. Several Goods wid. entrance. to-day.

IRL. work. 14-22 Protector good 443 wager. Kent light St. factory Quay, near Macquarie GIRLS Place.

wanted. 14-16 work. WALKER'S WINES. MORNING 54b Pitt. BU HERALO.

14-16, smart. for Frocery, good wages. IRLS King St wanted. (of TUAWArra 15-18. Jackson's Marrickville.

Sweets. to learn millinery trade. Good oppor- years. SYDNEY H0399 2d PER COPY. Bussell Coopes Branch.

teach little girl 6th Class 10 tunity for suitable applicents. ADVERTISING RULES. Rd). BUTCHERING Oxford Shopman, St. best Paddington.

conditione FL.4879 and GOVERNESS. Music. Corresp. 2668. Herald GEOrKE Apply and J.

L. Barlow Sts NORMOYLE (Barlow and St entrance). corner DEATHS. BIRTHS. IN ENGAGEMENTS.

MEMORIAM. ON MARRIAGES. ACTIVE wanted. Pitman. 491 warehouse.

Pitt no St. experience. NIRL IRL, sects. Light 525 WANTED Sewing, Burwood for MilE Rd. Bar.

in. Balmore. 91 King pros- 8t. MEN 45. wanted Wage, day paper work mill 5.

work, shift aged work up must SERVICE be properly End RETURN authenticated. THANKS Birth Notices notices alcep Good BUILDERS Ashield. LABOURERS. R. M.

A.W.A.. Bowco*ck. IRLS city. Australian p.W Paper Apply after Manufacturers, 9. ready to start.

by tracting parent, parties, whose Engagement signatures Notices by must the te witB ATTERY MECHANIC, All repairs, service, wanted Square. (take Matraville, via Botany, tram). nessed, and Marriage Notices by the for Milt Bat. 787 George Botany Wattle St. Ultimo.

GIRLS wanted for Milk Bar and Shop. fOr ARMY TENTS. Must be Amister or Registrar, or by production of 3. strong. 15.

for delivers. 825 George St, Railway Square. Collee in heavy canvas machines dr Marriage Certificate. PARTNERSHIP ADweek. Little Queen St.

Chippendale. IRL. milk bar experience, no Sundays or dat machine. Shift work. VERTIsem*nT9 are not accepted without 14-16.

constant. good prospecta. holldays. Black -White. 24 Martin Place.

Application shali not be considered from any written character references. 191 Hay Street. IRL, 15 smart, henest. person who 19 engaged In the production. To cnaure correct classification an advertisewanted.

Cleveland week. years, Moran and Cato. Eariwood repair, or overhaul of Munitions of War, Wat ment must clearly state 118 object and the Prespect St. Erskineville. for cutting cottens and folding.

Equipment, or War Supplies, unless such per- number of insertions. and bear the correct Bawdin St. 39 Robert St. Marrickville. NATIONAL not EMPLOYMENT employed in her ustial trade.

nsading. vertisem*nt No will be guarantee set in is any given special style or RICKLAYERS. Hodcarriers, an is actually that an Girl, chemist's shop, Pond prospects. IRL. Cushways.

15 60 learn Regent milk St. bar. Redtern Clean. 35 Term. WOMEN.

32 Martin Place. NO OFFICE FEES. FOR nopear under any specined heading, and while or Dobson, Belmore. 'Phone, 011036. IRLS, work, ready start.

Power Macnin. every Cale 19 exercised. the Proprietors ch Learn trade. Seid- Morris, 180 Elizabeth St. Room 101 senict junior, URGENTLY RE- 0161 held themscives responsible for CAECILA BOYS, 342 beth St.

Railway. 15-18, beginners, military QUIRED FOR MILITARY CLOTHING. CAN. in advertisem*nt. or nuit4 Joh, rear entrance.

clothinz. Gay Wear. 259 Clarence St. VAS WORK. SHORTS.

TROUSERS. and insertion tor any reason. They reserve the OOT TRADE. Mechinists and Improvers IRL. Apely 94 14-17 years.

for Sendwich Shon. DEFENCE considered WORK. Application not he tignt accention to is miter or disceled onit to errors on the GAY of Kellett St. Darlinghurst. advertisem*nts.

Unless St. Marrickville. city. trem any perzon who dE in Jolleys, Chapel IRLS. experienced.

for milk har, good the production, recair, or overhaul of Munt. no allowance will be made. OY or Youth, learn operate machine. Good hours, cood 437 Pitt St. city tens of War, War War Supplies, Should an advertiser require replies to an 13 Trafalgar St.

IRLS. 17-18 years. light factory work. I unless such person is not or In advertisem*nt to be seat to the Herald Once. Good Smart Caldwell'a, Shopman, Rancwick, Permanent.

(IRLS, Wonder 15-18 Welts. years. 37 Bay required. St. Glebe.

Joyce Bros. her OFFICE usual FOR trade. WOMEN, 32 NATIONAL Martin Pisca. employed EMPLOYMENT NO An billy extra is charzo accepted of for 3d such 15 made. replies, No which must 15 SEE 16.

for enzineerin: works. 585 Pty. Cooper St. Surry Hills. FSF8.

be called for within seven days. Road. Mascol. M01720. IRLS, 15-18.

military clothing factory, Advertising copy mitat be plainly written BOYS 15. 16. Box 17. 19 Chiswick. H12 Pages.

corner wages, Campbell constant. Street, BROOKE, 6 Mary N' Agency. 350 semis. Geo. St intents.

BW6363 In names ink, and special Agures. care and being must taken have with on prover the 15-16. for Apply 8 Gracery a.m.. Assembly Mender, in Met- our 14-17. far Monday.

Pleating 9-12. Pactory. H. Lewin, Gond Trained. wanted.

12 Depot. Semis. award. George city, St. country back 61ser.

the nama Advertisem*nts Rad not address of conforming the to this NURSES CAll 333 84090. chants 122 Day 80. Sydney. 209a Street, city. PAINTER Ring LW3382 7 a.m.

rule may be held over. 15, tor Delivery and Light Store Work. for packing biscuits for PASTRYCOOK wanted. MOHN AL BOND LIMITED per 8 O'Connell Street. Co.

Toy Biscuits Apply, 30 ready Young to St. start, Redlern. Botany two. Rd. Waterino.

Jeb, Printed and of published by King's Herbert Edward week. Apply Butterworth and GIRL constant job. Alfred pecta for TRADE, risht men. Wanted, E. Finisher.

HIRST. Rood 139-61 good A prospects. required. loam The corsetry. New Age Avenue.

Epolne. cluse, Dadswell, for John Pairing 80n1 Ltd Ormonde Ovenden, Elisa bell Street. Redfern. Creation. The Block, 426 George 56.

DAINTER. 1.30 Bridge the once M. the 61 reel, 69d.

The Sydney Morning Herald from Sydney, New South Wales, Australia (2024)
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Name: Horacio Brakus JD

Birthday: 1999-08-21

Address: Apt. 524 43384 Minnie Prairie, South Edda, MA 62804

Phone: +5931039998219

Job: Sales Strategist

Hobby: Sculling, Kitesurfing, Orienteering, Painting, Computer programming, Creative writing, Scuba diving

Introduction: My name is Horacio Brakus JD, I am a lively, splendid, jolly, vivacious, vast, cheerful, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.