Wanted. AY ctuotowu, Oolo. the oni'i'ku take THE airaxri.ll-f'a". liic! cliuce uiikiumimbercd "tl.uui 10 lo? (111. iijlu.
'e 4b. 1 dp "i alinmlly uijf 1.00ic 1wx aililrvtii TO LOAN xorum. seourtty 00 Ohio tml For Bent. m- the desirable I roomed Tjioll kent. ulo builnwmi.
mijn Street. meuant lloukh. FOR RENT. i I I -pull kest. Three Store-Rooms, lwtlllnp.
uocct mil koomi. pommrton April 1. n. FORBES, For Sale. a via no l-'ou sai.h?CAN iqh sale.
ai low pilrn in nu cuy tcrmi. klf(nnt lu'nl'u'iiid unil bulmlnj uu in tbo ul'iuoilt i'lako FOR SALE. anllctint bftltht i by iboil bp io.il mili'. haumkr i CO. jgTOCKS 1'OItSALK.
a iCclmont UrWjo Co, JinonereUI tank flilaa Cto. NhII Mill. 10 Klttrei Ijibtllu NhII Mill, uu "IWIK. Agent, Nn. Twelflk Street.
'OK 8ALE. Drug Store In the town of Ohio lnntoii ji ES?" A. 0. VBTTEB. (1 Jfoit SALE LOW.
1,000 ACRES, I Tyler county, un tcrci ot which I. in flno Umber. 1 W. V. liOOK A -222 MM Market HtroM for street.
11 a Wwr, win band (ur alwtjri on SLiLgMITH. 1220 Malu fltrwt. for sale; Caldwell', Addl. tho CItjr ol WliwUny, b7 Twenty u.iiJK'.y tlllaiort html A 011 "M'ti iuiid nlliwd "Ubiuhnrail, tou pnk Information appljr to W. v.
UOQK A I Bl.tMBth HL Houjofurnishing Hardware. ABU CUTLEliyj Forke, jljll nr. JOII.VHON'H IONS. 'on III jProfos.10"#! Carda. Medical.
If You Are Sick Willi llcadachc, Nuuralgia, Ub uinaiUui BUlouauuu, blood llumore, Kidney Disease, L'oustlpatluu, 1'uuulu Troubles, Fuvcr and Ague, Blooplcamcaa, l'urtlal Paralysis, or Nervous irutluu, iuo Patau's Celery Compound aud bo cured, lu cacti of tbuto the cause niwiiul or puyslcal overwork, anxiety, exposure or malaria, tho effect of which to ueakeu tho norvous system, resulting liiouo of these diseases. Huiuovu tho cause with that great Monro Tonic, aud the wmult will disappear. Paine's Celery Compound J11. How in. Bprluglleld, Uin, Patau's Celery Compound caunot excelled a Nerve 'Ionic.
In uiy ease a bottlo wrought a great change My uervousucss entirely disappeared, and with it tho rusulllug affliction of the stomach, head and liver, and Ibe whole toue or tho system wu wonderfully invigorated. 1 lull my If nick I have been, I'oluu's Celery Compound Will Cure You! Hold by druggists. II; six tor ft. ltepared only byWsua, IUcuahmon a burling ton, Yt. Far tin Aged, Nervous, Debilitated.
Warranted to color more than any other dyot ever made, und to give more brilliant and durablo colore. Ask for tho Diamond, and take no other. A Dress Dyed A Coat Colored Garments Renewed cents. A Child can use them Unequalled for all Fanoy nnd Art At dmjfgUU and Morebanui, Dye Hook ftee. WELLS.
RICHARDSON 4 Burllngtoa, Vt, MEN ONLY! CURE of Errors Oldor Babul. Johl? MtXIincn rnllf NMlartd. Haw la Knlarta fclraaflkoa WmiC.WBKIKlOPKU OUIMSS riHTVtf AbtolulHr norilllatc IIOM TH1UTMIO.T-IWSU In a Hay. Uru iK.lir/ Iran 4J T.rrllnrtu, m4 Partita Ym faun rile (km. Hoek, lullnpliMtloa, an 4 nmohiaalUd UaabQfwt.
DOIFAHl, T. SCARLET reven, CO LOS, MCABLES. CATARRH, Ac. myths uecer INVISIBLE SOUND DISC I which Lt I ha oama to tha aan ffUaam am th? mm. and mar bo worn luuntlwwIiUtut rvmuwa.
XII l( II. A. Urldjji-parl, Ctas. out pftla Book of paiw Honiara sont Pit EE. J.WOOLLH?.
M.tt 'VhlwhaU au Baking P.jwdor. DIETER'S POWDER Rccommondcd by tho highest mcdlcol nnd chemical authorities, who testify to lu abeoluto purity, wholcsomeness nnd wondorful strength. Every can truorontoed to do tho work of any other wiklng powder costing twlco much, Every can guaranteed to rIvo HatUfactlon, or purchase money refunded. 1 lb. Caa, aoc.t lOe.t Or.
If your dealer does not keep Crown, do not Irt him persuade you to buy some other he claims to be just as good, but ask him to oblige you by getting DIETER'S C110WN DA HI NO POWDER. Iain rrhiuw Pearl-Top This is the Top of the Gknuint! Pearl Top Lamp Chimney. imitation exact Label isoncach Pearl Top Chimney. A dealer may sn) and think lie hat others os good BUT UK HAS NOT. Insist upon the Exact Label (nil Top ro? ONLY 11 QEO.
JAMISON (iuocrmomio p. Jobbers and Wholesale Pculcri In WRAPPING, ROOFING, PRINT, UIbm and Carpet anil Iters. All Ot Manilla l'apcr 06 hand. No. 1021 Main Street.
KOOmU MATERIALS A Alio Collon, flat aid Oaliiwl Twlnia. Will alio lutnliD tlu Iruliwlih Prlntnl Hulllira CaKI on ltan, llaullla hptn, Ae, at loowt talw, aoM WHEELING PAPER I0U W. M. CLEMANS, TUB CLICK 0' TUB UTt'U. Owl Uouauiitng.
0b' 0 llu'1'1 bo" Ptosaut (ta rsturu, ono bj uno. tteXt lu" wUh "mU" well ilone. imi wt lit A glmi woman tho. I woon: HJtch bur sn.a up proud irmm 01 gnU Tliut 1 tho click o' the luicb, "liS: TUt LOAN UBDIHANCt, A Correspondent Corrocto ttouo Iniprosa. by mq Oppun.l or (h? Loan, to Uu Editor vl tht InUltnenm.
Sih: A writer in Sunday's Kna-letUr, who either does not understand or wilfully misrepresents tbo loan onllnanco and Its effects, indulges in of a tirade against It. He makes four points: First, that a stone bridge can bo paid for in two or tbreo years, out of tbo current revenues of the city; 'second, that the city la not fJPT1I eu to straighten Caldwell's run; third, that refunding tbo will not save inonev to the city: fourth, that the loan ordinance will Increase taxation, unprecedented freshet waabed out tho stouo bridgo over tho crook. To put aaubstantial stone bridge there, According to the moat conservative SuSS 8n and subnilttod to Council, will require $74,000 and a time. It this should be tafceu from current revenues, fu re we II to our paying or other improvements. Tho statutes of this State also forbid any If the bridge was built iu one year no contractor would wult for his money to bo do ed out to him for II years, and fui'into uebt to liiui If hu would wait.
WM demanded by public sentiment. It was neither list to our trade or property holders that only one briilge should exist connecting tho north and south purls ol I his city for the length of lime necessary bride stone Hut tho temporary bridge may be washed out nt any time. Are we propared to do without nperuianent briiAro Xlio alternative is either that or slop all street paving, unless this ordinance is approved by tho people. As to straightening Caldwell's run, the writer in -tbo Aeics fatter mlsrepre-1 sents when he says that no estimates have been obtained. The city engineer estimated it carofullyut $13,000 over two years ago.
Assumption and insertion are not calculation. Thoso who say It will cost over Sifi.OOO simply contradict, without figures. every estimate obtained I bv the Board of Public Works and ollidally reported to Council. No city in tho land would have suffered thus long (litigation or no litigation) Itself to Be cut in two by sucii an unsightly corktcrew stream. It has destroyed both Ilfo mid property during tho fast year.
It is a dangerous stream. 11 straightened, tho water will run off. aud obviate the perils, iho litigation Is not at an end. Judge Jacob decision will lie appealed. Alter a year or two it may come back for years more from tho Court of Appeals to tho Circuit Court for further expensive and tedious If the present decision should stand, tbo city loses fifteen feet in width of the street along tbo run, and Is enjoined from building tho neccisary walls for the bridge on lioir street over the lame.
If the loan is voted, the city not only retains tho ten feet, but flltcon foet more in width in tbo streot along tho fun wlli bo given, not sold, to tho city. lbe loan ol 187" bears six por cent in lerest. The proposed loan of 1889 ia only 11 vo por c*nt. Thla makes a airing to the city of about $1,600 por annum. Hut It la complainod that the loan ordinance of 1880 provides for a direct tux in addition to all other taxes for thirtyfovr years.
And ao docs every other loan ordlnanco sinco including the loiin ordlnauco of 1877. The nets of thu Stale Legislature of 1872-73 require every city to put such provision in every loan no such tax has ever been levied or collected In tlio city of Wheeling. Tlio principal and interest of all loanahave been paid always out of the regular yearly income of the city. The writer In the S'mt-Utlrr was strangely Ignorant If ho did not know this, 'There (re noao so blind as tliono who do not want to see." The income of tlio city will be amply competent to pay tlila loan, as all prevlons loans liavo been paid out of the income of tlio city as is being done, although the provision for a spcelal tax la contained In each ordinance authorising any loan since 1872-3. No other course was intended or thought of as to this loan, and it will never lucrcaseany man's taxes one cent.
The approval of tlio ordlnanco will only cause a certain portion of the usual aunual income of the city to be appropriated to pay thla loan, instead ol being uaed (or other purposes. It is only a question of how a portion of the annual inpoiuo shall beapeut. The Increase in the net, not gross, debt of tlio city In 1888 over 1887 is a very slinplo matter. The reitrulnlng ordinance lias never lieen violated, but strictly observed. It permits thu Council to spend all the city's resources, but forbids creating debt.
In 1887 tlio lncomo wunotipent by $23,000. At the end of that year the $23,000 was deducted from the gross debt wllii nther predilp, leaving the net debt. This $23,000 has been spent during 1888 and also the Incotno of 1888? consequently the sum $23,000 of the credits deducted it tlio end of 1887 from the amount of tho gross debt, was not deducted from tho grosa debt of the city at tho end of 1888. Only tho city's income was spent, of course, during the two years and no debt was created. Let those who aro opposed to public improvements, who uo not desire sny stone bridge or any permanent bridge, who have no publicspirit, who desire to perpetuate a dangerous, nuts, knee, Caldwell's run now is, who want the city to pay tlio bondlioldore six per cent, Instead of five per cent, who are satlsilod to seo the paving of our streets stopped and the old fogy policy nernetSated, which baa kept Wheeling back in te race with other cities ol no more against this losn ordlnanoe, and they will notaave a oont of taxes, but waste Interest which might bsssved, Tho writer haa no Interest In the matter, save as a cltlien of Wheeling, will derive no private or individual benefit directly or Indirectly If the loan la carried, but la not willing that tho people aiiall be aubjecied through the preae, and misled far of a reply Into concluding they are correct preeentstlons of the matter, to tho detriment of hid, natlfe city, In wblob his all la comprised.
Thla latheany motive lor this He cannot conceive why any wtor who li correctly informed ahould cut hie ballot against the ordinance, But there ire always some persons who are tile to anything III heaven or earth, They built, that made fleas and he msdo His ways are inscrutible and put finding out. Ecukomy. mitlint, BIRTHDAY. The Soul ol Vilirwi auggMl an Id.allial Will Plan Popular. Tho Bona ol Veterans, through their Commander-in-Chief, G.
B. Abbott, have come to the front wlth an idea which, no doubt, will provo popular, and attract national attention. It la embodied in the following section of General Orders No. 17, just Issued from National of February should be one dear to the heart of every American citizen, for upon that day was born that typical American patriot, the sainted, martyred Lincoln. Not one of our countrymen bos ever accomplished so much for the advancement of civilisation and at so great a personal sacrlflce as he who issued the Emancipation Proc atuation, and eventually surrendered life lor the grsnd causa In which he enlisted.
As on organisation, tbore is no day in the calendar that we have particularly appropriated aa our own. It ia believed to be eminently tilting and proper that we ahould have audi a day. and it is especially recommended, and Colonela commanding are requested to encourage amoug tho camps. brothers aud citizens the celebration 01 tho birth of Lincoln on tho evening of the ensuing 12th ol February. Let the observance bo made universal throughout the entire organisation.
Let thero be speech making. Let thero.be patriotic songs, and an enthusiastic rising of our peoplo in the usine of loyalty. Let tho proper committees be set to work at once, so that arrangomenta may bo-completed, Request ministers to announce it from their pulpits and the children of the public achooia be invited to attend, free and open for all, and mako tbla a great day, notouly for thia year, but all coming years, for special observance by tho Sona of Vetorana and Union soldiers. 1 By command of G. Auuott, Commander-in-Chief.
Will F. Jenkins, Adjutant General. Turklah Supeiatltlon Abuut (ha Dead. St. Limit Globe lkmocrat.
Preparations for tho funeral are begun as soon as life is extinct, as tho Turks beliove in burying the dead as quickly aa possible. Tho eyelids are closed anU the lower jaw bandaged; tho arms are stretched down tho aides and tho feet tied together. Tho priest and his assistants are now summoned to wash tho corpse. As with uh, no matter how a person may have been klckcd and bufloted through life, ho is handled very tenderly after ull sensibility has departed. Tho Turks are oven more careful of this, because any lack of tenderness In bundling a corpse would bring upen them the curse of tho deau man's soul.
How He Would front? Uurglar. Uwittun Journal. Tho report of a daring burglary started a talk about robbers aud such unpleasant things, arouud tho tiblo tho other Jay. I would you do if you should wako up and find a burglar in your chamber?" 1 asked Dough uy. "1 should pass him my wallet and my watch and beg hint to leave tho "But suppose you hail a loaded revolver under your pillow." "I should pass him tho revolver too," replied Doughby, with obvious sin-1 eerily.
U. IS. II. (Ilotnutc llluucl Utility) If you try this remedy you will my many others bare salJ, that It la tlio mmt blood purlller and tonic. Write Mood llalm for book of convincing testimony.
Davis, Atlanta, (West End) writes: "I consider that D. 11. boa pcrinauoutlycured me of rbcumatUm and aclatlca." U. It. Bnulter, Athens, nays: B.
B. cured me of an ulcor that bad realated all other treatment." E. G.Tlnsley,Columbiana, writes: "My mother and alstor had sore throat and aorofula. II. 11.
cured them." Jacob r. Booncler. Newman, writesi '11. 1L 11. entirely cured mo of rheumatism In my I shouldera.
I used ilx Charles Rclnhartlt, No.Fountain streot, Iialtlmoro. writes: "I suffered with lug plica two years, and am glad to say that ouc bottle of II. 11. II. cured tse, J.
J. writes: "11.11. B. is a quick cure for catarrh. Three bottles cured me.
i bad been troubled several ycMi? ll.Hplnk, Atlanta, says: "One bottle ol II. II. 11. completely cured ccxcma. W.
A. l'eppor, Kredonla, writes: 11. II. curod my mother ol ulcerated sore throat. Logau wholcaalo agents.
8 Homes In the South. The Queen Crescent route will sell excursion tickets to Fort Payne, Attalla, Tuscaloosa, Decatur. Hattesburg, Jsckson, and Arcadia, at one fare for round trip, on November 20, December 4 and 18, tickets good for sixty days. Now ia your chance to examine the cheap lands of the South, No bliuards, sure crops and pleasant climate. Alllralss leavo from tho Grand Central Depot, Cincinnati, For pamphlets and other Information address Neil 0.
Kerr, Central Passongor Agent, Pittsburgh, or D. 0. Edwards, acting General Passenger Agent Queon A Crescent routo, Cincinnati, Ohio. liven the moth his sphere In society. Ho very frequently appears lu a dress suit.
HOW IIOCTOIIS COMQUKHDEATU. Doctor Waller K. Hammond lays: "A (toralong experience 1 liave corno to the conclusion that two-thirds of all deatlia from coughs, pneumouia and consumption, might bu avoided if Or. Acker's Knaliah Remedy for conanmption were only carefully uacd in time." This wondorful Itcmedy la told under a poeltivo guarantee by 0. It.
Clootie, K. 11. Burt, 0. Menkouieller, Logan dc Co. 2 Arnica Halve, Tlio beat aalve In tbe world for cute, brulaca, aorca, ulcere, aalt rlieum, fever aorca, letter, ebapped bandi, clillblalna, corna, and nil akiu cruptioni, and noailively ouraa pllei, or no pay required.
It la guaranteed to give perfect aatiafactlon, or money refunded, l'rlca 28 ccnla per box. For salo by Logan A Co, A inan troubled with tbe blg-boad complaint feela very amall after lid bat been cured. W1IY WOMKN KAUK. Women lose tbelr beanty becauto colda undormlno tbelr life. Dr.
Acker'a Engliab ltemcdy for Cenaumption la an abaolute cure for colda, 0. Uoetio, 0. Monkemellcr, A Co. t)iw-l You can alwiyi truat a deaf man to bear what you wouldn't for tbo world hare him know you aver aald. COUGH SYRUP i t)'.
nmt mors. The wheat utt this year In Kinw I twice what it lut year. A gooso with her wings tied wu ten over Niagara Falls the other day anc floated away alive. A Guuiuion school of theology wai founded recently by the Bev. E.
A. Gammon, el Batavia, Ilia. Massachusetts spent 17,000,000 list year (or the education of persons, at the rate ol $20 per head. John Wright, an aged reaident of Atlanta, claims to have been suddenly cured of blindness by prayer. Three Missouri postmasters have witbiu a short time committed suicide because of shortage In their accounts.
It is Mrs. Grundy's observation that crowda of people have got "into aoclety" by crawling in uuder tue tent. A screech owl was recently found on the farm of a Susquehanna county man with tba figures "1870" cat ou its beak. "Oho Mali," the Chinese dwarf, the smallest Ulliputisn on earth, aged fifty years, Is so small that you cau cover him with an ordinary plug hat. A town in the extreme western part ol the Htato has been named Weskan, a contraction of West Kansas.
It has a newspaper called the Weakansan. Legally, there is no such city as Memphis. Some years ago the State Legislature took away its charter and named it "The Taxing District of Shelby County." An uluiu mine has been discovered in Utah, It yields 80 to 110 per cent pure alum, which can be extracted by simply placing the crude material In boiling water. George Smith, a colored man in Cairo, put a billiard ball In his mouth to show that it could be done, but tbe dentist had to removo some of bis teeth to prove that It was a foolish act. UruptlDu of the Skin Cured.
Ed. Venney, Brockville, Ontario, Canada, says: I have used Biunuubtu's Fills for the past fifteeu yeurs, and think them the best catbartioandanti-billous remedy known. For some five years I suffered with an oruptlon of the skin that gave me great pain and annoyance. I tried different blood remedies, but, although Balning strength the itching was unroeved. I finally concluded to take a thorough course of Bbaxdmsth's Pills, I took six each night for four nights, then five, four, three, two, lcssenlngeach time by one, and then for one month took one every night, with the happy result that now luy akin is perfectly clear and lias been so ever since, Thoro is but little poetry in gas bill when the meter Is out of order.
00 NOT sUFl'KK ANY LONUlilt. Knowing that a cough can bo checked in a day, anil the first stages of consumption broken lu week, we hereby guarantee Dr. Acker's English Itemedy for Consumption, and will refund the money to all who buy, take it as per directions, and do not find our statement correct. O. It.
Goetxe, It. B. Burt, O. Meukemcller, Ixigau Co. Dr.
Junker thinks Stanley nnd Einin are still safe. At ull events they are still. lluoi It t'n; Three-fourths ol our people aro troubled with Dyspepsia or Liver Complaint In somo form er other, which by nature of the disease has a depressing Influence on the mind or body, preventing them from tUnklng or acting clearly many matter of Importance. Indigestion, coming up of food alter eating, dyspepsia, sick headache, acidity of the stomach or any derangement of the stomach orllver (upon which the whole action of our system depends) are speedily and effectually overcome by tlio use of Qrtm'i Auijutl Flower. Tlio most stubborn cases have yielded to its inlluence, as thousands of letters received will testify.
The immcnso tale of this medicine is another guurantee of its merits, (overn million and a half bottles sold last year.) So we ask, will it pay yon to suffer from any of the above diseases when you can have immediato relief in the Awjuit Flower. Three doses will prove Us worth. It is Bold by all druggists and general dealers In all parts of tuo world, Daw TKIlltUILK. Two-thirds of all deaths in New Vork City are from consumption or pneumonia. Tho samo proportion holds for most other cities.
DelnyB are dangerous. Dr. Acker's English Itemedy for consumption will always reliove, and may save your life. 0. It.
Goetie, R. B. Bnrt, 0. Monkemeller, Logan Co. 4 I Piles I Ilolilog PUea.
inlouao Itching and utilising; moit at night; worso by scratching. If allowed to continuo form, which often bleed and becoming verjr sore. Bwaynk'b Ointment stops Uio itching and bleeding, hcata ulceration, and Id mokt cases removes the tumors. At drugglsls. or by mall, for M) cents.
Dr. Swayne Bon, Philadelphia, rrhsaw Kcsema, Itchy, Scaly, Bkln Tortures. Tho simple application of "8wayne's Ointment," without any Internal medietas, will cure any case of Tetter. Bait Uheum, Hlngworm, l'lfes, Itch, Sores, rim pies, Kttoma, all Bcaly, Itchy Bkln Eruptions, no matter how obstinate or long standlug. It is potent, effective, and costs but a trifle.
rrhuw FINANCE AND TItADE. The Features or the Blouey and Stock Markets. New Yore, Jan. on call easy at 2 to per cent; last loan 2 per cen closed ofltored at 2 per cent. Prime mcrcautllo paper 4a per cent.
Sterling exebaugo Arm aud active Sales of slocks were 220,038 shsres. The stock market was a divided ono to-day with Southwestern! wesk and the dull stocks and specialties remarkably strong, but tho oral lint dovclopod strength as tho day wore along, and the result of the day's trading Is to loavu the list generally fractionally higher than tho close on Saturday. First prices were only slightly changed from Saturday's close, while tho tone of the market was strong at tho opening. An attack upon A tchlwti checked the improving tendency, and although while Atchison dropped 2H per cent, Missouri Pacific aud New England 2k per cent, Missouri Pacific aud an inclination to follow, and tho losses In thein were for fractions only. Dullness followed with a rally befortfnoon, when tho coal stocks came Into prominence, aud Dolawsro A Hudson with Pullmau led a marked upward movement.
Another attack upon Atchison occurred in tho afternoou, but it failed to reach ua low as in tho forenoon. The ral list reacbod tho prices of (ho daj general list reacliptf tno ben prices of tbo day towards delivery hour. Thocloapwas slightly Ififi ike Erie Western reached tho 1 heavyr Atchison shojri ullni uln tlfnflX. Uov.rnm.in mul buud. dull ana itwljr, (OHM and ROCK iJl'UTATlONit-CUtUD (ID.
h. AinwlMOKipftw-lW off Jitesi WH Northern cMffteriL do nrefoffwl JflU do preferrt ifcwrf V. A. A I cltei't sSSSte ilr.nd.tuin Mil You, nnlpu MrNlI (lu' as soon as cold weather sets in, my hands roughen and crack. buy the best and most expensive soap my druggist has, but the result is just the same; sore hands every winter.
BrownI had just the same experience, until I read one of the Ivory Soap advertisem*nts, about too much alkali in some soaps, which draws the natural oil from the skin and leaves it dry and liable to crack, so I sent out and got a cake of Ivory Soap, and found it all the advertisem*nt promised; my hands are soft and smooth the year round. A WORD OF WARNING. There are many white soaps, each represented to be Just at good as the' Ivory11" they ARE NOT, but like all counterfeits, lack the peculiar and remarkable qualities of the genuine. Ask for "Ivory" Soap and Insist upon getting It. laid, br Procter it Gamble.
MUSTANG LINIMENT Thus the 4. pain, Makes MAN or BEA8T well again! weak: spot No. 2 white aifcn.H^c; mixed western whlto do Ma JHiUWXo; Ma. 2 Chicago Ilay oosy. Hopa Arm.
toffee steady und ltfaO points auovo Hatunlay, January lft.00al0.00c; February lft.76a 15.85c; March, April aud May lft.7ftal5.Wc; June, July and August lft.76alft.Wc; September 10.00c: October 10.05: spot ttio stronger at Sugar, raw dull: refined cusv; WtaflMo; extra CftUa OUc: white extra yellow ft'iu; off A Oka Owe; mould A standard A coufinv tlimcrs A CJfe; cut loaf 8c: crushed Set powdored, granulated and cubes 7a7ftc. Molasses quiet: Now Orleans dull; own kuttlo, tirlnao to choice, Itlce linn. Tallow dull; city 5jfc. Itosln and turpentine quiet. Kites steady; western 1'ork lower; old mess 813 13 75; new mm 81410.
Cut meats steady; pickled bellies do shoulders do hams 10c. Lard lower and moderately active; western spot 7.toc; January 7.28c: Februsry 7.28o; March 7.28c; April 7.90c; May 7.82c; June July 7.8Gc: August 7.87c; September 7.80c. Butter steady; western dairy tHaUta; do creamery 10a 25He. Cheese strong; western lOalUJe. Ciiicaoo, Jan.
fair speculative business was transacted lu wheat, and the feeling won somowkat unsettled, though no very important changes occurred. There was very little Interest manifested In corn. Oata, qulut and steady. Provisions moderately actlvo. Flour steady and unchanicd.
No. 4 sprlntrUHaQHc; No. 2 red OOtfaUOKc; January and February dosing at HOOJi; July 2 ami January Mai Oata, cash 25Hc; May Timothy scot uary and February 2Sal2ifo; May 112 Lard.cashJJanuary and March 0.82>{a6.87J{c: May 0.V7KO. Hacon, short ribs G.4"c; shoulders 0 00 aO.12%0! short clear 0.75afl.ft7>$c. Whisky, tl 0B.
Sugars, culloat granulated aru A il. Iluttor and unchanged. Kggt steady at IftalGc. The visible supply of grain In comparison wltli that of last week, as reported by tho Hoard of Trado, la as follows: Wheat 80,500,000 890,000 bushels; corn 16,236,00 bushels, Increase 161,000 bushels: oats 8,895,000 bushels, decrease 80,000 bushels; rye 1,085,000 bushels, decrease 2,000 bushols; barley 2,883,000 bushels, decreuse 220,000 bushels. PittUDXLNtiA, Jan.
quiet. Wheat steady; No 2 rod January 95a0ft)fc; February ItiaOftXo: Maroh April WaWc: May OOHcafl 00. Corn steady; No. 8 mixed track 88c: No. 8 high mixed 89c; steamer No.
2 high mixed 2 mixed January and February 4lUa March April May 44c. Osta steady; No. 8 white 32CJ No. 2 white January February March 84Sa SUKp; April May Uuttcr dull and weak; Pennsylvania ctcamery extra 25c: do prints do 280. Kggs dull; Pennsylvania firsts 17e.
Chefcso steady; part skims 0a8c. Cincinnati, Jan.21.-Flour quiet; samlly t4 25 st 40; fsncyIt 20M 80. Wheat steady: No. 2rod It 00. Coru easier; No.
2 mixed Oats firm; No. 2mixed 28kp. ltye dull: No. 2, Pork dull at 113 00. fowor at 0.70o.
Hulk meats dull and nominal; short ribs 0.87c. Bacon easy; short clear M.87>ic. Whisky firm at ft U3. Hutter. easy; fancy northwestern creamery 27a 28o; prime dairy roll 12al3e.
Unseed oil steady Sugar quiet: hard Now OrleausftVic. Km steady at cheese Ann; cholco cured mfia Ohio Uat IUltimork, Jan. western easier; spot and January W9fo bid; Fubruary V3l4o: March WkaWjic: April Coru, western easy; mixed spot 41Kc: February 41Hc; March May 43a48Uc. Oats uulet; western white do uilxud waaie, Hay dull; prime to choice timothy $17 00al7 DO. Hyo quiet atWaOOc.
Hutter steady: western packed lftal7o; creamery 18a2Cc. Kggs leudy at 16c; Coffee Arm Klul7Hc. Tquho. 0.. Jan 21 actlvo and higher; cash Oik; July Corn dull; cash86o.
Oats neglectod. Oloversoed aotlve and firm i cash and February 80; Maroh 95 Live Block, Ciiicaoo, Jan. 8,500 head; head; market slow and stoady; oholcv to oxtra beeves 14 40a4 00; steers 12 ma 4 10; stookcrs aud feeders 12 MM8 00; cows, bulls and miied tl ooaa co. Hogs-Howl pts ll.ooo head; shipments 4.500 head; mixed (I oft; heavy snd light II Waft 10; skips 13 4Ua5 u'i. Sheep? ilocclpls 8,000 head; shipments 2,000 head; market weaker and ft to lOo lower; uatlvos 76a5 80; western corn tod 40al 05; Texans ft 40a4K; lambs 1180am a i FeadTshlpmeiits" "siow and loalta off from last week.
CINCINNATI, Jan. easieri common and light KfltehoSt tweaTni and to; receipts 8,700 head; shipments l'etrolaiinii Yoax, Jan, firm at MMe, but after the first salt's beoaine sirong and advanced lo 80kc. A slight then occurred, but the advance was well and the raarksi closet! strong atesjtfct sales barrels. LNLOttVe JHr Metals, gs'ssas Cotton. cirniMHi, Jan.
ilawlr i mlddllm Educational. It. De NEAR WHEELING, W. Vfl. (Sisters of tbo Visitation.) A school of mora (ban national reputation, offers exceptional advnulsges for thorough education of young Indies in all departments.
1.1* brary of aiz thouaand volumea. Fine philoaophical, chcmlcal and aatronomical apparatua. Musical Department specially noted. Corpaof piano trained by a leading profwsor from Conservatory of Stuttgart. Vocal culture according to tho method of the old Hallos maulers.
Location uniurpaaaed for beauty and health. Ton acrea of picasuro grounds. Hoard excellent For Catalogues, and references to patrona In all tbo principal cities, address sel THE DIRECTRESS. Washington School of Elocution AND ORATORY. Mia.
M. STEVENS IIART Principal. N. WiBiilNOTOH, D. C.
Sixth Annual 8esslou begins Wednesday, September 28. Course of instruction embraces Elocution, Practical English and English Claaaics, Latin, Mathematics. Modern Languages, Vocal and strumental Music and Physical Culture. Tho l'rincepal is assisted by an efllcleut corps of teschers In each department. Graded Classes for boys and girls daily.
Adult Classes and private instruction glren In tho evening. 1 Diplomas awarded. A limited number of pupila accommodated In the family. For circulara and refcrencca apply to Ikteluoknckk office. au81 Stammering Cured.
Bratcm based upon nature's laws. No Secrecy Tricks. System explained to those Interested. Testimonials from physicians, edncaton and patrons, who have received benefit from tho method of instruction. Address, Mas.
M. STEVEN 4 HART, Principal, Waahington School of Elocution aud English Language. sot Street. N. Wsshlngton, D.
C. Students boarded in family of PrincIpaU. auSt Plumbing. Gas Stoam Fitting. HAIIE 4 SON, I'RAOTIOAL Plumbers, Gag and Steam Fitters, No.
08 TWELFTH BT. AH work done promptly at reasonable prices. H-EO. 11IBBERD SON. VJ Succeaaora to Thompsou A Hlbbord, Practical Plumbers, Gas 4 Steam Fitters, DHA8S FOUNDERS, (las Supplies, Steam Heating and Ventilation.
MM MARKET Wheollng, W. Va. AH work promptly done at most reasonable Cocoa. UlUTEFUL-COHFOBTINO. EPPS'S COCOA Breakfast.
"Br a thorough knowledge of the natural laws vhlch govsm tbo operations of dlgestlo aud Enutrition, and by a csreful application of the floe properties or well selected Cocoa, Mr. Epps has provided our breakfaat ubles with a ktelr flavored beverage which mayaavo ua many eavy doctors'bills, it Is by the Judlo ous use SI such artlelea of diet that a constitution nay gradually built up until strong enough to rolls! evert tendency to disease, jlundreds of tie maladloa are floating around ua ready U) attack wherever there la a weak point. We may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well fortified with pure, blood and a properly nourliihed Service Uasetle. Made simply with boiling water or mllir. Hold Raw Oysters.
PEARSON 00., 1IALTIH0M, Ml). TRAVELERS GUIDE. A emval and departure of and alter Not. IS. "gBgsag Cumberland Grafton Acoo.
Columbia Accom I Columbua Olndnnatl flu CUlnville St. CUlntvlilo Bt. CUlnviiio Columbua and Cincinnati Belial ru W.i PiAB. Div, Depart. 12:01 pa gu Clairirtiie Bt.
OUirfTilo Aooom St. le Aooom CUlriTi le Aooom ruMomr. fiiiH 10:26 6:26 pm 5:80 am isbe: 12:46 pm S. ft 0. lUllroad.
Belial ro 4 Zaneerllle Through Paaaenger leavea Bellalro at at Bellalro at 8:90 p. m. Woodifleld Paaaenger leavea Bellalro at 4:20 p. at Bellalro at 8:25 a. Bummerfleld Accommodation leavea Bellalro at 12:26 p.
arrlvea at Bellalro at 11:80 a. m. Railroads. wheeling A ELM GROVE R. R.
TV Ou and alter Saturday, October 13, 1888. tralna on the Wheeling Si Elm Grove Kailroad will run aa lollowa: I.HAVE WlIKKUNO: 6:80 a. 7:00 a. 0 a. 11:00 a.
1:30 p. p. 6:20 p. 9:00 p. in.
Leave Whuuno i'ahk: 0:10 a.m., 7:45 a.m. 10:00 a 12:80 p. 4:20 p.m., (5:10 p. ON further notice tralua will run an lollowa: Leave the city at 8:00 a. mid run every hour until Leave Wheeling l'ark at and run every hour until 10 m.
Kxcopt church train will leavo Park at 0:46 a. m. and city at 12:16 p. m. no2l O.
niRBCII.Bup't. Baltimore ohio railroadDeparturoof tralm from Wheeling. Schedule foci November time: Kxpreaa lor Chicago and the Northweat, 10:215 a 8:10 dally, and 11:15 dally except Saturday. Kxproaa (or Cincinnati and 8L Loula, 10:25 a dally, dally, except Saturday. Columbua accommodation, 8:65 a daily.
For Columbua, 8:65 and 10:25 a daily, and 11:15 dally, oxcart Saturday, and 2:20 daily, except Sunday. Expreaa for Waahlngton, D. Baltimore, Philadelphia and Now York, via Grafton, and 6:10 dally, via Pittaburgh 0:30 p. u. daily.
For Plttihnrgn and Waahlngton, 5:00 a dally: expreaa, daily, 1:46 dai.y except Sunday. Additional way tralu for InRton. 6:30 dally except Sunday. For Pittaburgh, Washington, Baltimore and Philadelphia at dally. t'olumbuaand Cincinnati, 2:45 a Bunday only.
For Monndarille, ftilO a and 12:00 noon, and 5:10 m. nnlly, except Sunday. Express tralna arrive from Chicago, 8:65. and and 4:56 a dally except Monday. KzpreM tralna arrive from Bt.
Loula and Cincinnati, 4:66 am dalhr. Bxpreaa trains arrive from Philadelphia, BalU; more and Washington. D. Grafton, 12:85 pm and 0:06 dally; via. Pittaburgh, 10:16 a.
m. dully. Tralus arrive from am dally, and dally, and 10:85 am dally except arrive from PltUhurgh, lOrtfia dally, and except Sunday, 6:66 and 11:10 dally. Tralui arrive from Washington, 8:00 am, dally except Sunday. Tralna arrive from Moundsvllle, 9:45 a and 1:40 pm, dally except Sunday.
Tralna arrive from Grafton, 9:45 am, and m.dall). Tralna arrive from Cumberland, 5:60 dally exceptBuuday. Tralna arrlvo from St. Clalravllle. and 1:40 and 6:60 dally except Sunday.
liellalro accommodation 11:16 p. Saturday ouly. Baggago called for and oheekod at hotola and realaencci on ordera left at ticketoffloo, 1200 Qen. Pu. Actct.
W. M. CLMIgNTB, Bimim. Ohio river Tablo taking effect 1888. gcr tralna will run aa followa-Central Time.
All trnlm dally except those marked thusf which do not run on Sunday: SOUTH hound. Parkorsburg Mason Clifton I Arrlve-Pt. Qalllpolla Huntington Charleston I Portamouth White Staunton KOXTH MOUND. 1:::: Ouvandottc I Maaon Ravenswood itefer: sslfflfc 1 Ben Arrive-Whetling asaii; awayr? i lirough Ylcketa aud I points. PftKD 8:00 6:86 8:20 10:00 p.
m. Uta 6:30 8:20 a.m. 6:26 8:00 No. am. 10:00 10:15 11:40 12:01 p.m.
12:85 12:40 VM 1196 4:00 6:55 file 7:80 a. 10:30 MIC, 11:06 1:45 2:16 ltd 4:0" iifiM 7196 7:40 10:08 a.m. a m. 6:80 6:45 7:05 8:20 10:10 10:45 2:80 1:60 1:66 2:80 2:60 4:15 4:80 8:20 7:10 9:28 6:00 6:16 6)40 7:00 7:41 9:00 10:46 11:16 i.m. 2 its 2:80 St90 a.m.
6:2., 1 6:80 8:48 6:20 5:25 8:05 8:00 uheckcd to all W. J. IlOBINSOlf, Oen'l Paw. Atenl, Wheeling. W.
Va. IITTSBCROH. CINCINNATI A 8T. LOUIS KAILwAy Konte dule in edict August 6,1888. tralna Im, Central Standard time- Hot RW I nttshurghandtho Kast, 0:20 a.
Korrolumbuaand Chiourc Tralna arrive atWheellng at "Id 8:20 p. ta, am, and 8 ho 1 12:86 p. HI. TUiua nunc bi Mn, Flnanolal. JJXOHANQE BANkT Maimer, oiaaoroa InlMi looUtid ionn, ouhitt JOHN J.
MMniW TJANK OF THE OHIO VALLKyT UHM. I rnm un fSMK" lotor tu I. P. JIP80M, Cashier,.